Packages changed:
  389-ds (2.3.0~git0.3db81913e -> 2.3.0~git22.8fedec0)
  ImageMagick ( ->
  MozillaFirefox (106.0.1 -> 106.0.5)
  SDL2 (2.24.1 -> 2.24.2)
  akonadi-calendar (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  akonadi-calendar-tools (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  akonadi-contact (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  akonadi-import-wizard (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  akonadi-mime (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  akonadi-notes (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  akonadi-search (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  akonadi-server (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  akregator (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  alsa ( -> 1.2.8)
  alsa-ucm-conf ( -> 1.2.8)
  alsa-utils (1.2.7 -> 1.2.8)
  analitza (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  apache2-mod_php7 (7.4.32 -> 7.4.33)
  ark (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  augeas (1.12.0 -> 1.13.0)
  autoyast2 (4.5.6 -> 4.5.8)
  baloo5-widgets (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  blinken (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  bluedevil5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  bovo (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  breeze (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  breeze-gtk (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  btrfsprogs (5.19.1 -> 6.0)
  calendarsupport (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  cepces (0.3.4 -> 0.3.6)
  cervisia (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  curl (7.85.0 -> 7.86.0)
  dbus-1 (1.14.0 -> 1.14.4)
  dbus-1-x11 (1.14.0 -> 1.14.4)
  discover (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  dolphin (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  dragonplayer (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  drkonqi5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  eog (43.0 -> 43.1)
  eventviews (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  evince (43.0 -> 43.1)
  expat (2.4.9 -> 2.5.0)
  ffmpegthumbs (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  firewalld (1.2.0 -> 1.2.1)
  gcc11 (11.3.1+git1902 -> 11.3.1+git2076)
  gdk-pixbuf (2.42.9 -> 2.42.10)
  gettext-runtime (0.21 -> 0.21.1)
  gjs (1.74.0 -> 1.74.1)
  glib2 (2.74.0 -> 2.74.1)
  gnome-maps (43.0 -> 43.1)
  gnome-remote-desktop (43.0 -> 43.1)
  gnome-terminal (3.46.2 -> 3.46.3)
  gpgme (1.16.0 -> 1.18.0)
  grantleetheme (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  gstreamer (1.20.3 -> 1.20.4)
  gstreamer-plugins-bad (1.20.3 -> 1.20.4)
  gstreamer-plugins-base (1.20.3 -> 1.20.4)
  gstreamer-plugins-good (1.20.3 -> 1.20.4)
  gstreamer-plugins-libav (1.20.3 -> 1.20.4)
  gstreamer-plugins-rs (0.8.4+git20220824.052092cd -> 0.9.alpha.1+git20221020.5c89c3d)
  gstreamer-plugins-ugly (1.20.3 -> 1.20.4)
  gtk4 (4.8.1 -> 4.8.2)
  gwenview5 (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  highway (1.0.1 -> 1.0.2)
  incidenceeditor (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  irssi (1.4.2 -> 1.4.3)
  juk (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  k3b (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kaccounts-integration (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kaccounts-providers (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kactivitymanagerd (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  kaddressbook (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kalgebra (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kamera (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kanagram (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kapptemplate (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kate (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  katomic (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kblackbox (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kblocks (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kbounce (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kbreakout (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kbruch (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kcachegrind (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kcalc (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kcalutils (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kcharselect (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kcm_sddm (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  kcolorchooser (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kcron (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kde-cli-tools5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  kde-gtk-config5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  kde-print-manager (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kdeconnect-kde (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kdeedu-data (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kdegraphics-thumbnailers (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kdenetwork-filesharing (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kdepim-addons (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kdepim-runtime (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kdevelop5 (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kdf (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kdialog (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kdiamond (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kernel-firmware (20220930 -> 20221031)
  kernel-source (6.0.3 -> 6.0.7)
  kgamma5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  kgeography (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kget (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kgoldrunner (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  khangman (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  khelpcenter5 (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  khotkeys5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  kidentitymanagement (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kig (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kimap (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kinfocenter5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  kio-extras5 (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kio_audiocd (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kipi-plugins (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kiriki (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kiten (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kitinerary (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kjumpingcube (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kldap (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kleopatra (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  klines (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kmag (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kmahjongg (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kmail (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kmail-account-wizard (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kmailtransport (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kmbox (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kmenuedit5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  kmime (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kmines (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kmousetool (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kmouth (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kmplot (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  knavalbattle (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  knetwalk (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  knotes (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kolf (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kollision (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kolourpaint (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kompare (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  konquest (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  konsole (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kontact (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kontactinterface (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  konversation (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kopete (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  korganizer (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kpat (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kpimtextedit (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kpipewire (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  kpkpass (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kqtquickcharts (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kreversi (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kruler (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  ksanecore (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kscreen5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  kscreenlocker (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  kshisen (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  ksirk (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  ksmtp (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kspaceduel (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  ksquares (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  ksshaskpass5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  ksudoku (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  ksystemlog (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  ksystemstats5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  kteatime (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  ktimer (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  ktnef (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  ktouch (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kturtle (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kubrick (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kvm_stat (6.0.3 -> 6.0.7)
  kwalletmanager5 (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kwayland-integration (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  kwin5 (5.26.1 ->
  kwordquiz (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  kwrited5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  layer-shell-qt (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  libHX (4.6 -> 4.7)
  libXext (1.3.4 -> 1.3.5)
  libXinerama (1.1.4 -> 1.1.5)
  libdrm (2.4.113 -> 2.4.114)
  libffi (3.4.3 -> 3.4.4)
  libfprint (1.94.4 -> 1.94.5+tod1)
  libgravatar (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  libidn2 (2.3.3 -> 2.3.4)
  libkcddb (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  libkcompactdisc (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  libkdcraw (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  libkdecoration2 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  libkdegames (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  libkdepim (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  libkeduvocdocument (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  libkexiv2 (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  libkgapi (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  libkipi (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  libkleo (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  libkmahjongg (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  libkomparediff2 (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  libksane (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  libkscreen2 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  libksieve (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  libksysguard5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  libktorrent (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  libmysofa (1.2.1 -> 1.3.1)
  libnvme (1.1 -> 1.2)
  libp11 (0.4.11 -> 0.4.12)
  libqt5-qtbase (5.15.6+kde177 -> 5.15.7+kde167)
  libqt5-qtconnectivity (5.15.6+kde5 -> 5.15.7+kde5)
  libqt5-qtdeclarative (5.15.6+kde20 -> 5.15.7+kde18)
  libqt5-qtgraphicaleffects (5.15.6+kde0 -> 5.15.7+kde0)
  libqt5-qtimageformats (5.15.6+kde4 -> 5.15.7+kde5)
  libqt5-qtlocation (5.15.6+kde3 -> 5.15.7+kde3)
  libqt5-qtmultimedia (5.15.6+kde1 -> 5.15.7+kde1)
  libqt5-qtnetworkauth (5.15.6+kde0 -> 5.15.7+kde0)
  libqt5-qtquickcontrols (5.15.6+kde0 -> 5.15.7+kde0)
  libqt5-qtquickcontrols2 (5.15.6+kde5 -> 5.15.7+kde6)
  libqt5-qtsensors (5.15.6+kde0 -> 5.15.7+kde0)
  libqt5-qtserialport (5.15.6+kde0 -> 5.15.7+kde0)
  libqt5-qtspeech (5.15.6+kde1 -> 5.15.7+kde1)
  libqt5-qtsvg (5.15.6+kde9 -> 5.15.7+kde9)
  libqt5-qttools (5.15.6+kde1 -> 5.15.7+kde1)
  libqt5-qttranslations (5.15.6+kde2 -> 5.15.7+kde0)
  libqt5-qtvirtualkeyboard (5.15.6+kde1 -> 5.15.7+kde0)
  libqt5-qtwayland (5.15.6+kde49 -> 5.15.7+kde49)
  libqt5-qtwebchannel (5.15.6+kde3 -> 5.15.7+kde3)
  libqt5-qtwebsockets (5.15.6+kde2 -> 5.15.7+kde2)
  libqt5-qtwebview (5.15.6+kde0 -> 5.15.7+kde0)
  libqt5-qtx11extras (5.15.6+kde0 -> 5.15.7+kde0)
  libqt5-qtxmlpatterns (5.15.6+kde0 -> 5.15.7+kde0)
  libreoffice ( ->
  libshumate (1.0.1 -> 1.0.2)
  libstorage-ng (4.5.47 -> 4.5.48)
  libvirt (8.8.0 -> 8.9.0)
  libxshmfence (1.3 -> 1.3.1)
  libyuv (20220713+d248929c -> 20220920+f9fda6e)
  llvm15 (15.0.2 -> 15.0.3)
  lokalize (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  lskat (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  lsof (4.95.0 -> 4.96.4)
  luit (20201003 -> 20221028)
  lvm2-device-mapper (1.02.185 -> 2.03.16_1.02.185)
  mailcommon (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  mailimporter (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  make (4.3 -> 4.4)
  mbox-importer (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  messagelib (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  milou5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  mobipocket (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  mosh (1.4.0.rc1 -> 1.4.0)
  mpg123 (1.30.2 -> 1.31.1)
  mtools (4.0.41 -> 4.0.42)
  multipath-tools (0.9.1+52+suse.be8809e -> 0.9.2+59+suse.ac8942d)
  nodejs-common (5.0 -> 5.1)
  ntfs-3g_ntfsprogs (2022.5.17 -> 2022.10.3)
  nvme-cli (2.1.2 -> 2.2.1)
  okular (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  openssl (1.1.1q -> 1.1.1s)
  openssl-1_1 (1.1.1q -> 1.1.1s)
  openssl-3 (3.0.5 -> 3.0.7)
  osinfo-db (20220830 -> 20221018)
  oxygen5-sounds (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  pam-config (1.7 -> 1.8)
  parley (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  pcsc-towitoko (2.0.7 -> 2.0.8)
  php7 (7.4.32 -> 7.4.33)
  pim-data-exporter (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  pim-sieve-editor (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  pimcommon (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  pkcs11-helper (1.28.0 -> 1.29.0)
  plasma-browser-integration (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  plasma-nm5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  plasma5-addons (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  plasma5-desktop (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  plasma5-disks (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  plasma5-integration (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  plasma5-pa (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  plasma5-systemmonitor (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  plasma5-thunderbolt (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  plasma5-workspace (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  plymouth (22.02.122+77.c09c651 -> 22.02.122+94.4bd41a3)
  polkit-default-privs (1550+20221018.7616c25 -> 1550+20221102.9f111fa)
  polkit-kde-agent-5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  postgresql15 (15~rc2 -> 15.0)
  powerdevil5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  purple-plugin-pack (2.7.0 -> 2.8.0)
  python-Pillow (9.2.0 -> 9.3.0)
  python-Twisted (22.4.0 -> 22.10.0)
  python-charset-normalizer (2.1.1 -> 3.0.0)
  python-colorama (0.4.5 -> 0.4.6)
  python-cryptography (38.0.1 -> 38.0.3)
  python-importlib-metadata (4.12.0 -> 5.0.0)
  python-importlib-resources (5.9.0 -> 5.10.0)
  python-libvirt-python (8.8.0 -> 8.9.0)
  python-numpy (1.21.6 -> 1.23.4)
  python-pbr (5.10.0 -> 5.11.0)
  python-psutil (5.9.2 -> 5.9.3)
  python-pyOpenSSL (22.0.0 -> 22.1.0)
  python-pytz (2022.4 -> 2022.5)
  python-typing_extensions (4.3.0 -> 4.4.0)
  python-zope.interface (5.4.0 -> 5.5.0)
  python310 (3.10.7 -> 3.10.8)
  python310-core (3.10.7 -> 3.10.8)
  qca-qt5 (2.3.4 -> 2.3.5)
  raspberrypi-firmware (2022.10.18 -> 2022.10.26)
  raspberrypi-firmware-config (2022.10.18 -> 2022.10.26)
  raspberrypi-firmware-dt (2022.10.03 -> 2022.10.26)
  rgb (1.0.6 -> 1.1.0)
  rubygem-asciidoctor (2.0.17 -> 2.0.18)
  rubygem-bindata (2.4.12 -> 2.4.13)
  rubygem-bundler (2.3.23 -> 2.3.24)
  rubygem-chef-utils (17.10.0 -> 18.0.169)
  rubygem-dry-configurable (0.16.0 -> 0.16.1)
  rubygem-dry-core (0.8.1 -> 0.9.1)
  rubygem-dry-logic (1.2.0 -> 1.3.0)
  rubygem-dry-types (1.5.1 -> 1.6.1)
  rubygem-excon (0.93.0 -> 0.93.1)
  rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails (1.8.1 -> 1.9.0)
  rubygem-google-protobuf (3.21.7 -> 3.21.9)
  rubygem-haml (6.0.6 -> 6.0.7)
  rubygem-hoe (3.25.0 -> 3.26.0)
  rubygem-json-jwt (1.16.0 -> 1.16.1)
  rubygem-mocha (1.15.0 -> 1.16.0)
  rubygem-net-scp (3.0.0 -> 4.0.0)
  rubygem-net-sftp (3.0.0 -> 4.0.0)
  rubygem-nokogiri (1.13.8 -> 1.13.9)
  rubygem-oauth2 (1.4.9 -> 2.0.9)
  rubygem-openid_connect (2.1.0 -> 2.2.0)
  rubygem-pdf-reader (2.10.0 -> 2.11.0)
  rubygem-pg (1.4.3 -> 1.4.4)
  rubygem-rack-oauth2 (2.1.0 -> 2.2.0)
  rubygem-rdiscount ( -> 2.2.7)
  rubygem-rspec-rails (5.1.2 -> 6.0.1)
  rubygem-rubocop (1.36.0 -> 1.37.1)
  rubygem-rubocop-ast (1.21.0 -> 1.23.0)
  rubygem-temple (0.8.2 -> 0.9.1)
  rubygem-timers (4.3.4 -> 4.3.5)
  rubygem-turbo-rails (1.3.0 -> 1.3.2)
  rubygem-tzinfo-data (1.2022.4 -> 1.2022.5)
  rubygem-xdg (6.6.0 -> 6.6.2)
  samba (4.17.1+git.270.17afe7cb6b -> 4.17.2+git.273.a55a83528b9)
  sessreg (1.1.2 -> 1.1.3)
  sg3_utils (1.47+5.d13bc56 -> 1.48~20221101.6d3bd26)
  shaderc (2022.2 -> 2022.3)
  signon-kwallet-extension (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  skanlite (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  spectacle (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  sqlite3 (3.39.3 -> 3.39.4)
  step (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  strace (5.19 -> 6.0)
  sudo (1.9.11p3 -> 1.9.12)
  suse-module-tools (16.0.23 -> 16.0.26)
  sweeper (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  syslogd (1.4.1 -> 1.5.1)
  systemd (251.6 -> 251.7)
  systemsettings5 (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  timezone (2022e -> 2022f)
  timezone-java (2022e -> 2022f)
  tracker (3.4.0 -> 3.4.1)
  tracker-miners (3.4.0 -> 3.4.1)
  transactional-update (4.0.1 -> 4.1.0)
  umbrello (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  unbound (1.16.3 -> 1.17.0)
  usbutils (014 -> 015)
  vim (9.0.0709 -> 9.0.0814)
  vte (0.70.0 -> 0.70.1)
  vulkan-loader ( ->
  vulkan-tools ( -> 1.3.231)
  webkit2gtk3 (2.38.0 -> 2.38.1)
  webkit2gtk3-soup2 (2.38.0 -> 2.38.1)
  xcb-util-cursor (0.1.3 -> 0.1.4)
  xdg-desktop-portal-kde (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
  xdg-user-dirs (0.17 -> 0.18)
  xerces-c (3.2.3 -> 3.2.4)
  xf86-input-mouse (1.9.3 -> 1.9.4)
  xmlsec1 (1.2.34 -> 1.2.36)
  xsetroot (1.1.2 -> 1.1.3)
  xtables-addons (3.21_k6.0.3_1 -> 3.22_k6.0.7_1)
  xterm (373 -> 375)
  xwayland (22.1.3 -> 22.1.5)
  yakuake (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
  yast2 (4.5.17 -> 4.5.18)
  yast2-add-on (4.5.1 -> 4.5.2)
  yast2-firstboot (4.5.4 -> 4.5.5)
  yast2-iscsi-client (4.5.5 -> 4.5.6)
  yast2-packager (4.5.5 -> 4.5.6)
  yast2-ruby-bindings (4.5.3 -> 4.5.4)
  yast2-trans (84.87.20221016.284cfa770d -> 84.87.20221029.429a275094)
  zchunk (1.2.2 -> 1.2.3)

=== Details ===

==== 389-ds ====
Version update (2.3.0~git0.3db81913e -> 2.3.0~git22.8fedec0)
Subpackages: lib389 libsvrcore0

- Update to version 2.3.0~git22.8fedec0:
  * Issue 5495 - RFE - skip dds during migration. (#5496)
  * Issue 5491 - UI - Add rework and finish jpegPhoto functionality (#5492)
  * Issue 5368 - Retro Changelog trimming does not work (#5486)
  * Issue 5487 - Fix various issues with
  * Issue 5476 - RFE - add memberUid read aci by default (#5477)
  * Issue 5482 - lib389 - Can not enable replication with a mixed case suffix
  * Issue 5478 - Random crash in connection code during server shutdown (#5479)
  * Issue 3061 - RFE - Add password policy debug log level
  * Issue 5302 - Release tarballs don't contain cockpit webapp
  * Issue 5262 - high contention in find_entry_internal_dn on mixed load (#5264)

