Packages changed:
  installation-images-MicroOS (17.8 -> 17.11)

=== Details ===

==== filesystem ====

- Leave subdirectories of /srv mode 755 as the apache openqa test relies on it
  atm. Only set /srv itself to 555
- implement mkdir_p for ghost files as components may not exist
- move usrmerge conversion to %pre instead of %pretrans (boo#1188847)
- get rid of usrmerged macro usage, usrmerge is on in Factory always

==== installation-images-MicroOS ====
Version update (17.8 -> 17.11)

- merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#517
- fix getting the kernel file name
- 17.11
- merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#516
- adobe-sourcesanspro-fonts have their font names changed
- 17.10
- merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#488
- Find kernel also outside boot (boo#1184804)
- 17.9