==== ImageMagick ====
Version update ( ->
Subpackages: ImageMagick-config-7-SUSE ImageMagick-extra libMagickCore-7_Q16HDRI10 libMagickWand-7_Q16HDRI10

- update to
  * obtain scene from image structure
  * prevent undefined shift
  * Added private api to go through a linked list without using semaphores.
  * Fixed build.
  * latest automake configuration
  * fix undefined-shift in ReadTGAImage @
  * prevent divide by zero exception

==== Mesa ====
Subpackages: Mesa-dri-devel Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libglapi0 libgbm1

- build against llvm15/clang15 on sle15-sp5/Leap 15.5
- u_nouveau-corrupted-colors-boo1203949.patch
  * fixes corrupted colors in videos on nouveau with Kepler in
    Firefox (boo#1203949, issue#7416)
- moved drirc.d config snippets from Mesa to Mea-dri package;
  radv driver specific conf was missing completely (boo#1204866)

==== Mesa-drivers ====
Subpackages: Mesa-dri Mesa-gallium Mesa-libva

- build against llvm15/clang15 on sle15-sp5/Leap 15.5
- u_nouveau-corrupted-colors-boo1203949.patch
  * fixes corrupted colors in videos on nouveau with Kepler in
    Firefox (boo#1203949, issue#7416)
- moved drirc.d config snippets from Mesa to Mea-dri package;
  radv driver specific conf was missing completely (boo#1204866)

==== MozillaFirefox ====
Version update (106.0.1 -> 106.0.5)
Subpackages: MozillaFirefox-translations-common

- Mozilla Firefox 106.0.5:
  * Addresses a crash experienced by users with Intel Gemini Lake
    CPUs (bmo#1702019)
- Mozilla Firefox 106.0.4:
  * Fixed an issue with DRM Video playback (bmo#1797292)
  * Fixed broken layout of datetime input when switching
    types (bmo#1797139)
- Mozilla Firefox 106.0.3
  * Fixes for other platforms
- Mozilla Firefox 106.0.2
  * Fix missing content on some PDF forms (bmo#1794351)
  * Fix column width for the Notification sub-panel in Settings
  * Fix a browser freeze with accessibility enabled on some sites
    such as the Proxmox Web UI (bmo#1793748)
  * Fix page reloading not working with Firefox View and not
    refreshing synced data (bmo#1792680, bmo#1794474)

==== NetworkManager-openconnect ====
Subpackages: NetworkManager-openconnect-gnome

- Add dbus-location.patch: move dbus system.d conf file to /usr
- Due to patching: add BRs autoconf, automake and libtool

==== SDL2 ====
Version update (2.24.1 -> 2.24.2)

- Update to release 2.24.2
  * Fixed crash in Wayland_HasScreenKeyboardSupport()
- Drop unused buildrequires on nasm

==== akonadi-calendar ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: akonadi-calendar-lang akonadi-plugin-calendar kalendarac libKF5AkonadiCalendar5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== akonadi-calendar-tools ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== akonadi-contact ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: akonadi-plugin-contacts libKF5AkonadiContact5 libKF5ContactEditor5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== akonadi-import-wizard ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKPimImportWizard5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== akonadi-mime ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: akonadi-plugin-mime libKF5AkonadiMime5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== akonadi-notes ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: akonadi-notes-lang libKF5AkonadiNotes5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== akonadi-search ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5AkonadiSearch5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== akonadi-server ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5AkonadiAgentBase5 libKF5AkonadiCore5 libKF5AkonadiPrivate5 libKF5AkonadiWidgets5 libKF5AkonadiXml5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== akregator ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== alsa ====
Version update ( -> 1.2.8)
Subpackages: libasound2 libatopology2

- Update to version 1.2.8:
  add FreeBSD/NetBD/OpenBSD build support, fixes in control namehint,
  various PCM plugins and UCM.  For details, see:
- Add keyring

==== alsa-ucm-conf ====
Version update ( -> 1.2.8)

- Update to version 1.2.8:
  lots of new profiles for USB-audio, SOF and others:
- Add keyring

==== alsa-utils ====
Version update (1.2.7 -> 1.2.8)

- Update to alsa-utils 1.2.8:
  automake update, minor alsactl, amixer and aplay fixes.
- Add keyring

==== analitza ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libAnalitza8

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== apache2-mod_php7 ====
Version update (7.4.32 -> 7.4.33)

- version update to 7.4.33
  * This is security release that fixes an OOB read due to insufficient
    input validation in imageloadfont(), and a buffer overflow in
    hash_update() on long parameter.
  * CVE-2022-37454 [bsc#1204577], CVE-2022-31630 [bsc#1204979]

==== ark ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libkerfuffle22

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== at-spi2-core ====
Subpackages: libatk-1_0-0 libatk-bridge-2_0-0 libatspi0 typelib-1_0-Atk-1_0 typelib-1_0-Atspi-2_0

- Ensure xprop is required when xwayland is installed.

==== augeas ====
Version update (1.12.0 -> 1.13.0)
Subpackages: augeas-lenses libaugeas0 libfa1

- Update to 1.13.0
  * Fixes bsc#1204554
  * Added augeas-1.13.0-replace_security_context_t-patch to fix a
    syntax error.
  * Rebased gcc9-disable-broken-test.patch
  * Dropped the following patches since they are now upstreamed:
  - augeas-new_options_for_chrony.patch
  - augeas-allow_printable_ASCII.patch
  - remove-unportable-tests.patch
  * General changes/additions
  - Add Dockerfile (Nicolas Gif) (Issue #650)
  - augtool: Improved readline integration to handle quoting
    issues (Pino Toscano)
  - typechecker: Allow including '/' in keys and labels. Thanks
    to felixdoerre for pointing out that this restriction was
    unnecessary. See issue #668 for the discussion.
  - Add function modified() to select nodes which are marked as
    dirty (George Hansper) (Issue #691)
  - Add CLI command 'preview' and API 'aug_preview' to preview
    file contents (George Hansper) (#690)
  - Add "else" operator to augeas path-filter expressions
    (priority selector) (George Hansper) (#692)
  - Add new axis 'seq' to allow /path/seq::*[expr] to match and
    create numeric nodes, as idempotent alternative to
    /path/*[expr] (George Hansper) (#706)
  * Lens changes/additions
  - Authinfo2: new lens to parse Authinfo2 format (Nicolas Gif)
    (Issue #649)
  - Chrony: add new options (Miroslav Lichvar) (Issue #698)
  - Cmdline: New lens to parse /proc/cmdline (Thomas Weißschuh)
  - Crypttab: support UUID in device and / in opt (Raphaël
    Pinson) (#713)
  - Fail2ban: new lens to parse Fail2ban format (Nicolas Gif)
    (Issue #651)
  - Grub: support '+' in kernel command line option names (Pino
    Toscano) (Issue #647)
  - Krb5: handle [plugins] subsection (Pino Toscano) (Issue #663)
  - Limits: support colons in the domain pattern of the limits
    lens (Xavier Mol) (Issue #645)
  - Logrotate: add hourly schedule (Jason A. Smith) (Issue #655)
  - Mke2fs: parse more common entries between [defaults] and the
    tags in [fs_types], fix the type of few entries, handle the
    [options] stanza (Pino Toscano) (Issue #642)
  - support quoted values (Pino Toscano) (Issue #661)
  - NetworkManager: allow # in values (mfilka) (#723)
  - Opendkim: update to match current conffile format (Issue #644)
  - Postfix_Master: Allow unix-dgram as type (Issue #635)
  - Postfix_transport: Allow underscore (Anton Baranov) (Issue #678)
  - Postgresql: Allow hyphen '-' in values that don't require quotes
    (Marcin Barczyński) (Issues #700 #701)
  - Properties: Allow "/" in property names (felixdoerre) (Issue #680)
  - Redis: add incl path /etc/redis.conf (Raphaël Pinson) (#726)
  - support "replicaof" (Raphaël Pinson) (#727)
  - fix support for "sentinel" (Raphaël Pinson) (#728)
  - Resolv: Support new options (Trevor Vaughan) (Issues #707 #708)
  - Rsyslog: support multiple actions in filters and selectors (Issue
  - Shellvars: exclude more tcsh profile scripts (Pino Toscano) (Issue
  - Simplevars: add ocsinventory-agent.cfg (Pat Riehecky) (Issue #637)
  - Sudoers: support new @include/@includedir directives (Pino
    Toscano) (Issue #693)
  - Sudoers: Allow AD groups (luchihoratiu) (Issue #696)
  - Support negative integers (Ando David Roots) (#724)
  - Ssh: add Match keyword support (granquet) (Issue #695)
  - Sshd: support quotes in Match conditions (Issue #739)
  - Systemd: fix parsing of envvars with spaces (Pino Toscano) (#659)
  - Add incl paths according to '' (chruetli) (#683)
  - Tinc: new lens for Tinc VPN configuration files (Thomas Weißschuh)
  - Toml: support arrays (norec) in inline tables (Raphaël Pinson)
  - Tmpfiles: improvements to the types specification (Pino Toscano)
    (Issue #694)

==== autoconf ====

- fix testsuite failure by bash 5.2 update
  * [fix-testsuite-failures-with-bash-5.2.patch]
- convert to use _multibuild
- fix keyring gpg validation

==== autoconf-el ====

- fix testsuite failure by bash 5.2 update
  * [fix-testsuite-failures-with-bash-5.2.patch]
- convert to use _multibuild
- fix keyring gpg validation
- use https urls

==== autoyast2 ====
Version update (4.5.6 -> 4.5.8)
Subpackages: autoyast2-installation

- Log the profile/rules/classes file SHA1 sum so we can later
  verify that a particular file was or was not used by YaST
  (related to bsc#1204175)
- 4.5.8
- Allow empty values in ask/default, ask/selection/label and
  ask/selection/value elements (bsc#1204448).
- 4.5.7

==== baloo5-widgets ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== bash ====
Subpackages: bash-doc bash-sh

  correct (boo#1204567)

==== blinken ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== bluedevil5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: bluedevil5-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== bluez ====
Subpackages: bluez-auto-enable-devices bluez-cups bluez-zsh-completion libbluetooth3

- For pushing bluez 5.65 to 15-SP5 (bluez-5.62), sync more change log:
  - The hcidump-Fix-set_ext_ctrl-global-buffer-overflow.patch
    be merged to bluez-5.51 in 2018. (bsc#1013732)(CVE-2016-9801)
  - The following btmon patches are merged to bluez-5.51 and later:
  - The shared-gatt-server-Fix-not-properly-checking-for-sec.patch
    be merged to bluez-5.57 in 2021.
    (bsc#1186463 CVE-2021-0129 CVE-2020-26558)
  - The gatt-Fix-potential-buffer-out-of-bound.patch be merged to
    bluez-5.56 in 2021. (bsc#1187165 CVE-2021-3588)
  - The shared-gatt-db-Introduce-gatt_db_attribute_set_fixed.patch
    be merged to bluez-5.56 in 2021. (bsc#1187165 CVE-2021-3588)
  - The gatt-Make-use-of-gatt_db_attribute_set_fixed_length.patch
    be merged to bluez-5.56 in 2021. (bsc#1187165 CVE-2021-3588)
  - Add JIRA-SLE-18497 number to 5.60, 5.61 and 5.62 update log
    to sync with bluez.changes in SLE15-SP5.
  - Install modprobe.conf files to %_modprobedir
    This change already in bluez.sepc in openSUSE:Factory/bluez.
    Sync the change log here. (bsc#1196275, jsc#SLE-20639)

==== bovo ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== breeze ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: breeze5-cursors breeze5-decoration breeze5-style breeze5-style-lang libbreezecommon5-5

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== breeze-gtk ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: gtk2-metatheme-breeze gtk3-metatheme-breeze metatheme-breeze-common

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== btrfsprogs ====
Version update (5.19.1 -> 6.0)
Subpackages: btrfsprogs-udev-rules libbtrfs0

- update to 6.0
  * fi usage: in tabular output, print total size and slack size
  * mkfs:
  * option -O now accepts values from -R to unify the interface (-R will
    continue to work)
  * zone reset and discard is done in parallel on all devices
  * removed option --leafsize, deprecated long time ago
  * corrupt-block: recalculate checksum when changing generation
  * fixes:
  * convert: fix reserved range detection and overlaps
  * mkfs: fix creating files with reserved inode numbers with --rootdir
  * receive: escape filenames in command attributes
  * fix extent buffer leaks after transaction abort
  * experimental:
  * mkfs: support for block-group-tree (kernel 6.1)
  * fsverity in send (protocol v3, WIP)
  * btrfstune -b converts to block-group-tree
  * other:
  * cleanups, refactoring
  * new and updated tests
  * update documentation

==== calendarsupport ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5CalendarSupport5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== cepces ====
Version update (0.3.4 -> 0.3.6)
Subpackages: cepces-certmonger cepces-selinux python3-cepces

Release v0.3.6:
- Fix Bug #15 cepces.conf.dist: server should be pointed to actual CEP host
- Replace old requests_kerberos with requests_gssapi
- setup: Do not install example configs
- setup: Respect the prefix the user specifies
- Delete the spec file
- Make Kerberos delegation configurable
- Fix Bug #24 cepces-submit 'TypeError: option values must be strings'
- Removed b755b56d25f3e54f8f15d9985fd0597b21c1051d.patch because
  it is now upstream.
Release v0.3.5:
- Added polling_interval which tells certmonger how long to wait in seconds before retrying.
- Implemented Certificate authentication method.
- Python 3.10 compatible.

==== cervisia ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== coreutils ====

- coreutils-tests-workaround-make-fdleak.patch: Add patch to work around
  a GNU make bug which leaks file descriptors when using the jobserver;
  this makes some tests fail.
- coreutils.spec: Reference the patch.

==== curl ====
Version update (7.85.0 -> 7.86.0)
Subpackages: libcurl4

- Update to 7.86.0:
  * Security fixes:
  - POST following PUT confusion [bsc#1204383, CVE-2022-32221]
  - .netrc parser out-of-bounds access [bsc#1204384, CVE-2022-35260]
  - HTTP proxy double-free [bsc#1204385, CVE-2022-42915]
  - HSTS bypass via IDN [bsc#1204386, CVE-2022-42916]
  * Changes:
  - NPN: remove support for and use of
  - Websockets: initial support
  * Bugfixes:
  - altsvc: reject bad port numbers
  - autotools: reduce brute-force when detecting recv/send arg list
  - aws_sigv4: fix header computation
  - cli tool: do not use disabled protocols
  - connect: change verbose IPv6 address:port to [address]:port
  - connect: fix builds without AF_INET6
  - connect: fix Curl_updateconninfo for TRNSPRT_UNIX
  - connect: fix the wrong error message on connect failures
  - content_encoding: use writer struct subclasses for different encodings
  - cookie: reject cookie names or content with TAB characters
  - curl/add_file_name_to_url: use the libcurl URL parser
  - curl/get_url_file_name: use libcurl URL parser
  - curl: warn for --ssl use, considered insecure
  - docs/libcurl/symbols-in-versions: add several missing symbols
  - ftp: ignore a 550 response to MDTM
  - functypes: provide the recv and send arg and return types
  - getparameter: return PARAM_MANUAL_REQUESTED for -M even when disabled
  - header: define public API functions as extern c
  - headers: reset the requests counter at transfer start
  - hostip: guard PF_INET6 use
  - hostip: lazily wait to figure out if IPv6 works until needed
  - http, vauth: always provide Curl_allow_auth_to_host() functionality
  - http2: make nghttp2 less picky about field whitespace
  - http: try parsing Retry-After: as a number first
  - http_proxy: restore the protocol pointer on error
  - lib: add missing limits.h includes
  - lib: prepare the incoming of additional protocols
  - lib: sanitize conditional exclusion around MIME
  - libssh: if sftp_init fails, don't get the sftp error code
  - mprintf: reject two kinds of precision for the same argument
  - mqtt: return error for too long topic
  - netrc: compare user name case sensitively
  - netrc: replace fgets with Curl_get_line
  - netrc: use the URL-decoded user
  - ngtcp2: fix build errors due to changes in ngtcp2 library
  - noproxy: support proxies specified using cidr notation
  - openssl: make certinfo available for QUIC
  - resolve: make forced IPv4 resolve only use A queries
  - schannel: ban server ALPN change during recv renegotiation
  - schannel: don't reset recv/send function pointers on renegotiation
  - schannel: when importing PFX, disable key persistence
  - setopt: use the handler table for protocol name to number conversions
  - setopt: when POST is set, reset the 'upload' field
  - single_transfer: use the libcurl URL parser when appending query parts
  - smb: replace CURL_WIN32 with WIN32
  - tool: avoid generating ambiguous escaped characters in --libcurl
  - tool_main: exit at once if out of file descriptors
  - tool_operate: more transfer cleanup after parallel transfer fail
  - tool_operate: prevent over-queuing in parallel mode
  - tool_paramhelp: asserts verify maximum sizes for string loading
  - tool_xattr: save the original URL, not the final redirected one
  - url: a zero-length userinfo part in the URL is still a (blank) user
  - url: allow non-HTTPS HSTS-matching for debug builds
  - url: rename function due to name-clash in Watt-32
  - url: use IDN decoded names for HSTS checks
  - urlapi: detect scheme better when not guessing
  - urlapi: fix parsing URL without slash with CURLU_URLENCODE
  - urlapi: reject more bad characters from the host name field
  * Remove patch upstream:
  - connect-fix-Curl_updateconninfo-for-TRNSPRT_UNIX.patch

==== dbus-1 ====
Version update (1.14.0 -> 1.14.4)
Subpackages: dbus-1-common dbus-1-daemon dbus-1-tools libdbus-1-3

- update to 1.14.4 (bsc#1204111, CVE-2022-42010,
    bsc#1204112, CVE-2022-42011,
    bsc#1204113, CVE-2022-42012):
  This is a security update for the dbus 1.14.x stable branch, fixing
  denial-of-service issues (CVE-2022-42010, -42011, -42012) and applying
  security hardening (dbus#416).
  Behaviour changes:
  * On Linux, dbus-daemon and other uses of DBusServer now create a
    path-based Unix socket, unix:path=..., when asked to listen on a
    unix:tmpdir=... address. This makes unix:tmpdir=... equivalent to
    unix:dir=... on all platforms.
    Previous versions would have created an abstract socket, unix:abstract=...,
    in this situation.
    This change primarily affects the well-known session bus when run via
    dbus-launch(1) or dbus-run-session(1). The user bus, enabled by configuring
    dbus with --enable-user-session and running it on a systemd system,
    already used path-based Unix sockets and is unaffected by this change.
    This behaviour change prevents a sandbox escape via the session bus socket
    in sandboxing frameworks that can share the network namespace with the host
    system, such as Flatpak.
    This change might cause a regression in situations where the abstract socket
    is intentionally shared between the host system and a chroot or container,
    such as some use-cases of schroot(1). That regression can be resolved by
    using a bind-mount to share either the D-Bus socket, or the whole /tmp
    directory, with the chroot or container.
    (dbus#416, Simon McVittie)
  * Denial of service fixes:
  - Evgeny Vereshchagin discovered several ways in which an authenticated
    local attacker could cause a crash (denial of service) in
    dbus-daemon --system or a custom DBusServer. In uncommon configurations
    these could potentially be carried out by an authenticated remote attacker.
  - An invalid array of fixed-length elements where the length of the array
    is not a multiple of the length of the element would cause an assertion
    failure in debug builds or an out-of-bounds read in production builds.
    This was a regression in version 1.3.0.
    (dbus#413, CVE-2022-42011; Simon McVittie)
  - A syntactically invalid type signature with incorrectly nested parentheses
    and curly brackets would cause an assertion failure in debug builds.
    Similar messages could potentially result in a crash or incorrect message
    processing in a production build, although we are not aware of a practical
    example. (dbus#418, CVE-2022-42010; Simon McVittie)
  - A message in non-native endianness with out-of-band Unix file descriptors
    would cause a use-after-free and possible memory corruption in production
    builds, or an assertion failure in debug builds. This was a regression in
    version 1.3.0. (dbus#417, CVE-2022-42012; Simon McVittie)
  - Preserve errno on failure to open /proc/self/oom_score_adj
    (dbus!285, Gentoo#834725; Mike Gilbert)
  - On Linux, don't log warnings if oom_score_adj is read-only but does not
    need to be changed (dbus!291, Simon McVittie)
  - Slightly improve error-handling for inotify
    (dbus!235, Simon McVittie)
  - Don't crash if dbus-daemon is asked to watch more than 128 directories
    for changes (dbus!302, Jan Tojnar)

==== dbus-1-glib ====

- Try to guard against incomplete update stacks (boo#1202241):
  + Add split-provides to libdbus-1-glib and bash-completion
  + Add explicit conflict to bash-completion subpackage against
    dbus-1-glib < 0.112 (when the package split happened)
  + Ensure dbus-1-glib-tool gets the correct library version

==== dbus-1-x11 ====
Version update (1.14.0 -> 1.14.4)

- update to 1.14.4 (bsc#1204111, CVE-2022-42010,
    bsc#1204112, CVE-2022-42011,
    bsc#1204113, CVE-2022-42012):
  This is a security update for the dbus 1.14.x stable branch, fixing
  denial-of-service issues (CVE-2022-42010, -42011, -42012) and applying
  security hardening (dbus#416).
  Behaviour changes:
  * On Linux, dbus-daemon and other uses of DBusServer now create a
    path-based Unix socket, unix:path=..., when asked to listen on a
    unix:tmpdir=... address. This makes unix:tmpdir=... equivalent to
    unix:dir=... on all platforms.
    Previous versions would have created an abstract socket, unix:abstract=...,
    in this situation.
    This change primarily affects the well-known session bus when run via
    dbus-launch(1) or dbus-run-session(1). The user bus, enabled by configuring
    dbus with --enable-user-session and running it on a systemd system,
    already used path-based Unix sockets and is unaffected by this change.
    This behaviour change prevents a sandbox escape via the session bus socket
    in sandboxing frameworks that can share the network namespace with the host
    system, such as Flatpak.
    This change might cause a regression in situations where the abstract socket
    is intentionally shared between the host system and a chroot or container,
    such as some use-cases of schroot(1). That regression can be resolved by
    using a bind-mount to share either the D-Bus socket, or the whole /tmp
    directory, with the chroot or container.
    (dbus#416, Simon McVittie)
  * Denial of service fixes:
  - Evgeny Vereshchagin discovered several ways in which an authenticated
    local attacker could cause a crash (denial of service) in
    dbus-daemon --system or a custom DBusServer. In uncommon configurations
    these could potentially be carried out by an authenticated remote attacker.
  - An invalid array of fixed-length elements where the length of the array
    is not a multiple of the length of the element would cause an assertion
    failure in debug builds or an out-of-bounds read in production builds.
    This was a regression in version 1.3.0.
    (dbus#413, CVE-2022-42011; Simon McVittie)
  - A syntactically invalid type signature with incorrectly nested parentheses
    and curly brackets would cause an assertion failure in debug builds.
    Similar messages could potentially result in a crash or incorrect message
    processing in a production build, although we are not aware of a practical
    example. (dbus#418, CVE-2022-42010; Simon McVittie)
  - A message in non-native endianness with out-of-band Unix file descriptors
    would cause a use-after-free and possible memory corruption in production
    builds, or an assertion failure in debug builds. This was a regression in
    version 1.3.0. (dbus#417, CVE-2022-42012; Simon McVittie)
  - Preserve errno on failure to open /proc/self/oom_score_adj
    (dbus!285, Gentoo#834725; Mike Gilbert)
  - On Linux, don't log warnings if oom_score_adj is read-only but does not
    need to be changed (dbus!291, Simon McVittie)
  - Slightly improve error-handling for inotify
    (dbus!235, Simon McVittie)
  - Don't crash if dbus-daemon is asked to watch more than 128 directories
    for changes (dbus!302, Jan Tojnar)

==== discover ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: discover-backend-flatpak discover-backend-fwupd discover-backend-packagekit discover-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.1:
  * flatpak: make sure we look up the correct resource (kde#460365)
  * flatpak: Only show the beta information for apps (kde#459131)
  * flatpak: Properly render if the beta package is too old
  * snap: Port away from Kirigami.ItemViewHeader (kde#460391)

==== dolphin ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: dolphin-part libdolphinvcs5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== dragonplayer ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== drkonqi5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: drkonqi5-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.1:
  * check telemetrymode
  * Use qdbus to query for the hostname
  * allow using debuginfod for symbol resolution with gdb12 (kde#454063)

==== emacs ====
Subpackages: emacs-el emacs-eln emacs-info emacs-nox emacs-x11 etags

- Fix typos in etags manpage
- Don't disable PIE

==== eog ====
Version update (43.0 -> 43.1)

- Update to version 43.1:
  + desktop: Remove obsolete Bugzilla entries
  + Add Swedish help images.
  + Updated translations.

==== eventviews ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5EventViews5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== evince ====
Version update (43.0 -> 43.1)
Subpackages: evince-plugin-comicsdocument evince-plugin-djvudocument evince-plugin-dvidocument evince-plugin-pdfdocument evince-plugin-tiffdocument evince-plugin-xpsdocument libevdocument3-4 libevview3-3 typelib-1_0-EvinceDocument-3_0 typelib-1_0-EvinceView-3_0

- Update to version 43.1:
  + build: Disable nautilus extension by default.
  + comics:
  - Avoid critical when pixbuf can't be rendered.
  - Better debug on archive error.
  - Fix crash that can happen if archive is damaged.
  - Still try to open broken comics.
  + shell: Fix use-after-free on a modified document.
  + Fix incorrect link in
  + Use https URL for in
  + Updated translations.

==== expat ====
Version update (2.4.9 -> 2.5.0)
Subpackages: libexpat-devel libexpat1

- Update to 2.5.0: (bsc#1204708)
  * Security fixes:
  - CVE-2022-43680 -- Fix heap use-after-free after overeager
    destruction of a shared DTD in function
    XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate in out-of-memory situations.
    Expected impact is denial of service or potentially arbitrary
    code execution.
  * Bug fixes:
  - Fix curruption from undefined entities
  - Fix case when parsing was suspended while processing nested
  - Stop leaking opening tag bindings after a closing tag mismatch
    error where a parser is reset through XML_ParserReset and then
    reused to parse
  - CMake: Fix generation of pkg-config file
  - MinGW|CMake: Fix static library name
  * Other changes:
  - Protect header expat_config.h from multiple inclusion
  - examples: Make use of XML_GetBuffer and be more consistent
    across examples
  - Address compiler warnings
  - Version info bumped from 9:9:8 to 9:10:8; see for what these numbers do

==== ffmpegthumbs ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== firewalld ====
Version update (1.2.0 -> 1.2.1)
Subpackages: firewalld-bash-completion firewalld-zsh-completion python3-firewall

- Update to 1.2.1:
  * fix(modules): don't error if /proc/modules is missing (a1f091d)
  * fix(readme): format optional <ver> (03e61f2)
  * docs: add protocols to rich and zones (191cea4)
  * docs(policy): add priority attribute to rule (616ed7c)
  * fix(runtimeToPermanent): errors for interfaces not in zone (6b5a70b)
  * fix(failsafe): log exception on fatal failure (af1b8f0)
  * fix(ipset): defer native ipset creation if nftables (ae0ded4)
  * fix(nftables): drop invalid packets before zone dispatch (dc972ae)
  * fix(iptables): drop invalid packets before zone dispatch (83a4608)
  * fix(policies): Splitting interfaces with wildcards (3806e79)
  * fix(ipset): exception on overlap checking empty set (bfe827f)
  * fix(bash): fix ipset commands autocompletion (742669b)
  * docs(README): fix typo (e40b100)
  * fix(treewide): misc typos (d121f0c)
  * fix: firewalld.conf: trim trailing whitespace (21809ed)

==== fwupd ====
Subpackages: fwupd-bash-completion libfwupd2 typelib-1_0-Fwupd-2_0

- For pushing fwupd-1.8.6 to 15-SP5 (fwupd-1.7.3), sync change log:
  - fwupd-bsc1193921-nvme-ignore-non-PCI-NVMe-devices.patch
    be merged to fwupd-1.7.3

==== gcc11 ====
Version update (11.3.1+git1902 -> 11.3.1+git2076)

- Update to gcc-11 branch head (bd0c76a2329e7fe6d6612c225), git2076
  * includes fix for -Wmismatched-tags ICE  [bsc#1204599]

==== gcr3 ====
Subpackages: gcr3-data gcr3-prompter gcr3-ssh-agent gcr3-ssh-askpass libgck-1-0 libgcr-3-1

- Have libgcr-3-1 require gcr3-ssh-askpass when gnome-keyring is
  present: gnome-keyring interacts deeper with this library, which
  justifies a hard dep in this case (boo#1204071).

==== gdb ====

- Patches added (swo#29277):
  * gdb-fix-assert-in-handle_jit_event.patch
- Maintenance script
  * Add PR29706 and PR28617 kfails.

==== gdk-pixbuf ====
Version update (2.42.9 -> 2.42.10)
Subpackages: gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders gdk-pixbuf-thumbnailer libgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0 typelib-1_0-GdkPixbuf-2_0

- Update to version 2.42.10:
  + Search for
  + Update the memory size limit for JPEG images.
  + Updated translations.
- Drop patch fixed upstream (with different limit):
  + 0001-jpeg-Increase-memory-limit-for-loading-image-data.patch

==== gdm ====
Subpackages: gdm-schema gdmflexiserver libgdm1 typelib-1_0-Gdm-1_0

- Update gdm-sysconfig-settings.patch: Fix gdm doesn't start
  if /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager is missing (bsc#1204578).

==== gettext-runtime ====
Version update (0.21 -> 0.21.1)
Subpackages: gettext-tools libtextstyle0

- update keyring for the last version update
- Update to Version 0.21.1
  * Runtime behaviour:
  - On AIX, locale names with a script or with an uppercase language are now
    For example, sr_Cyrl_RS.UTF-8 is treated like sr_RS.UTF-8@cyrillic, and
    EN_US.UTF-8 is treated like en_US.UTF-8.
  * The base Unicode standard is now updated to 14.0.0.
  * Portability:
  - Building on macOS 11/arm64 is now supported.
  - Building on Linux/powerpc64le with glibc ≥ 2.35 is now supported.

==== gjs ====
Version update (1.74.0 -> 1.74.1)
Subpackages: libgjs0 typelib-1_0-GjsPrivate-1_0

- Update to version 1.74.1:
  + Closed bugs and merge requests:
  - Problem calling promisified D-Bus wrappers with callback.
  - docs:
    . Fix link in issue template.
    . Document Gio.FileEnumerator iteration.
    . Fix Markdown formatting in

==== glib2 ====
Version update (2.74.0 -> 2.74.1)
Subpackages: glib2-tools libgio-2_0-0 libglib-2_0-0 libgmodule-2_0-0 libgobject-2_0-0 libgthread-2_0-0

- Add a1151bc1.patch: gio/gdesktopappinfo: Free the wrapped argv
  array on launch failure.
- Add ca905744.patch: Revert "Handling collision between standard
  i/o file descriptors and newly created ones". The user-visible
  problem this solves is gnome-keyring-daemon eating 100% CPU.
- Update to version 2.74.1:
  + Update Unicode data to version 15
  + Fix various build failures in different situations
  + Fix over-eager deprecated property warnings for construct
  + Fix a crash calling `g_param_value_is_valid()` on a
  + Fix floating `GVariant` leaks with GObject properties
  + Add inline optimised version of `g_str_equal()`
  + Fix `GVariant` type depths checks on text format variants
  + Fix regression with int64 and double hashing functions on
    big-endian architectures
  + Build the API documentation only when building GLib as a shared
  + Ignore weird `/etc/localtime` configurations generated by
  + Avoid `EINTR` races when closing FDs in `g_spawn_*()`
  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib#16, glgo#GNOME/GLib#333,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2735, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2740,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2742, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2748,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2758, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2759,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2766, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2767,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2770, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2774,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2775, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2782,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2787, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2788,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2852, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2857,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2864, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2866,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2880, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2885,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2892, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2896,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2899, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2901,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2903, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2904,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2905, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2907,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2911, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2913,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2915, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2916,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2920, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2922,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2924, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2928,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2931, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2933,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2938, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2939,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2946, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2948,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2949, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2958,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2960, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2973,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2975, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2982,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2983, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2988,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2989, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2995,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2996, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2998,
  + Updated translations.
- Rebase patches with quilt.
- Drop f0dd96c28751f15d0703b384bfc7c314af01caa8.diff: Fixed

==== glibc ====
Subpackages: glibc-devel glibc-extra glibc-locale glibc-locale-base nscd

- dl-debug-bindings.patch: elf: Reinstate on DL_DEBUG_BINDINGS
  _dl_lookup_symbol_x (bsc#1204710)

==== gnome-keyring ====
Subpackages: gnome-keyring-pam libgck-modules-gnome-keyring

- Use %_pam_moduledir instead of %{_lib}/security (boo#1191034).

==== gnome-maps ====
Version update (43.0 -> 43.1)

- Add gnome-maps-icu72.patch: fix comparisons in time tests
- Update to version 43.1:
  + Fixing various issues left after the GTK 4 port.
  + Fix setting adaptive narrow (phone) mode on first launch on
    portrait displays.
  + Fix dragging-and-dropping route entris in the sidebar.
  + Fix opening shapelayer files when dragged-and-dropped onto the
    main window.
  + Fix selecting turnpoint instructions showing the position of
    the instruction on the map.
  + Fix local tiles (using the --local command-line option).
  + Fix location service dialog.
  + Fix send-to dialog.
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-remote-desktop ====
Version update (43.0 -> 43.1)

- Update to version 43.1:
  + clipboard: Always clear mime type tables when updating clients
  + hwaccel-nvidia:
  - Also output actual NVENC errors when API calls fail
  - Always output CUDA errors when API calls fail
  - Fix small style issue
  + man: Only include man page content for compiled-in backends
  + rdp-audio-output-stream: Set stream inactive before destroying
  + rdp-monitor-config: Fix typo in verify_monitor_config
  + rdp/nw-auto: Fix crash when updating unchanged ping source
  + rdp:
  - Suspend PipeWire stream on exit instead of flushing it
  - Unlock stream lock mutex while suspending other audio streams
  + session-rdp:
  - Also check VCM handle when clearing it
  - Fix check when creation of virtual channel manager fails
  - Only print colour depth fix message when situation applies
  + vnc: Suspend PipeWire stream on exit instead of flushing it
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-shell ====
Subpackages: gnome-extensions gnome-shell-calendar

- Add gnome-shell-disable-offline-update-dialog.patch :
  Disable offline update suggestion before shutdown/reboot
  in SLE and openSUSE Leap (bsc#944832).

==== gnome-software ====

- Add gnome-software-disable-offline-update.patch: Disable offline
  update in SLE and openSUSE Leap(bsc#944832).

==== gnome-terminal ====
Version update (3.46.2 -> 3.46.3)
Subpackages: gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-terminal nautilus-extension-terminal

- Update to version 3.46.3:
  * client: More env vars to filter.
  * desktop: Use Preferences icon.
  * icons: Add separate icons for Preferences.
  * l10n: Remove mjw from LINGUAS.
  * metainfo: Remove XML namespaces.
  * prefs:
  - Use different wm class.
  - Use new icon.
  * profile: Use correct schema source for the profiles list
  * Updated translations.

==== gpgme ====
Version update (1.16.0 -> 1.18.0)
Subpackages: libgpgme11 libgpgmepp6

- gpgme 1.18.0
  * New keylist mode to force refresh via external methods
  * The keylist operations now create an import result to report the
    result of the locate keylist modes
  * core: Return BAD_PASSPHRASE error code on symmetric decryption
  * cpp, qt: Do not export internal symbols anymore
  * cpp, qt: Support revocation of own OpenPGP keys
  * qt: The file name of (signed and) encrypted data can now be set
  * cpp, qt: Support setting the primary user ID
  * python: Fix segv(NULL) when inspecting contect after exeception
- includes changes from version 1.17.1:
  * qt: Fix a bug in the ABI compatibility of 1.17.0
- includes changes from 1.17.0:
  * New context flag "key-origin"
  * New context flag "import-filter"
  * New export mode to export secret subkeys
  * Detect errors during the export of secret keys
  * New function gpgme_op_receive_keys to import keys from a keyserver
    without first running a key listing
  * Detect bad passphrase error in certificate import
  * Allow setting --key-origin when importing keys
  * Support components "keyboxd", "gpg-agent", "scdaemon", "dirmngr",
    "pinentry", and "socketdir" in gpgme_get_dirinfo
  * Under Unix use poll(2) instead of select(2), when available.
  * Fix results returned by gpgme_data_* functions
  * Support closefrom also for glibc
    (drop upstream gpgme-use-glibc-closefrom.patch
  * cpp,qt: Add support for export of secret keys and secret subkeys.
  * cpp,qt: Support for adding existing subkeys to other keys
  * qt: Extend ChangeExpiryJob to change expiration of primary key
    and of subkeys at the same time
  * qt: Support WKD lookup without implicit import
  * qt: Allow specifying an import filter when importing keys
  * qt: Allow retrieving the default value of a config entry
- drop patches included upstream
  * gpgme-1.16.0-Use-after-free-in-t-edit-sign-test.patch
  * gpgme-1.16.0-t-various-testSignKeyWithExpiration-32-bit.patch
- add patches to fix tests:
  * gpgme-1.18.0-T6137-qt_test.patch

==== grantleetheme ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5GrantleeTheme5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== graphviz ====
Subpackages: libcdt5 libcgraph6 libgvc6 libpathplan4

- add swig-4.1.0.patch to work around graphviz's incompatibility
  with swig-4.1.0.

==== gstreamer ====
Version update (1.20.3 -> 1.20.4)
Subpackages: gstreamer-utils libgstreamer-1_0-0 typelib-1_0-Gst-1_0

- Update to version 1.20.4:
  + Highlighted bugfixes in 1.20.4:
  - avaudiodec: fix playback issue with WMA files, would throw an
    error at EOS with FFmpeg 5.x
  - Fix deadlock when loading gst-editing-services plugin
  - Fix input buffering capacity in live mode for aggregator,
    video/audio aggregator subclasses, muxers
  - glimagesink: fix crash on Android
  - subtitle handling and subtitle overlay fixes
  - matroska-mux: allow width + height changes for
  - rtspsrc: fix control url handling for spec compliant servers
    and add fallback for incompliant servers
  - WebRTC fixes
  - RTP retransmission fixes
  - video: fixes for formats with 4x subsampling and horizontal
    co-sited chroma (Y41B, YUV9, YVU9 and IYU9)
  - Fix consuming of the macOS package as a framework in XCode
  - Performance improvements
  - Miscellaneous bug fixes, memory leak fixes, and other
    stability and reliability improvements
  + gstreamer:
  - buffer: drop parent meta in deep copy/foreach_metadata
  - devicemonitor: Use a sync bus handler for the provider to
    avoid accumulating all messages until the provider is stopped
  - element: Fix requesting of pads with string templates
  - gst:
    . Protect initialization state with a recursive mutex
    . Add missing define guard for build without gstreamer debug
    logging support
  - gst_init: Initialize static plugins just before dynamic plugins
  - info: Parse "NONE" as a valid level name
  - meta: Set the parent refcount of the GstStructure correctly
  - pluginloader: Don't hang on short reads/writes
  - tracers: leaks:
    . Fix potentially invalid memory access when trying to detect
    object type
    . Fix object-refings.class flags
  - uri: When setting the same string again do nothing
  - value: Don't loop forever when serializing invalid flag
  + Base Libraries:
  - aggregator:
    . Fix input buffering in live mode (was too low before in
    many cases)
    . Fix reversed active/flushing arguments in debug log output
    . Reset EOS flag after receiving a stream-start event
  + Core Elements: queue2:
  - Hold the lock when modifying sinkresult
  - Fix deadlock when deactivate is called in pull mode

==== gstreamer-plugins-bad ====
Version update (1.20.3 -> 1.20.4)
Subpackages: libgstadaptivedemux-1_0-0 libgstbadaudio-1_0-0 libgstbasecamerabinsrc-1_0-0 libgstcodecparsers-1_0-0 libgstcodecs-1_0-0 libgstisoff-1_0-0 libgstmpegts-1_0-0 libgstphotography-1_0-0 libgstplay-1_0-0 libgstplayer-1_0-0 libgstsctp-1_0-0 libgsturidownloader-1_0-0 libgstva-1_0-0 libgstvulkan-1_0-0 libgstwayland-1_0-0 libgstwebrtc-1_0-0

- Update to version 1.20.4:
  + amcvideodec: fix GstAmcSurfaceTexture segfault.
  + audiobuffersplit: Fix drift that was introduced by wrong
    calculations in gapless mode.
  + audiovisualizer: fix buffer mapping to not increase refcount.
  + avfvideosrc: Fix wrong default framerate value.
  + d3d11decoder: Check 16K resolution support.
  + d3d11videosink: Fix for force-aspect-ratio setting when
    rendering on shared texture.
  + GstPlay: missing cleanup for g_autoptr.
  + mxfdemux: Always calculate BlockAlign of raw audio to work
    around files with broken BlockAlign field in the headers.
  + nvdec: Fix for HEVC decoding when coded resolution is larger
    than display resolution.
  + openh264enc: Fix constrained-high encoding.
  + openh264: Register debug categories earlier.
  + openmpt: update from now deprecated api.
  + player/play: Fix object construction and various leaks.
  + player: Plug a memory leak.
  + proxysink: Make sure stream-start and caps events are
    forwarded, and fix memory leak.
  + tests: skip unit tests for dependency-less elements that have
    been disabled.
  + tsdemux: Don't trigger a program change when falling back to
    ignore-pcr behaviour.
  + va:
  - allocator: Fix translation of VADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor.
  - h265dec: Fix a crash because of missing reference frame.
  - vah265dec: Decoder segfaults on seek.
  + wasapi2: Fix initial mute/volume setting.
  + wasapi: Implement default audio channel mask.
  + webrtcbin:
  - Fix pointer dereference before null check.
  - Limit sink query to sink pads.
  + webrtc: Make sure to return NULL when validating TURN server
- Drop va-allocator-fix.patch: fixed upstream.

==== gstreamer-plugins-base ====
Version update (1.20.3 -> 1.20.4)
Subpackages: libgstallocators-1_0-0 libgstapp-1_0-0 libgstaudio-1_0-0 libgstfft-1_0-0 libgstgl-1_0-0 libgstpbutils-1_0-0 libgstriff-1_0-0 libgstrtp-1_0-0 libgstrtsp-1_0-0 libgstsdp-1_0-0 libgsttag-1_0-0 libgstvideo-1_0-0 typelib-1_0-GstAudio-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstPbutils-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstTag-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstVideo-1_0

- Update to version 1.20.4:
  + decodebin3:
  - Fix mutex leaks
  - Fix memory issues with active selection list
  - uridecodebin3, urisourcebin: Event handling fixes
  - Fix EOS event sequence
  + parsebin:
  - Avoid crash with unknown streams
  - SIGSEGV during HLS stream using souphttpsrc
  + glimagesink:
  - Only allow setting the GL display/context if it is a valid
  - Segfault on android devices
  + gstgl: Fix several memory leaks in macOS
  + opusenc: improve inband-fec property documentation
  + playsink: Hold a reference to the soft volume element
  + pbutils: descriptions: fix
  + rtspurl: Use gst_uri_join_strings() in
    gst_rtsp_url_get_request_uri_with_control() instead of a
    hand-crafted, wrong version
  + rtspconnection: protect cancellable by a mutex
  + sdpmessage: Don't set SDP medias from caps without
    media/payload/clock-rate fields
  + samiparse: fix handling of self-closing tags
  + ssaparse: include required system headers for isspace() and
    sscanf() functions
  + subparse: fix crash when parsing invalid timestamps in mpl2
  + subparse fixes
  + textoverlay: Don't miscalculate text running times
  + videoaggregator: always convert when user provides
  + video: Fix scaling in 4x horizontal co-sited chroma (Y41B,
    YUV9, YVU9 and IYU9)
  + xmptag: register musicbrainz tags during init to fix critical
    in jpegparse
  + xvimagesink: fix image leaks in error code path
  + tests: skip unit tests for dependency-less elements that have
    been disabled

==== gstreamer-plugins-good ====
Version update (1.20.3 -> 1.20.4)
Subpackages: gstreamer-plugins-good-extra gstreamer-plugins-good-gtk gstreamer-plugins-good-jack gstreamer-plugins-good-qtqml

- Update to version 1.20.4:
  + alpha: fix stride issue when out buffer has padding on right
  + isoff: Fix earliest pts field parse issue
  + matroska-mux: allow width + height changes for
  + qt: Fix another instance of Qt/GStreamer both defining GLsync differently
  + qtdemux:
  - Avoid crash on reconfiguring.
  - Guard against timestamp calculation overflow in gap event loop
  - Don't use invalid values from failed trex parsing
  - Possible endless loop
  + rtpjitterbuffer:
  - Only unschedule timers for late packets if they're not RTX
    packets and only once
  - Remove lost timer for out of order packets
  + rtspsrc:
  - SETUP generates 400 Bad Request
  - Retry SETUP with non-compliant URL resolution on "Bad
    Request" and "Not found"
  + rtpst2022-1-fecenc: Drain column packets on EOS
  + rtpvp8depay: If configured to wait for keyframes after packet
    loss, also do that if incomplete frames are detected
  + splitmuxsink: Don't crash on EOS without buffer
  + splitmuxsrc:
  - Stop pad task before cleanup
  - Don't consider unlinked pads when deactivating part
  + soup: libsoup3 makes audio streaming stop
  + v4l2: fix critical when unreferencign buffer with no data
  + v4l2bufferpool: Fix debug trace
  + v4l2object: Add support for Apple's full-range bt709 colorspace
    variant 1:3:5:1
  + v4l2videocodec: workaround for failure to fully drain frames
    preceding MIDSTREAM renegotiation
  + v4l2allocator: Fix invalid imported dmabuf fd
  + videoflip: Fix caps negotiation when method is selected
  + build failure trying to build jack examples
  + examples: don't try and build jack examples if jack was
  + tests: skip unit tests for dependency-less elements that have
    been disabled

==== gstreamer-plugins-libav ====
Version update (1.20.3 -> 1.20.4)

- Remove unused BuildRequire on yasm.
- Update to version 1.20.4:
  + avauddec:
  - Fix regression with WMA files, would throw an error at EOS.
  - Fix unnecessary reconfiguration if the audio layout isn't
  + libav: Fix for APNG encoder property registration.
  + Failure to decode end of WMA file.

==== gstreamer-plugins-rs ====
Version update (0.8.4+git20220824.052092cd -> 0.9.alpha.1+git20221020.5c89c3d)

- Update to version 0.9.alpha.1+git20221020.5c89c3d:
  * meson: add plugins list to summary
  * fallbacksrc: Don't configure conversion elements for normal
  * webrtc:
  - Rename and add to meson build the signalling server
  - Enhance documentation
  - Minor cleanup
  - Rename signaller and protocol crates
  - Update and unify rust-version and edition
  - Uniformise GType names
  - Port to new ElementBuilder API
- Add ppc ppc64 ppc64le s390 ExcludeArch: Current versions of
  gstreamer-plugins-rs depends on rs-ring, and rs-ring does not yet
  support building on these targets.
- Update to version 0.9.alpha.1+git20221010.b1b7070:
  * Change *Impl trait methods to only take &self and not
    Self::Type in addition
  * fallbacksrc:
  - Always restart the fallback stream on EOS and make sure to
    EOS all streams if the main stream is EOS
  - Retry fallback stream on errors too
  * jsontovtt:
  - Add timeout property
  - Print object information to debug message
  * Update for glib::Object::new() API changes
  * Also update version in
  * Use `GFV::none_for_format` where applicable
- Update to version 0.9.alpha.1+git20221005.0b13bfe:
  * Add missing Since markers to new plugins
  * Add RTP de/payloader elements for AV1
  * Allow "unused_doc_comments" as we use hotdoc and not rustdoc
  * awstranscriber:
  - fix set_property for language-code
  - only set vocabulary filter when vocabulary is set
  * aws: Update to aws 0.48/0.18
  * build: Update versions to be 0.9.0-alpha.1
  * cargo:
  - Sort members and default-members lists
  - Update default-members list
  * cea608tojson: Clip column number if it exceeds allowed value
  * csound: Fix score-offset getter
  * dav1ddec: Require dav1d 1.0.0 in meson
  * dav1d: Update to dav1d 0.9
  * doc: Mark request::user-agent as doc show default
  * docs: Remove cruft
  * examples: Update to clap 4
  * fallbacksrc:
  - Always restart the fallback stream on EOS and make sure to
    EOS all streams if the main stream is EOS
  - Implement support for fallback streams
  - Retry fallback stream on errors too
  * fallbackswitch:
  - Fix lock order problem between state and stream lock
  - Flush and deactivate pads before releasing them
  - Make sure to flush/reset pads during pad (de)activation
  - Port the example to GTK 4
  * Fixes for removal of SpecificFormattedValues ops on ref
  * Fix missing pkgconfig requires
  * fmp4mux:
  - Drop GAP buffers before doing ONVIF UTC time re-timestamping
  - Drop gap buffers before further processing
  - Implement a better strategy for splitting fragments and
    deciding which buffers go into which fragment
  - Split huge drain function into separate functions
  * Generate plugins documentation using hotdoc
  * jitterbuffer: fix typo when calculating max_misorder_time
  * jsontovtt: Don't push zero-duration cue data
  * meson:
  - Blacklist csound and threadshare plugins for gst-full
  - Define gst_plugins with list of dependencies
  - Fix deprecation warning
  - Fix directory/plugin name mapping for new webrtchttp plugin
  - Fix gstwebrtc/gstsdp subproject usage
  - Fix usage of python3 variable which was renamed recently
  - Import python module only once
  - Use workspace Cargo.toml to find crates path
  * net/onvif: update with new `gst::Signed` features
  * onvif:
  - Fix for `gst::meta::CustomMeta::register()` API change
  - Rename onvif(de)pay to rtponvifmetadata(de)pay and include
    the metadata specifier in the other element names too
  * onvifmetadatacombiner:
  - Do not classify as Muxer
  - Drop gap metadata buffers
  * onvifmetadataparse:
  - Drop initial buffers if their UTC time would be negative
  - Drop initial buffers until an UTC/running time mapping can be
  - Handle negative running times in debug output
  - Pass through other XML as is with the UTC times based on the
    buffer PTSs
  - Push buffers from a separate source pad task to guarantee
    latency and generally improve correctness
  - Refactor clock/condvar waiting
  - Schedule EOS events after the last currently queued up frame
  - Simplify some code
  - Start source pad task on StreamStart if needed
  * pngenc: Allow using deprecated compression levels
    ... changelog too long, skipping 45 lines ...
- Update constraints for i586, bump to 22 G here too.

==== gstreamer-plugins-ugly ====
Version update (1.20.3 -> 1.20.4)

- Update to version 1.20.4:
  + tests: skip unit tests for dependency-less elements that have
    been disabled.

==== gtk4 ====
Version update (4.8.1 -> 4.8.2)
Subpackages: gtk4-schema gtk4-tools libgtk-4-1 typelib-1_0-Gtk-4_0

- Update to version 4.8.2:
  + Input:
  - Give input methods more control over resets and allow them to
    preserve state.
  - Align interpretation of modifiers in key events in X11 and
  + GtkColumnView: Fixes to focus handling.
  + GtkPopover:
  - Fix problems with focus when dismissing popovers.
  - Fix problems with focusing editable labels in popovers.
  + Build:
  - Fix build problems with resources and non-gnu linkers.
  - Fix gi-docgen detection in cross builds.
  - Require meson 0.60.
  + Debugging:
  - Make more debug options available in no-debug builds.
  - Improve consistency of debug logging.
  - Give names to all sources.
  + Accessibility: Introduce GtkAccessibleRange.
  + Wayland:
  - Make monitor bounds handling more robust.
  - Prevent shrinking clients due to wrong toplevel bounds.
  + Broadway: Return correct pointer coordinates from device
  + Updated translations.

==== guestfs-tools ====

- jsc#PED-2104 [Virt Tools] Refresh Virtualization Tools for Xen
  and KVM Management

==== gwenview5 ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== highway ====
Version update (1.0.1 -> 1.0.2)

- Update to release 1.0.2
  * Add ExclusiveNeither, FindKnownFirstTrue, Ne128
  * Add 16-bit SumOfLanes/ReorderWidenMulAccumulate/ReorderDemote2To
  * Faster sort for low-entropy input, improved pivot selection
  * Support static dispatch to SVE2_128 and SVE_256
- Leap just needs a modern gcc, no need for clang
- Fix build on openSUSE Leap by using clang

==== incidenceeditor ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5IncidenceEditor5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== irqbalance ====
Subpackages: irqbalance-ui

- run tests
- add Avoid-double-free-on-deinit_thermal.patch (bsc#1204607)

==== irssi ====
Version update (1.4.2 -> 1.4.3)

- update to 1.4.3
  - Fix freeze on Alt+arrows (#1416, #1417)
  - Fix crash on /upgrade (#1399, #1419)
  - Fix saving of -disallow_starttls (#1401, #1420)
  - Fix libnv detection on FreeBSD (freebsd#265397, #1407). By
    Guido Falsi and Kristof Provost
  - Minor help and script fixes (#1380, #1393, #1411, #1413,
    [#1414], #1415)

==== jhead ====

- security fix [bsc#1204409, CVE-2022-41751]
  * arbitrary OS commands by placing them in a JPEG filename
  * Added patch jhead-CVE-2022-41751-1.patch
  * Added patch jhead-CVE-2022-41751-2.patch

==== juk ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== k3b ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kaccounts-integration ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libkaccounts2

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kaccounts-providers ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kactivitymanagerd ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: kactivitymanagerd-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== kaddressbook ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: kaddressbook-doc libKPimAddressbookImportExport5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kalgebra ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kamera ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: kamera-lang kio_kamera

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kanagram ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kapptemplate ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kate ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: kate-plugins

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== katomic ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kblackbox ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kblocks ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kbounce ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kbreakout ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kbruch ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kcachegrind ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kcalc ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kcalutils ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5CalendarUtils5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kcharselect ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kcm_sddm ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: kcm_sddm-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== kcolorchooser ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kcron ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kde-cli-tools5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== kde-gtk-config5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: kde-gtk-config5-gtk3

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1
- Require gsettings-desktop-schemas otherwise the kded module
  throws a fatal error in glib

==== kde-print-manager ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdeconnect-kde ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: kdeconnect-kde-zsh-completion

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdeedu-data ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdegraphics-thumbnailers ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdenetwork-filesharing ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdepim-addons ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdepim-runtime ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdevelop5 ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: kdevplatform libkdevplatform59

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdf ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: kwikdisk

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdialog ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdiamond ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kernel-firmware ====
Version update (20220930 -> 20221031)
Subpackages: kernel-firmware-all kernel-firmware-amdgpu kernel-firmware-ath10k kernel-firmware-ath11k kernel-firmware-atheros kernel-firmware-bluetooth kernel-firmware-bnx2 kernel-firmware-brcm kernel-firmware-chelsio kernel-firmware-dpaa2 kernel-firmware-i915 kernel-firmware-intel kernel-firmware-iwlwifi kernel-firmware-liquidio kernel-firmware-marvell kernel-firmware-media kernel-firmware-mediatek kernel-firmware-mellanox kernel-firmware-mwifiex kernel-firmware-network kernel-firmware-nfp kernel-firmware-nvidia kernel-firmware-platform kernel-firmware-prestera kernel-firmware-qcom kernel-firmware-qlogic kernel-firmware-radeon kernel-firmware-realtek kernel-firmware-serial kernel-firmware-sound kernel-firmware-ti kernel-firmware-ueagle kernel-firmware-usb-network

- Update to version 20221031 (git commit 8bb75626e9dd):
  * linux-firmware: Add firmware for Cirrus CS35L41 on new ASUS Laptop
  * iwlwifi: add new PNVM binaries from core74-44 release
  * iwlwifi: add new FWs from core69-81 release
  * qcom: update venus firmware files for VPU-2.0
  * qcom: remove split SC7280 venus firmware images
  * qcom: update venus firmware file for v5.4
  * qcom: replace split SC7180 venus firmware images with symlink
  * rtw89: 8852b: update fw to v0.27.32.1
  * rtlwifi: update firmware for rtl8192eu to v35.7
  * rtlwifi: Add firmware v4.0 for RTL8188FU
  * i915: Add HuC 7.10.3 for DG2
  * linux-firmware: Add firmware for Cirrus CS35L41 on ASUS Laptops
  * linux-firmware: Add firmware for Cirrus CS35L41 on Lenovo Laptops
  * linux-firmware: Add firmware for Cirrus CS35L41 on HP Laptops
- Drop the CS35L41 firmware tarball that has been merged
- Drop obsoleted cirrus-WHENCE-update.patch
- Update to version 20221017 (git commit 48407ffd7adb):
  * cnm: update chips&media wave521c firmware.
  * brcm: add symlink for Pi Zero 2 W NVRAM file
  * rtw89: 8852b: add initial fw v0.27.32.0
  * iwlwifi: add new FWs from core72-129 release
  * iwlwifi: update 9000-family firmwares to core72-129
  * rtl_bt: Update RTL8852C BT USB firmware to 0xD5B8_A40A
  * amdgpu: update GC 10.3.6 RLC firmware
  * amdgpu: update GC 10.3.7 RLC firmware
  * amdgpu: update Yellow Carp RLC firmware
  * amdgpu: update Beige Goby RLC firmware
  * amdgpu: update Dimgrey Cavefish RLC firmware
  * amdgpu: update Navy Flounder RLC firmware
  * amdgpu: update Sienna Cichlid RLC firmware
  * mediatek: Update mt8195 SOF firmware to v0.4.1
  * qcom: add squashed version of a530 zap shader
  * rtw89: 8852c: update fw to v0.27.56.1
  * rtw89: 8852c: update fw to v0.27.56.0
  * mediatek: Update mt8186 SCP firmware
- Update Cirrus CS35L41 firmware (bsc#1203699)
- Update aliases from 6.1-rc1 kernel

==== kernel-source ====
Version update (6.0.3 -> 6.0.7)
Subpackages: kernel-64kb kernel-default

- Update config files.
- commit bd8c959
- Linux 6.0.7 (bsc#1012628).
- platform/x86/amd: pmc: remove CONFIG_DEBUG_FS checks
- can: j1939: transport: j1939_session_skb_drop_old():
  spin_unlock_irqrestore() before kfree_skb() (bsc#1012628).
- can: kvaser_usb: Fix possible completions during init_completion
- can: rcar_canfd: rcar_canfd_handle_global_receive(): fix IRQ
  storm on global FIFO receive (bsc#1012628).
- can: rcar_canfd: fix channel specific IRQ handling for RZ/G2L
- ALSA: Use del_timer_sync() before freeing timer (bsc#1012628).
- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirks for M-Audio Fast Track C400/600
- ALSA: control: add snd_ctl_rename() (bsc#1012628).
- ALSA: hda/realtek: Use snd_ctl_rename() to rename a control
- ALSA: emu10k1: Use snd_ctl_rename() to rename a control
- ALSA: ac97: Use snd_ctl_rename() to rename a control
- ALSA: usb-audio: Use snd_ctl_rename() to rename a control
- ALSA: ca0106: Use snd_ctl_rename() to rename a control
- ALSA: au88x0: use explicitly signed char (bsc#1012628).
- ALSA: rme9652: use explicitly signed char (bsc#1012628).
- USB: add RESET_RESUME quirk for NVIDIA Jetson devices in RCM
- usb: gadget: uvc: limit isoc_sg to super speed gadgets
- Revert "usb: gadget: uvc: limit isoc_sg to super speed gadgets"
- usb: gadget: uvc: fix dropped frame after missed isoc
- usb: gadget: uvc: fix sg handling in error case (bsc#1012628).
- usb: gadget: uvc: fix sg handling during video encode
- usb: gadget: aspeed: Fix probe regression (bsc#1012628).
- usb: dwc3: gadget: Stop processing more requests on IMI
- usb: dwc3: gadget: Don't set IMI for no_interrupt (bsc#1012628).
- usb: dwc3: gadget: Force sending delayed status during soft
  disconnect (bsc#1012628).
- usb: dwc3: gadget: Don't delay End Transfer on delayed_status
- usb: typec: ucsi: Check the connection on resume (bsc#1012628).
- usb: typec: ucsi: acpi: Implement resume callback (bsc#1012628).
- usb: dwc3: st: Rely on child's compatible instead of name
- usb: dwc3: Don't switch OTG -> peripheral if extcon is present
- usb: bdc: change state when port disconnected (bsc#1012628).
- usb: xhci: add XHCI_SPURIOUS_SUCCESS to ASM1042 despite being
  a V0.96 controller (bsc#1012628).
- mtd: rawnand: tegra: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in probe
- mtd: spi-nor: core: Ignore -ENOTSUPP in spi_nor_init()
- mtd: parsers: bcm47xxpart: Fix halfblock reads (bsc#1012628).
- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Use correct logic for nand-keep-config
- squashfs: fix read regression introduced in readahead code
- squashfs: fix extending readahead beyond end of file
- squashfs: fix buffer release race condition in readahead code
- xhci: Add quirk to reset host back to default state at shutdown
- xhci-pci: Set runtime PM as default policy on all xHC 1.2 or
  later devices (bsc#1012628).
- xhci: Remove device endpoints from bandwidth list when freeing
  the device (bsc#1012628).
- tools: iio: iio_utils: fix digit calculation (bsc#1012628).
- iio: light: tsl2583: Fix module unloading (bsc#1012628).
- iio: temperature: ltc2983: allocate iio channels once
- iio: adxl372: Fix unsafe buffer attributes (bsc#1012628).
- iio: adxl367: Fix unsafe buffer attributes (bsc#1012628).
- fbdev: stifb: Fall back to cfb_fillrect() on 32-bit HCRX cards
- fbdev: smscufx: Fix several use-after-free bugs (bsc#1012628).
- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Read all MSRs on the target CPU
- cpufreq: intel_pstate: hybrid: Use known scaling factor for
  P-cores (bsc#1012628).
- fs/binfmt_elf: Fix memory leak in load_elf_binary()
- exec: Copy oldsighand->action under spin-lock (bsc#1012628).
- mac802154: Fix LQI recording (bsc#1012628).
- scsi: qla2xxx: Use transport-defined speed mask for
  supported_speeds (bsc#1012628).
- drm/i915: Extend Wa_1607297627 to Alderlake-P (bsc#1012628).
- drm/amdgpu: Remove ATC L2 access for MMHUB 2.1.x (bsc#1012628).
- drm/amdgpu: disallow gfxoff until GC IP blocks complete s2idle
  resume (bsc#1012628).
    ... changelog too long, skipping 551 lines ...
- commit c41533c

==== kexec-tools ====

- add kexec-tools-riscv64.patch

==== kgamma5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: kgamma5-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== kgeography ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kget ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kgoldrunner ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== khangman ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== khelpcenter5 ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== khotkeys5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: khotkeys5-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== kidentitymanagement ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: kidentitymanagement-lang libKF5IdentityManagement5 libKF5IdentityManagementWidgets5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kig ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kimap ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: kimap-lang libKF5IMAP5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kinfocenter5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: kinfocenter5-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.1:
  * CommandOutputKCM: Fix text sizing and make it selectable

==== kio ====
Subpackages: kio-core

- Add kio-mr1008-fix-webdav.diff
  * Fixes WebDAV upload (kde#460717)

==== kio-extras5 ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libkioarchive5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kio_audiocd ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kipi-plugins ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kiriki ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kiten ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: fonts-KanjiStrokeOrders

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kitinerary ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKPimItinerary5 libKPimItinerary5-lang

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kjumpingcube ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kldap ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5Ldap5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kleopatra ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== klines ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmag ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmahjongg ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmail ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: kmail-application-icons ktnef

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmail-account-wizard ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmailtransport ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5MailTransport5 libKF5MailTransportAkonadi5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmbox ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmenuedit5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: kmenuedit5-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== kmime ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: kmime-lang libKF5Mime5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmines ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmousetool ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmouth ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmplot ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== knavalbattle ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== knetwalk ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== knotes ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kolf ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kollision ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kolourpaint ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kompare ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== konquest ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== konsole ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: konsole-part konsole-part-lang

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kontact ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kontactinterface ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: kontactinterface-lang libKF5KontactInterface5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== konversation ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kopete ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== korganizer ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kpat ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kpimtextedit ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5PimTextEdit5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kpipewire ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: kpipewire-imports libKPipeWire5 libKPipeWireRecord5

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== kpkpass ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kqtquickcharts ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kreversi ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kruler ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ksanecore ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: ksanecore-lang libKSaneCore1

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kscreen5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: kscreen5-lang kscreen5-plasmoid

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== kscreenlocker ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: kscreenlocker-lang libKScreenLocker5

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== kshisen ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ksirk ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ksmtp ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: ksmtp-lang libKPimSMTP5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kspaceduel ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ksquares ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ksshaskpass5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: ksshaskpass5-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== ksudoku ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ksystemlog ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ksystemstats5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== kteatime ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ktimer ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ktnef ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ktouch ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kturtle ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kubrick ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kvm_stat ====
Version update (6.0.3 -> 6.0.7)

- Fix security issue about debugfs described in bsc#1202924
  * Added patches:

==== kwalletmanager5 ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kwayland-integration ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== kwin5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 ->
Subpackages: kwin5-lang

- Add patch to fix redraw issues with window scaling (kde#461032):
  * 0001-x11window-revert-more-from-3a28c02f.patch
- Update to
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.1:
  * fix compile
  * x11window: partially revert 3a28c02f
  * Replace some manual floored QPointF->QPoint conversion with flooredPoint calls
  * DecorationInputFilter: Use QPointF instead of QPoint for events
  * Window: Floor rather than round when doing hitTest for the decoration (kde#460686)
  * Add a helper function to convert QPointF to QPoint using floor instead of round
  * wayland: Fix missing relative motion events (kde#444510)
  * Implement a enableRequested signal for text-input-v3
  * kcmkwin/kwindecoration: use Kirigami.ActionToolBar for the footer actions (kde#460793)
  * autotests/integration: make inputmethodtest more realstic
  * inputpanelv1window: never hide overlay panels
  * inputmethod: reset m_shouldShowPanel when the tracked window changes
  * inputpanelv1window: show window when client maps it after setting the mode (kde#460537)
  * x11window: don't change size for centering windows with maximization
  * output: don't round geometry as often
  * effects/blur: Fix clipping when sliding virtual desktops (kde#460382)
  * Fix potential race condition when text input state change and focus change happened at the same time
  * Fix wording in action 'Switch to Screen'
  * backends/drm: don't crash if connector has no modes

==== kwordquiz ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kwrited5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== layer-shell-qt ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== libHX ====
Version update (4.6 -> 4.7)

- Update to release 4.7
  * string: new quoting modes HXQUOTE_BASE64URL & HXQUOTE_BASE64IMAP

==== libXext ====
Version update (1.3.4 -> 1.3.5)
Subpackages: libXext-devel libXext6

- Update to version 1.3.5
  * Fix spelling/wording issues
  * gitlab CI: add a basic build test
  * Xge.c, Xge.h: convert from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8
  * Add extutilP.h header for xgeExtRegister() prototype
  * Remove unnecessary casts of malloc/calloc results
  * Remove unnecessary (char *) casts from Xfree() arguments
  * Use calloc instead of malloc if we may not initialize all the bytes
  * Import reallocarray() from libX11
  * Convert calls to Xmalloc arrays to use Xmallocarray instead
  * configure: Use AC_USE_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS to set GNU_SOURCE & other defines
  * Remove "All rights reserved" from Oracle copyright notices.
  * COPYING: Add info for Xge.* and reallocarray.* files
  * add ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 to make aclocal pick ax_gcc_builtin.m4

==== libXinerama ====
Version update (1.1.4 -> 1.1.5)

- Update to version 1.1.6
  * Update README for gitlab migration
  * Update bug URL for gitlab migration
  * Fix spelling/wording issues
  * gitlab CI: add a basic build test
  * XineramaQueryScreens: fix -Wsign-compare warning
  * Remove "register" type qualifier from variable declarations

==== libavif ====

- Remove unused BuildRequires on nasm
- Remove indirect/incorrect Buildrequires on zlib
- add direct glib Buildrequires

==== libdrm ====
Version update (2.4.113 -> 2.4.114)
Subpackages: libdrm-devel libdrm2 libdrm_amdgpu1 libdrm_etnaviv1 libdrm_exynos1 libdrm_freedreno1 libdrm_intel1 libdrm_nouveau2 libdrm_radeon1 libdrm_tegra0

- Update to 2.4.114
  * amdgpu.ids: use consistent formatting for RID
  * amdgpu.ids: sort the file
  * amdgpu.ids: update to the latest marketing name
  * amdgpu_ids: add MI marketing names
  * amdgpu: Add a default marketing name if none is found
  * meson: fast-fail on unsupported OSes
  * include/drm/drm_fourcc.h: Update from Linux v6.0-rc7
  * include/drm/i915_drm.h: Update from Linux v6.0-rc7
  * tests/util: add imx-lcdif driver
  * intel: move declarations to top in drm_intel_gem_bo_unreference()
  * build: automatically disable Intel if pciaccess is not found
  * xf86drm: handle DRM_FORMAT_BIG_ENDIAN in drmGetFormatName()
  * amdgpu: silence uninitialized variable warning
  * xf86drmMode: add helpers for dumb buffers
  * modetest: drop unused offset field in struct bo
  * modetest: use sized integers in struct bo
  * modetest: use dumb buffer helpers

==== libepoxy ====

- needed by jira#PED-1174 (Mesa needs sync with Xserver, which
  then needs updated libepoxy)

==== libffi ====
Version update (3.4.3 -> 3.4.4)

- Update to libffi 3.4.4
  * Important aarch64 fixes, including support for linux builds
    with Link Time Optimization (-flto).
  * Fix x86 stdcall stack alignment.
  * Fix x86 Windows msvc assembler compatibility.
  * Fix moxie and or1k small structure args.
- drop riscv64-handle-big-structures.patch
- reenable LTO

==== libfprint ====
Version update (1.94.4 -> 1.94.5+tod1)

- Move to libfprint-tod fork:
  This fork allows loading of external modules (typically non-free)
  located in /usr/lib64/libfprint-2/tod-1/. This is neccessary for
  fingerprint sensors that do on-device verifaction.
  These non-free modules shall be included in Packman repositories.
- update to 1.94.5:
  * New driver: fpcmoc, supporting various FPC MOC Fingerprint Sensors
  * goodixmoc: New PIDs 0x6014, 0x6094, 0x631C, 0x634C, 0x6384, 0x659A.
  * goodixmoc: Support resetting device on firmware failure due to corrupted DB.
  * elanmoc: New PIDs 0x0c88, 0x0c8c, 0x0c8d.
  * synaptics: New PID 0x0104.
  * upektc: New PID 0x2017.
  * Fixed various memory leaks
  * More tests

==== libgravatar ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5Gravatar5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libgsasl ====

- refresh keyring

==== libguestfs ====
Subpackages: libguestfs-xfs libguestfs0

- Drop reiserfs (boo#1191092)
- Drop requirement for icoutils in SLE as this package is not
- jsc#PED-2113 [Virt Tools] Refresh Virtualization Tools for Xen
  and KVM Management

==== libidn2 ====
Version update (2.3.3 -> 2.3.4)

- update to 2.3.4:
  * Support for Unicode 15.0.0
  * Uses IDNA2008 from tables from rather than IANA
    for consistency with other implementation and support for
    Unicode versions 12 through 15. This breaks backwards-
    compatibility regarding U+19DA and recent releases

==== libkcddb ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5Cddb5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkcompactdisc ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5CompactDisc5 libkcompactdisc-lang

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkdcraw ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkdecoration2 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: libkdecorations2-5 libkdecorations2-5-lang libkdecorations2private9

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.1:
  * Floor mouse positions rather than rounding

==== libkdegames ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: kdegames-carddecks-default libKF5KDEGames7 libkdegames-qt5-imports

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkdepim ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5Libkdepim5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkeduvocdocument ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKEduVocDocument5 libkeduvocdocument-lang

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkexiv2 ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkgapi ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKPimGAPICalendar5 libKPimGAPIContacts5 libKPimGAPICore5 libKPimGAPITasks5 libkgapi-lang sasl2-kdexoauth2

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkipi ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5Kipi32_0_0 libkipi-data

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkleo ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5Libkleo5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkmahjongg ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5KMahjongglib5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkomparediff2 ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libkomparediff2-5 libkomparediff2-lang

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libksane ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5Sane5 libksane-lang

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkscreen2 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: libKF5Screen7 libkscreen2-plugin

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.1:
  * Make error messages translatable
- Use %autosetup
- Use %fdupes with hardlinks

==== libksieve ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libksieve5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libksysguard5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: ksysguardsystemstats-data libKSysGuardSystemStats1 libksysguard5-imports libksysguard5-lang libksysguard5-plugins

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== libktorrent ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5Torrent6 libktorrent-lang

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libmysofa ====
Version update (1.2.1 -> 1.3.1)

- Update to 1.3.1:
  * added a memory loader for HRTFs
  * supporting strange head geometrics from MeshHRTF
- Enable test suite

==== libnvme ====
Version update (1.1 -> 1.2)

- Update to version 1.2:
  * Add more details for return code of MI admin cmds
  * Parse dhchap_host_key on controller level
  * Update json config schema for missing dhchap host key
  * fabrics: Add new TP8010 definitions
  * fabrics: Add nvmf_get_discovery_wargs()
  * fabrics: Duplicate strings when merging configs
  * fabrics: Filter out empty strings in add_argument()
  * fabrics: Use fallthrough statement
  * ioctl: Set log page offset for nvme_get_log_telemetry_host
  * json-schema: add dhchap_key details to host section
  * json: Enforce correctly formatted JSON config files
  * json: Verify JSON config file starts with an array
  * mi: Add Get Log Page helpers
  * mi: Add Identify function for secondary controller list
  * mi: Add Identify helper for ns-descs and primary-ctrl-caps
  * mi: Add firmware download and commit commands
  * mi: Add identify helper for nsid-capable Controller List
  * mi: Add identify helpers for namespace lists
  * mi: Add identify helpers for namespaces
  * mi: Allow Admin-message sized More Processing Required responses
  * mi: Distinguish MI status from NVMe (CDW3) status
  * mi: Fix C++ compiler errors
  * mi: Implement Format NVM command
  * mi: Implement Get & Set Features Admin commands
  * mi: Implement NS attach command and helpers
  * mi: Implement Namespace Management command and create/delete helpers
  * mi: Implement Sanitize command
  * mi: Init ctrl_id within xfer
  * mi: Introduce a helper for response status, unify values with ioctls
  * mi: Set log page offset for nvme_get_log_telemetry_host
  * mi: add nvme_mi_status_to_string()
  * mi: fix a memory leak in nvme_mi_open_mctp()
  * mi: fix get_log_page chunked offset check
  * nvme-tree: avoid segfault if auth keys are unavailable
  * python: Use nvmf_get_discovery_wargs()
  * tree: rename controller 'dhchap_key' to 'dhchap_ctrl_key'
  * types: Move enum nvme_data_tfr to types
  * util: Add LINE_MAX define
  * util: Add get feature length 2 API to support direction parameter
  * util: Add simple UUID type
  * util: Do not expose fallthrough defines
- Make man page build conditiional. Install man page location has been
  fixed upstream.
- Mark the Python directory own by the libnvme3-python package
- Use fixed manpage build date (boo#1047218)

==== libosinfo ====
Subpackages: libosinfo-1_0-0 typelib-1_0-Libosinfo-1_0

- jsc#PED-2113 [Virt Tools] Refresh Virtualization Tools for Xen
  and KVM Management

==== libp11 ====
Version update (0.4.11 -> 0.4.12)

- Update to 0.4.12:
  * Fixed using an explicitly provided PIN regardless of the secure login flag (Alon Bar-Lev)
  * Fixed RSA_PKCS1_PADDING handling (Michał Trojnara)
  * Fixed a crash on LLP64, including 64-bit Windows (Małgorzata Olszówka)
  * Fixed searching objects when both ID and label are specified (minfrin)
  * Fixed the OAEP "source" parameter (S-P Chan)
  * Fixed object searching by label (Michał Trojnara)
  * Fixed thread safety in slot enumeration (Michał Trojnara)
  * Fixed storing certificates on tokens (Mateusz Kwiatkowski)
  * Fixed several memory leaks (Michał Trojnara, Jakub Jelen, Timo Teräs)
  * Fixed OpenSSL 3.0 compatibility (Jakub Jelen)
  * Fixed LibreSSL compatibility (orbea, patchMonkey156)
  * Major concurrency improvements and refactoring (Timo Teräs)
  * Added re-numeration of slots as an engine control command (Markus Koetter)
  * Added the PKCS11_update_slots() API function (Timo Teräs)
  * Added support for the SHA3 hash function (alegon01)
  * Added a self-test for engine RSA operations (Uri Blumenthal)

==== libqt5-qtbase ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde177 -> 5.15.7+kde167)
Subpackages: libQt5Concurrent5 libQt5Core5 libQt5DBus5 libQt5Gui5 libQt5Network5 libQt5OpenGL5 libQt5PrintSupport5 libQt5Sql5 libQt5Sql5-mysql libQt5Sql5-sqlite libQt5Test5 libQt5Widgets5 libQt5Xml5 libqt5-qtbase-platformtheme-gtk3

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde167, rebased upstream:
  * offer an opt out of automatic xdg-desktop-portal use
  * Send string to Atspi DBus interface on name/description changed
  * Send string to Atspi DBus interface on value changed for comboboxes
  * iOS: Use generic simulator device for building apps via xcodebuild
  * xcode: Allow automatic provisioning updates when calling xcodebuild
  * Revert "[Android] Remove signal and slot mechanism to listen states in editor's"
  * Android: fix error when signing bundles
  * Doc: Fix notes in QObject
  * Allow dragging of a floating dockwidget on macOS with a custom titlebar
  * Http/2 - handle PADDED flag correctly
  * QTlsBackend (OpenSSL) : detect incompatible versions
  * Reduce the width of a hfw-widget if scrollbar would be flipping
  * QCocoaWindow: Make window key if the app's modal window is hidden
  * Doc: clarify case sensitivity in QCompleter
  * Doc: Note that qmake's CONFIG values are case-sensitive
  * Clear up QWindow::isActive() documentation
  * QWinRtFunctions::await() - introduce early exit condition
  * rhi: metal: Use the layer as the single source of truth
  * Include <QHash> explicitly
  * Update PCRE2 to 10.38
  * Add testing of QPdfWriter output to QPainter lancelot test
  * Update the COPYRIGHT.txt file
  * QTranslator: Fix loading of meta catalogs from absolute .qm path
  * tst_qtranslator: Simplify extraction of test data
  * Cocoa: Don't call makeKeyAndOrderFront for native app-modal dialogs
  * Fix querying font aliases that share name with other fonts
  * Update bundled libjpeg-turbo to version 2.1.1
  * macOS: Compute NSWindow background color without checking styleMask
  * SQLite: Update SQLite to v3.36.0
  * Android: Fix path of qmake_qmake_immediate.qrc in single_abi with qmake
  * qmake: Print error when iOS simulator device could not be found
  * Fix loading of OpenSSL on macOS versions that ship its own OpenSSL
  * QWidgetWindow: Stabilize test on Xcb
  * Blacklist flaky test
  * Fix license information for libjpeg-turbo
  * Don't unload libraries on Darwin-based operating systems
  * QThreadPool: Fix restarting of expired threads
  * Make test pass on machines with many cores
  * Blacklist tst_QSocks5SocketEngine::simpleConnectToIMAP() because of flakiness
  * Blacklist tst_qgl:closeAndThenShow() because of flakiness
  * Update Android default SDK from 29 to 30
  * Make clear why QTestLog::addB?XFail() don't add to counters
  * Fix .qm file name calculation in lrelease.prf
  * qmake/xcode: Do not create OBJECTS_DIR
  * QSslCertificate(OpenSSL plugin): fix memory leaks in extension 'parser'
  * OpenSSL: Let people opt-in to use TLS 1.3 PSK callback
  * tst_http2: Fix flaky authentication test
  * Cocoa: Make sure we can display multiple sheets for the same NSWindow
  * Fix QTextCodec::canEncode() for ICU codec
  * wasm: fix network data URI scheme
  * Doc: add more notes about full screen windows on macOS
  * macOS: Don't rely on invalidateCursorRectsForView when mouse is over view
  * Doc: add note that hiding a window doesn't close a full screen space
  * qlocale_win: Fix non-standalone month names
  * androiddeployqt: Check if apk is already aligned
  * Fix corner case in QTimeZonePrivate::dataForLocalTime()
  * Improve lancelot test of dashed line painting
  * qmake: Add support for C17/C18
  * qmake/vcxproj: Read C language standard from QMAKE_CFLAGS
  * qmake/vcxproj generator: Handle C standard compiler flags
  * qmake: Make it possible to set CONFIG += c11 with MSVC 19.28
  * qmake: Recognize MSVC 16.x as VS 2019 in the VS project generator
  * Doc: Replace the example for QFileInfo::setFile
  * QMetaEnum: avoid quadratic behavior in valueToKeys()
  * QGraphicsProxyWidget: forward Window(De)Activate events
  * QDashStroker: cap the number of repetitions of the pattern
  * Fix bug with NoFontMerging when font does not support script
  * Android: Fix unnecessary clipboard data access
  * macOS: Don't wipe NSWindowStyleMaskFullSizeContentView if set manually
  * Fix broken build when LTTng tracing is enabled
  * Attempt to unwedge tst_QThread::wait3_slowDestructor()
  * macOS: close popups on mousedown within the window frame
  * Use a scope-guard to take care of process deletion in a test
  * QVarLengthArray: add missing default-ctor documentation
- Commits dropped by the rebase:
  * Fix compile of tst_qimage in Qt5
- Update to version 5.15.6+kde178:
  * ANGLE: Fix compilation on GCC 11

==== libqt5-qtconnectivity ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde5 -> 5.15.7+kde5)
Subpackages: libQt5Bluetooth5 libQt5Bluetooth5-imports libQt5Nfc5 libQt5Nfc5-imports libqt5-qtconnectivity-tools

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde5, rebased upstream:
  * Refactor characteristics read for WinRT
  * QLowEnergyControllerWinRT: refactor connection to device
  * Move connecting to a LE device to background on Windows
  * QLowEnergyController(WinRT): introduce timeout for connection
  * winrt: Protect from late AdvertisementReceived callback
  * IOBluetoothDeviceInquiry: manually interrupt Classic scan
  * QtBluetooth (examples): add Info.plist for iOS
  * CoreBluetooth: provide a description (in Info.plist) of BT usage
  * Bluetooth docs: mention the Apple's specific requirements
  * Heart-rate example: add a proper Info.plist
  * Android: Call handleTargetLost directly on NFC TagLostException

==== libqt5-qtdeclarative ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde20 -> 5.15.7+kde18)

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde18, rebased upstream:
  * Revert "Fix ListView.isCurrentItem when used with DelegateModel"
  * Stop using QHash::unite() in storage model manual test
  * SaveableUnitPointer::saveToDisk restores flags incorrectly at cleanup
  * Document that clearComponentCache() does not clear existing objects
  * Doc: Replace return `0` with nullptr
  * Doc: Fix QtQuick::Keys::forwardTo generic list type
  * Doc: QQmlContext: make it more readable
  * Fix ListView.isCurrentItem when used with DelegateModel
  * Fix documentation on JavaScript imports
  * doc: Remove bogus PinchHandler.minimumTouchPoints prop; improve actual
  * tst_grabImage: Fix the cases were visually comparing invisible items
  * Reinitialize shader data structure when effect changes
  * Doc: mention that clipping can affect performance and link to page
  * Ensure init of m_current_projection_matrix in single-clipped-item scene
  * Canvas: Add a means to override the DPR used via an environment variable
  * Fix regression in ListView/Flickable event delivery
  * qquicktextinput: Clear pre-edit text after input method reset
- Rebase qtdeclarative-5.15.0-FixMaxXMaxYExtent.patch

==== libqt5-qtgraphicaleffects ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde0 -> 5.15.7+kde0)

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde0, rebased upstream:
  * No code changes

==== libqt5-qtimageformats ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde4 -> 5.15.7+kde5)

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde5, rebased upstream:
  * Reject tiled tiffs with corrupt tile size early
  * Update bundled libwebp to version 1.2.1

==== libqt5-qtlocation ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde3 -> 5.15.7+kde3)
Subpackages: libQt5Location5 libQt5Positioning5 libQt5PositioningQuick5

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde3, rebased upstream:
  * No code changes

==== libqt5-qtmultimedia ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde1 -> 5.15.7+kde1)

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde1, rebased upstream:
  * PulseAudio: Call pa_stream_flush() with PulseDaemonLocker lock held
  * Fix incorrectly generated CMake files for the QNX audio plugin

==== libqt5-qtnetworkauth ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde0 -> 5.15.7+kde0)

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde0, rebased upstream:
  * No code changes

==== libqt5-qtquickcontrols ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde0 -> 5.15.7+kde0)

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde0, rebased upstream:
  * No code changes

==== libqt5-qtquickcontrols2 ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde5 -> 5.15.7+kde6)
Subpackages: libQt5QuickControls2-5 libQt5QuickTemplates2-5

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde6, rebased upstream:
  * implement a11y pressing of qquickabstractbutton
  * Blacklist some flaky tst_qquickpopup functions on openSUSE
  * Fix memory leak in Qt Quick Controls icon

==== libqt5-qtscript ====

- Update to version 5.15.10+kde0, rebased upstream:
  * No code changes
- Commits dropped by the rebase:
  * Bump version to 5.15.10
  * Blacklist two tests that fail on macOS ARM
  * Bump version from 5.15.8 to 5.15.9
  * Bump version from 5.15.7 to 5.15.8
  * Bump version from 5.15.6 to 5.15.7

==== libqt5-qtsensors ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde0 -> 5.15.7+kde0)
Subpackages: libQt5Sensors5 libQt5Sensors5-imports

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde0, rebased upstream:
  * No code changes

==== libqt5-qtserialport ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde0 -> 5.15.7+kde0)

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde0, rebased upstream:
  * No code changes

==== libqt5-qtspeech ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde1 -> 5.15.7+kde1)
Subpackages: libQt5TextToSpeech5 libqt5-qtspeech-plugin-speechd

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde1, rebased upstream:
  * Android: Protect against a null Locale object when calling getLocale

==== libqt5-qtsvg ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde9 -> 5.15.7+kde9)

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde9, rebased upstream:
  * No code changes

==== libqt5-qttools ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde1 -> 5.15.7+kde1)
Subpackages: libQt5Designer5 libQt5Help5 libqt5-qdbus libqt5-qtpaths

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde1, rebased upstream:
  * qdoc: Fix warnings about generatelist arguments
  * qdoc: Fix Section::reduce() omitting sections with obsolete members
  * macdeployqt: detect debug libs by using “_debug” suffix
  * Fix extensions without leading period having first character dropped
  * Doc: Remove mention of custom filters, part 2

==== libqt5-qttranslations ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde2 -> 5.15.7+kde0)

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde0, rebased upstream:
  * Update simplified chinese translation
  * update dutch translations
  * Update Catalan translations for Qt 5.15.2

==== libqt5-qtvirtualkeyboard ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde1 -> 5.15.7+kde0)
Subpackages: libQt5HunspellInputMethod5 libQt5VirtualKeyboard5 libqt5-qtvirtualkeyboard-hunspell

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde0, rebased upstream:
  * No code changes

==== libqt5-qtwayland ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde49 -> 5.15.7+kde49)
Subpackages: libQt5WaylandClient5 libQt5WaylandCompositor5

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde49, rebased upstream:
  * Hold surface read lock throughout QWaylandEglWindow::updateSurface
  * Keep reference to buffer until it has been replaced
  * Implement wp_viewporter support for video buffer formats
  * Ignore viewporter buffer size when buffer is null

==== libqt5-qtwebchannel ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde3 -> 5.15.7+kde3)
Subpackages: libQt5WebChannel5 libQt5WebChannel5-imports

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde3, rebased upstream:
  * No code changes

==== libqt5-qtwebsockets ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde2 -> 5.15.7+kde2)
Subpackages: libQt5WebSockets5 libQt5WebSockets5-imports

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde2, rebased upstream:
  * No code changes

==== libqt5-qtwebview ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde0 -> 5.15.7+kde0)
Subpackages: libQt5WebView5 libQt5WebView5-imports

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde0, rebased upstream:
  * No code changes

==== libqt5-qtx11extras ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde0 -> 5.15.7+kde0)

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde0, rebased upstream:
  * No code changes

==== libqt5-qtxmlpatterns ====
Version update (5.15.6+kde0 -> 5.15.7+kde0)
Subpackages: libQt5XmlPatterns5 libqt5-qtxmlpatterns-imports

- Update to version 5.15.7+kde0, rebased upstream:
  * No code changes

==== libreoffice ====
Version update ( ->
Subpackages: libreoffice-base libreoffice-calc libreoffice-draw libreoffice-filters-optional libreoffice-gnome libreoffice-gtk3 libreoffice-icon-themes libreoffice-impress libreoffice-l10n-en libreoffice-mailmerge libreoffice-math libreoffice-pyuno libreoffice-qt5 libreoffice-writer libreofficekit

- Fix bsc#1201095 - LO-L3: Text box shows that does not show in PowerPoint
  * bsc1201095.patch
- Update to
- Remove upstreamed patches:
  * poppler-22.09.0.patch
  * bsc1203502.patch

==== libshumate ====
Version update (1.0.1 -> 1.0.2)
Subpackages: libshumate-1_0-1 typelib-1_0-Shumate-1_0

- Update to version 1.0.2:
  + Avoid flickering when panning the map.
  + Fix warnings about min/max zoom levels for the viewport.
  + Fix documentation comments.
  + Fix cross-compilation for gi-docgen.

==== libstorage-ng ====
Version update (4.5.47 -> 4.5.48)
Subpackages: libstorage-ng-lang libstorage-ng-ruby libstorage-ng1

- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#901
- set used feature flag for quota (bsc#1204773)
- 4.5.48

==== libva ====
Subpackages: libva-drm2 libva-x11-2 libva2

- needed for jira#PED-1174 (Video decoding/encoding support
  (VA-API, ...) for Intel GPUs is outside of Mesa)

==== libva-gl ====
Subpackages: libva-glx2 libva-wayland2

- needed for jira#PED-1174 (Video decoding/encoding support
  (VA-API, ...) for Intel GPUs is outside of Mesa)

==== libvirt ====
Version update (8.8.0 -> 8.9.0)
Subpackages: libvirt-client libvirt-daemon libvirt-daemon-config-network libvirt-daemon-driver-interface libvirt-daemon-driver-network libvirt-daemon-driver-nodedev libvirt-daemon-driver-nwfilter libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu libvirt-daemon-driver-secret libvirt-daemon-driver-storage libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-core libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-disk libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi-direct libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-logical libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-mpath libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-rbd libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-scsi libvirt-daemon-qemu libvirt-libs

- Update to libvirt 8.9.0
  - jsc#PED-620, jsc#PED-1540
  - Add support for modular daemons to the supportconfig plugin
  - New subpackage libvirt-client-qemu providing client utilities
    to interact with QEMU-specific features of libvirt
  - Many incremental improvements and bug fixes, see

==== libxml2 ====
Subpackages: libxml2-2 libxml2-tools

- Add W3C conformance tests to the testsuite (bsc#1204585):
  * Added file xmlts20080827.tar.gz

==== libxml2-python ====

- Add W3C conformance tests to the testsuite (bsc#1204585):
  * Added file xmlts20080827.tar.gz

==== libxshmfence ====
Version update (1.3 -> 1.3.1)

- Update to version 1.3.1
  * Update README for gitlab migration
  * Update bug URL for gitlab migration
  * Fix spelling/wording issues
  * gitlab CI: add a basic build test
  * alloc: prefer atomic close-on-exec without O_TMPFILE as well
  * alloc: prefer SHM_ANON on FreeBSD a la memfd_create

==== libyuv ====
Version update (20220713+d248929c -> 20220920+f9fda6e)

- Update to version 20220920+f9fda6e:
  * Fix shift amount for SSSE3 assembly for I012 format conversions
  * 10/12 bit YUV replicate upper bits to low bits before converting to RGB
  * Fix immediate offsets for row_neon build on gcc
- Update to version 20220920+248172e:
  * I422ToRGB24, I422ToRAW, I422ToRGB24MatrixFilter conversion functions added.
  * Remove include resource.h for Fuchsia build
  * I420ToRGB24MatrixFilter function added
  * SSE2 MM21->YUY2 conversion
  * MM21ToYUY2 and  ABGRToJ420 conversion
  * AB64ToARGB fix for inplace conversion
  * Bump up version to 1838
  * Add I422ToRGB565Matrix
  * RAWToJ400 require multiple of 16 pixels for NEON
  * row_neon*: Explicitly initialize pad in RgbConstants
  * Fix MSVC warnings by adding casts
  * Define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS if MSVC CRT is used
  * Reduce cmake verbosity and update min version
  * Set IMPORT_PREFIX to "lib" on Windows
  * Android.bp: Remove reference to LICENSE_THIRD_PARTY
  * Fix SSE2 version of ScalePlaneUp2_16_Bilinear
  * Disable bilinear 16 bit scale up for SSE2
  * Add .vpython3 to libyuv.
  * Switch from python to python3.

==== llvm14 ====

- Add lldb-swig-4.1.0-build-fix.patch: Fix build with Swig 4.1.0.

==== llvm15 ====
Version update (15.0.2 -> 15.0.3)
Subpackages: clang-tools clang15 clang15-doc libLLVM15 libc++-devel libc++1 libc++abi-devel libc++abi1 libclang-cpp15 libclang13 llvm15-gold

- Update to version 15.0.3.
  * This release contains bug-fixes for the LLVM 15.0.0 release.
    This release is API and ABI compatible with 15.0.0.
- Add llvm-armv7-fix-vector-compare-with-zero-lowering.patch: Fix
  lowering of non-canonical vector comparison with zero on armv7,
  preventing a crash (boo#1204267, gh#llvm/llvm-project#58514).
- Add lldb-swig-4.1.0-build-fix.patch: Fix build with Swig 4.1.0.
- Rebase llvm-do-not-install-static-libraries.patch.

==== lokalize ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== lskat ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== lsof ====
Version update (4.95.0 -> 4.96.4)

- update to 4.96.4
  * fix hash functions used for finding local tcp/udp IPCs
  * Show copyright notice in --version output.
  * Avoid some easy collissions for udp/udp6 sockets when hashing
  * Changing the number of ipcbuckets to 4096
  * obtain correct information of memory-mapped file.
- drop remove-hostname.patch now upstream

==== luajit ====

- Add ppc64 and ppc64le to ExcludeArch for now. This can be
  removed if we rebase the ppc64 patch, but it is no longer being
  maintained and seems unlikely to land upstream (bsc#1204557).

==== luit ====
Version update (20201003 -> 20221028)

- Update to version 20221028
  * fix a few compiler-warnings
  * updated, from xterm.
  * updated configure script, to work around regression in grep 3.8
  * updated configure macros for compiler-warning fixes.
  * update config.guess, config.sub, install-sh

==== lvm2 ====
Subpackages: liblvm2cmd2_03

- dracut-initqueue timeouts with 5.3.18-150300.59.63 kernel on ppc64le (bsc#1199074)
  - in lvm2.spec, change device_mapper_version from 1.02.185 to %{lvm2_version}_1.02.185

==== lvm2-device-mapper ====
Version update (1.02.185 -> 2.03.16_1.02.185)
Subpackages: device-mapper libdevmapper-event1_03 libdevmapper1_03

- dracut-initqueue timeouts with 5.3.18-150300.59.63 kernel on ppc64le (bsc#1199074)
  - in lvm2.spec, change device_mapper_version from 1.02.185 to %{lvm2_version}_1.02.185

==== mailcommon ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5MailCommon5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== mailimporter ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5MailImporter5 libKF5MailImporterAkonadi5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== make ====
Version update (4.3 -> 4.4)

- reset-sigpipe.patch: Reset SIGPIPE in children
- Update to make 4.4
  * WARNING: Future backward-incompatibility!
    In the NEXT release of GNU Make, pattern rules will implement the same
    behavior change for multiple targets as explicit grouped targets
  * WARNING: Backward-incompatibility!
    GNU Make now uses temporary files in more situations than previous releases.
  * WARNING: Backward-incompatibility!
    Previously each target in a explicit grouped target rule was considered
    individually: if the targets needed by the build were not out of date the
    recipe was not run even if other targets in the group were out of date.  Now
    if any of the grouped targets are needed by the build, then if any of the
    grouped targets are out of date the recipe is run and all targets in the
    group are considered updated.
  * WARNING: Backward-incompatibility!
    Previously if --no-print-directory was seen anywhere in the environment or
    command line it would take precedence over any --print-directory.  Now, the
    last setting of directory printing options seen will be used, so a command
    line such as "--no-print-directory -w" _will_ show directory entry/exits.
  * WARNING: Backward-incompatibility!
    Previously the order in which makefiles were remade was not explicitly
    stated, but it was (roughly) the inverse of the order in which they were
    processed by make.  In this release, the order in which makefiles are
    rebuilt is the same order in which make processed them, and this is defined
    to be true in the GNU Make manual.
  * WARNING: Backward-incompatibility!
    Previously only simple (one-letter) options were added to the MAKEFLAGS
    variable that was visible while parsing makefiles.  Now, all options are
    available in MAKEFLAGS.  If you want to check MAKEFLAGS for a one-letter
    option, expanding "$(firstword -$(MAKEFLAGS))" is a reliable way to return
    the set of one-letter options which can be examined via findstring, etc.
  * WARNING: Backward-incompatibility!
    Previously makefile variables marked as export were not exported to commands
    started by the $(shell ...) function.  Now, all exported variables are
    exported to $(shell ...).  If this leads to recursion during expansion, then
    for backward-compatibility the value from the original environment is used.
    To detect this change search for 'shell-export' in the .FEATURES variable.
  * WARNING: New build requirement
    GNU Make utilizes facilities from GNU Gnulib: Gnulib requires certain C99
    features in the C compiler and so these features are required by GNU Make:
    The configure script should verify the compiler has these features.
  * New feature: The .WAIT special target
    If the .WAIT target appears between two prerequisites of a target, then
    GNU Make will wait for all of the targets to the left of .WAIT in the list
    to complete before starting any of the targets to the right of .WAIT.
  * New feature: .NOTPARALLEL accepts prerequisites
    If the .NOTPARALLEL special target has prerequisites then all prerequisites
    of those targets will be run serially (as if .WAIT was specified between
    each prerequisite).
  * New feature: The .NOTINTERMEDIATE special target
    .NOTINTERMEDIATE disables intermediate behavior for specific files, for all
    files built using a pattern, or for the entire makefile.
  * New feature: The $(let ...) function
    This function allows user-defined functions to define a set of local
    variables: values can be assigned to these variables from within the
    user-defined function and they will not impact global variable assignments.
  * New feature: The $(intcmp ...) function
    This function allows conditional evaluation controlled by a numerical
  * New feature: Improved support for -l / --load-average
    On systems that provide /proc/loadavg (Linux), GNU Make will use it to
    determine the number of runnable jobs and use this as the current load,
    avoiding the need for heuristics.
  * New feature: The --shuffle command line option
    This option reorders goals and prerequisites to simulate non-determinism
    that may be seen using parallel build.  Shuffle mode allows a form of "fuzz
    testing" of parallel builds to verify that all prerequisites are correctly
    described in the makefile.
  * New feature: The --jobserver-style command line option and named pipes
    A new jobserver method is used on systems where mkfifo(3) is supported.
  * GNU Make has sometimes chosen unexpected, and sub-optimal, chains of
    implicit rules due to the definition of "ought to exist" in the implicit
    rule search algorithm, which considered any prerequisite mentioned in the
    makefile as "ought to exist".  This algorithm has been modified to prefer
    prerequisites mentioned explicitly in the target being built and only if
    that results in no matching rule, will GNU Make consider prerequisites
    mentioned in other targets as "ought to exist".
  * GNU Make was performing secondary expansion of all targets, even targets
    which didn't need to be considered during the build.  In this release
    only targets which are considered will be secondarily expanded.
  * If the MAKEFLAGS variable is modified in a makefile, it will be re-parsed
    immediately rather than after all makefiles have been read.
  * The -I option accepts an argument "-" (e.g., "-I-") which means "reset the
    list of search directories to empty".
  * New debug option "print" will show the recipe to be run, even when silent
    mode is set, and new debug option "why" will show why a target is rebuilt
    (which prerequisites caused the target to be considered out of date).
  * The existing --trace option is made equivalent to --debug=print,why
  * Target-specific variables can now be marked "unexport".
  * Exporting / unexporting target-specific variables is handled correctly, so
    that the attribute of the most specific variable setting is used.
  * Special targets like .POSIX are detected upon definition, ensuring that any
    change in behavior takes effect immediately, before the next line is parsed.
  * When the pipe-based jobserver is enabled and GNU Make decides it is invoking
    a non-make sub-process and closes the jobserver pipes, it will now add a new
    option to the MAKEFLAGS environment variable that disables the jobserver.
  * A long-standing issue with the directory cache has been resolved: changes
    made as a side-effect of some other target's recipe are now noticed as
- jobserver-noinherit.patch, jobserver-fifo.patch: Removed
- test-driver.patch: Removed
- fix-57962.patch: Removed
- make-testcases_timeout.diff: Removed

==== mbox-importer ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== messagelib ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== milou5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: milou5-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== mobipocket ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== mosh ====
Version update (1.4.0.rc1 -> 1.4.0)

- Update to version 1.4.0:
  * New features:
    Support OSC 52 clipboard copy integration (Alex Cornejo)
    Allow non-inserting prediction (--predict-overwrite) (John Hood)
    Don't do prediction on large pastes into mosh-client (John Hood)
    Add true color support (Kang Jianbin)
    Add syslog logging of connections (Tom Judge)
    If exec()ing the remote command fails, pause briefly (John Hood)
  * Bug fixes:
    ignore unknown renditions (Keith Winstein)
    Overlays were getting set to the wrong colors (John Hood)
    Fix issue with incorrect true-color background erase colors (John Hood)
    Use HAVE_UTEMPTER instead of HAVE_UPTEMPTER (Michael Jarvis)
    Apply latest consecutive resize, not earliest (Peter Edwards)
    Use CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW when available (Harry Sintonen)
    Add tmux and alacritty to title_term_types (Naïm Favier)
    Don't sometimes hang just after launching ssh (Kalle Samuels)
  * Internal changes:
    Reformat printed strings in source (John Hood)
    Code cleanups (John Hood, Anders Kaseorg, Benjamin Barenblat, Alex Chernyakhovsky)
    Always use non-blocking sockets for recvmsg() (John Hood)
    Add Perl compile (John Hood)
    Improvements to the test suite (John Hood)
    Fixes to autoconf configure (Anders Kaseorg)
    Cleanups to our cryptography code (Benjamin Barenblat, Alex Chernyakhovsky)
  * Infrastructure changes:
    Add support for OCLint static checker (John Hood)
    Switch from Travis-CI to Github Actions (Wolfgang E. Sanyer, Alex Chernyakhovsky)
    Add code coverage and fuzzing infrastructure (Alex Chernyakhovsky)

==== mpg123 ====
Version update (1.30.2 -> 1.31.1)
Subpackages: libmpg123-0 mpg123-openal

- Update to version 1.31.1
  * Fix largefile aliases for the case of a largefile-insensitive
    build that still does define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS from the
    outside (sys/feature_tests.h on Illumos).
- Update to version 1.31.0
  * The --control / -C switch will make mpg123 abort now if
    terminal control cannot be enabled.
  * Revert to internal network code for plain HTTP to ensure
    continued support for original shoutcast servers that do not
    talk proper HTTP. External backends are built at the same
    time and can be enforced using --network <backend>.
  * Try-witout-port for internal network code is gone. We do not
    need to keep each ancient hack for specific hosts.
  * Handle redirections independently of the backend behind
  * Set proxy environment variables when --proxy is specified,
    for net123 backends to use.
  * Continue reading for long commands in generic control,
    avoiding unnecessary unfinished command errors.
  * Change error message from 'unknown command' to
    'unknown command with arguments' to avoid confusion why
    'help foo' is unknown, as opposed to 'help'.
  * Reduce CPU load while just waiting for terminal input.
  * Condense terminal control help output and excessive vertical
    whitespace in printouts.
  * Fix interaction of pause (looping) with buffer, adding
  - -pauseloop to set the loop interval.
  * Numeric option arguments are strictly checked now for
    conversion errors. This also catches -devbuffer, which was
    interpretd as -d 0 before. This also applies to out123.
  * Add same interruption handling to out123_write() as to
    unintr_write(), adding EAGAIN to fix bug 342 for certain
    ALSA setups.
  * Fix race condition to deadlock on buffer_sync_param() where
    parameters after the command byte got read as more commands.
    This got triggered easily by using the pause key in terminal
    mode with buffer (which was discouraged before because of
    buffer flushing). Generally, changing parameters with active
    buffer process was dangerous since libout123 entered the
  * some build fixes for compiler pickyness
  * Disable largefile renames also for non-sensitive POSIX

==== mtools ====
Version update (4.0.41 -> 4.0.42)

- update to 4.0.42:
  * Added postcmd attribute in drive description to allow to
    execute "device release" code automatically at end of
  * Code cleanup, signedness cleanup about directory entries

==== multipath-tools ====
Version update (0.9.1+52+suse.be8809e -> 0.9.2+59+suse.ac8942d)
Subpackages: kpartx libmpath0

- Update to version 0.9.2+59+suse.ac8942d:
  * Fix segfault in "multipath -t" command (boo#1204731)
- Update to version 0.9.2+57+suse.cf3c1e9:
  * Fix multipathd authorization bypass and symlink attack
    (bsc#1202739 CVE-2022-41973 CVE-2022-41974)
  * add multipath-dracut.conf: dracut config file to install
    tmpfiles.d/multipath.conf in initramfs
  * Use "queue_mode bio" for NVMeoF/TCP devices
  * Upstream bug fixes and hwtable updates
- Drop recompress.service, it just slows down build

==== nodejs-common ====
Version update (5.0 -> 5.1)

- Use NodeJS 19 as default for TW

==== ntfs-3g_ntfsprogs ====
Version update (2022.5.17 -> 2022.10.3)
Subpackages: libntfs-3g89 ntfs-3g ntfsprogs

- update to 2022.10.3 (bsc#1204734 CVE-2022-40284):
  * Rejected zero-sized runs.
  * Avoided merging runlists with no runs.

==== nvme-cli ====
Version update (2.1.2 -> 2.2.1)
Subpackages: nvme-cli-bash-completion nvme-cli-zsh-completion

- Update to version 2.2.1:
  * Added parsing for Solidigm telemetry observable data.
  * add item ddr_ecc_err_cnt in smart-log-add
  * build: Drop dependency on libuuid
  * build: Fix endian check for cross build
  * build: Remove unused uuid.wrap file
  * build: Remove unusned uuid.h include
  * completions: Add show-topology tab completion
  * fabrics: Honor JSON config file in connect-all command
  * fabrics: Trigger auto connect if config.json exists
  * fabrics: fix 'persistent' handling during connect-all with JSON file
  * fabrics: nvme config --modify depends on -n and -t argument
  * fabrics: re-read the discovery log page when a discovery controller reconnected
  * json: Support uint64 types serialization for older json-c versions
  * nvme, plugins: fix __u64 -> unsigned long long assumptions
  * nvme-print: Add missing values in id-ctrl for JSON output
  * nvme-print: Handle NULL hostid in JSON output
  * nvme-print: Output 128bit values as uint128 type instead of double
  * nvme-print: Print fguid as a UUID
  * nvme-print: Use uint128 JSON function for media_units_written
  * nvme-print: decode MI status values
  * nvme-print: decode status types
  * nvme-print: fix wrong json key
  * nvme: Add helper function to parse 16-bit comma separated list
  * nvme: Add nvme_cmd wrapper for get_features
  * nvme: Add show-topology command
  * nvme: Add wrapper for Format NVM
  * nvme: Add wrapper for Sanitize NVM
  * nvme: Add wrappers for Get Log page helpers
  * nvme: Add wrappers for Identify controller lists
  * nvme: Add wrappers for NS attach/detach
  * nvme: Add wrappers for NS management functions
  * nvme: Add wrappers for basic NS identify
  * nvme: Add wrappers for firmware commands
  * nvme: Fix set feature command to get feature identifier 0Dh length as zero
  * nvme: Introduce a union in struct nvme_dev for different transport types
  * nvme: Introduce nvme_cli_ wrappers, wrap identify and identify_ctrl
  * nvme: Make static nvme_dev private to open_dev(), use locals elsewhere
  * nvme: Masks SSTAT in sanize-log output
  * nvme: Remove static nvme_dev, allocate on open instead
  * nvme: Use correct print format specifier for sizeof arguments
  * nvme: Use local struct nvme_dev for show_registers & map_registers
  * nvme: check if cfg.metadata is NULL before passing it to strlen()
  * nvme: use helpers for checking status types
  * plugins/innogrit: Include timer.h
  * plugins/innogrit: add smart items for smart-log-add
  * plugins/micron-nvme: Use correct print format specifier for sizeof arguments
  * plugins/ocp: Include timer.h
  * plugins/ocp: Output 128bit values as uint128 type instead of double
  * plugins/ocp: pass struct nvme_dev to internal functions
  * plugins/seagate: Add support for OCP
  * plugins/toshiba: pass struct nvme_dev rather than fd + name
  * plugins/virtium: Output 128bit values as uint128 type instead of double
  * plugins/wdc: Add support for SN660 drive
  * plugins/wdc: Add type case for feature id
  * plugins/wdc: Output 128bit values as uint128 type instead of double
  * plugins/wdc: pass a struct nvme_dev around rather than a fd
  * plugins/wdc: pass struct nvme_dev rather than using global nvme_dev
  * plugins/ytmc: pass struct nvme_dev rather than fd + name
  * plugins: Use PRIu64 format specifier for 64bit types
  * print: Add Controller Ready Timeout Exceeded HW error code
  * solidgm: fix initialization warning
  * solidigm: Added parsing for telemetry customer screenable data
  * solidigm: Fix printf format for size_t variable
  * solidigm: Updated Telemetry parsing code to MIT license.
  * subprojects/libnvme: update for MI admin command coverage
  * tests: Update license to GPL-2.0-or-later
  * tree: Add NVMe-MI support
  * tree: Add dev_fd() helper
  * tree: Change nvme_dev from global to static
  * tree: Combine NVMe file descriptor into struct nvme_dev
  * tree: Move global device info to a single struct
  * tree: fail on non-negative return values from parse_and_open
  * udev: Add HOST_IFACE to udev rule
  * util/json.h: Add json_object_get_uint64 fallback implementation
  * util/json: Add 128 bit JSON helpers
  * util/types: Add 128 bit conversion helpers
  * util: Fix le128_to_cpu on big-endian
  * util: Fix le128_to_cpu on little-endian
  * util: Move common type conversion helpers into util section
  * utils/json: Add json_object_new_uint64 for json-c < 0.14
  * utils: Fix uint128_t usage
  * wdc:  OCP Log page updates and fixes
  * zns.c: report zones should be started after retrieved zone
- Handle suse-missing-rclink lint warnings by providing the symlinks
- Drop rpmlintrc as it is not needed anymore

==== ocfs2-tools ====

- ocfs2-tools: finish UsrMerge, install to /usr (bsc#1191084)
  + modify ocfs2_tools.spec to use %suse_version to replace %UsrMerge

==== okular ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: okular-spectre

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== openSUSE-build-key ====

- add the SUSE Container key in PEM format too to new
  /usr/share/pki/containers/ directory. (bsc#1204706)

==== openldap2 ====
Subpackages: libldap-data libldap2 openldap2-client

- bsc#1202931 - CVE-2022-31253 - Openldap start script allowed the ldap user
  to privilege escalate to root due to unbound chown commands.

==== openldap2-contrib-src ====

- bsc#1202931 - CVE-2022-31253 - Openldap start script allowed the ldap user
  to privilege escalate to root due to unbound chown commands.

==== openslp ====
Subpackages: libslp1 openslp-server

- Migration to /usr/etc: Saving user changed configuration files
  in /etc and restoring them while an RPM update.

==== openssl ====
Version update (1.1.1q -> 1.1.1s)

- updated to 1.1.s release

==== openssl-1_1 ====
Version update (1.1.1q -> 1.1.1s)
Subpackages: libopenssl1_1 libopenssl1_1-hmac

- Updated openssl.keyring with key A21FAB74B0088AA361152586B8EF1A6BA9DA2D5C
- Update to 1.1.1s:
  * Fixed a regression introduced in 1.1.1r version not refreshing the
    certificate data to be signed before signing the certificate.
- Update to 1.1.1r:
  * Fixed the linux-mips64 Configure target which was missing the
    SIXTY_FOUR_BIT bn_ops flag. This was causing heap corruption on that
  * Fixed a strict aliasing problem in bn_nist. Clang-14 optimisation was
    causing incorrect results in some cases as a result.
  * Fixed SSL_pending() and SSL_has_pending() with DTLS which were failing to
    report correct results in some cases
  * Fixed a regression introduced in 1.1.1o for re-signing certificates with
    different key sizes
  * Added the loongarch64 target
  * Fixed a DRBG seed propagation thread safety issue
  * Fixed a memory leak in tls13_generate_secret
  * Fixed reported performance degradation on aarch64. Restored the
    implementation prior to commit 2621751 ("aes/asm/ avoid
    32-bit lane assignment in CTR mode") for 64bit targets only, since it is
    reportedly 2-17% slower and the silicon errata only affects 32bit targets.
    The new algorithm is still used for 32 bit targets.
  * Added a missing header for memcmp that caused compilation failure on some

==== openssl-3 ====
Version update (3.0.5 -> 3.0.7)

- Temporary disable tests test_ssl_new and test_sslapi because they are
  failing in openSUSE_Tumbleweed
- Update to 3.0.7: [bsc#1204714, CVE-2022-3602,CVE-2022-3786]
  * Fixed two buffer overflows in punycode decoding functions.
    A buffer overrun can be triggered in X.509 certificate verification,
    specifically in name constraint checking. Note that this occurs after
    certificate chain signature verification and requires either a CA to
    have signed the malicious certificate or for the application to continue
    certificate verification despite failure to construct a path to a trusted
    In a TLS client, this can be triggered by connecting to a malicious
    server.  In a TLS server, this can be triggered if the server requests
    client authentication and a malicious client connects.
    An attacker can craft a malicious email address to overflow
    an arbitrary number of bytes containing the `.`  character (decimal 46)
    on the stack.  This buffer overflow could result in a crash (causing a
    denial of service).
    An attacker can craft a malicious email address to overflow four
    attacker-controlled bytes on the stack.  This buffer overflow could
    result in a crash (causing a denial of service) or potentially remote code
    execution depending on stack layout for any given platform/compiler.
  * Removed all references to invalid OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_RSA names for CRT
    parameters in OpenSSL code.
    Applications should not use the names OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_RSA_FACTOR,
    Use the numbered names such as OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_RSA_FACTOR1 instead.
    Using these invalid names may cause algorithms to use slower methods
    that ignore the CRT parameters.
  * Fixed a regression introduced in 3.0.6 version raising errors on some stack
  * Fixed a regression introduced in 3.0.6 version not refreshing the certificate
    data to be signed before signing the certificate.
  * Added RIPEMD160 to the default provider.
  * Ensured that the key share group sent or accepted for the key exchange
    is allowed for the protocol version.
- Update to 3.0.6: [bsc#1204226, CVE-2022-3358]
  * OpenSSL supports creating a custom cipher via the legacy
    EVP_CIPHER_meth_new() function and associated function calls. This function
    was deprecated in OpenSSL 3.0 and application authors are instead encouraged
    to use the new provider mechanism in order to implement custom ciphers.
  * OpenSSL versions 3.0.0 to 3.0.5 incorrectly handle legacy custom ciphers
    passed to the EVP_EncryptInit_ex2(), EVP_DecryptInit_ex2() and
    EVP_CipherInit_ex2() functions (as well as other similarly named encryption
    and decryption initialisation functions). Instead of using the custom cipher
    directly it incorrectly tries to fetch an equivalent cipher from the
    available providers. An equivalent cipher is found based on the NID passed
    to EVP_CIPHER_meth_new(). This NID is supposed to represent the unique NID
    for a given cipher. However it is possible for an application to incorrectly
    pass NID_undef as this value in the call to EVP_CIPHER_meth_new(). When
    NID_undef is used in this way the OpenSSL encryption/decryption
    initialisation function will match the NULL cipher as being equivalent and
    will fetch this from the available providers. This will succeed if the
    default provider has been loaded (or if a third party provider has been
    loaded that offers this cipher). Using the NULL cipher means that the
    plaintext is emitted as the ciphertext.
  * Applications are only affected by this issue if they call
    EVP_CIPHER_meth_new() using NID_undef and subsequently use it in a call to
    an encryption/decryption initialisation function. Applications that only use
    SSL/TLS are not impacted by this issue. ([CVE-2022-3358])
  * Fix LLVM vs Apple LLVM version numbering confusion that caused build
    failures on MacOS 10.11
  * Fixed the linux-mips64 Configure target which was missing the SIXTY_FOUR_BIT
    bn_ops flag. This was causing heap corruption on that platform.
  * Fix handling of a ticket key callback that returns 0 in TLSv1.3 to not send
    a ticket
  * Correctly handle a retransmitted ClientHello in DTLS
  * Fixed detection of ktls support in cross-compile environment on Linux
  * Fixed some regressions and test failures when running the 3.0.0 FIPS
    provider against 3.0.x
  * Fixed SSL_pending() and SSL_has_pending() with DTLS which were failing to
    report correct results in some cases
  * Fix UWP builds by defining VirtualLock
  * For known safe primes use the minimum key length according to RFC 7919.
    Longer private key sizes unnecessarily raise the cycles needed to compute
    the shared secret without any increase of the real security. This fixes a
    regression from 1.1.1 where these shorter keys were generated for the known
    safe primes.
  * Added the loongarch64 target
  * Fixed EC ASM flag passing. Flags for ASM implementations of EC curves were
    only passed to the FIPS provider and not to the default or legacy provider.
  * Fixed reported performance degradation on aarch64. Restored the
    implementation prior to commit 2621751 ("aes/asm/ avoid 32-bit
    lane assignment in CTR mode") for 64bit targets only, since it is reportedly
    2-17% slower and the silicon errata only affects 32bit targets. The new
    algorithm is still used for 32 bit targets.
  * Added a missing header for memcmp that caused compilation failure on some

==== osinfo-db ====
Version update (20220830 -> 20221018)

- Update to database version 20221018
- jsc#PED-2113 [Virt Tools] Refresh Virtualization Tools for Xen
  and KVM Management

==== oxygen5-sounds ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== pam-config ====
Version update (1.7 -> 1.8)

- Update to Version 1.8
  - Move systemd_home after all optional modules (#13)
  - Add pam_u2f support [bsc#1115512]

==== parley ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== pcsc-towitoko ====
Version update (2.0.7 -> 2.0.8)
Subpackages: libtowitoko2

- Update to 2.0.8
  * Merged fixes to upstream software comming from debian package
    version 2.0.7-8.3.
  * Corrected timeout value in atr reading that was set too low for
    certain cards (and particularly for Spanish DNIe national identity
  * New downlad page:
  * Cleaned README file.
  * The tarball name is now 'v2.0.8.tar.gz'
- Modified towitoko-destdir.patch
- Removed towitoko-2.0.7-install.diff towitoko-2.0.7-implicit-decls.patch
- Added towitoko-2.0.8-install.diff towitoko-2.0.8-implicit-decls.patch

==== php7 ====
Version update (7.4.32 -> 7.4.33)
Subpackages: php7-cli php7-ctype php7-dom php7-gd php7-gettext php7-iconv php7-json php7-mbstring php7-mysql php7-openssl php7-pdo php7-sqlite php7-tokenizer php7-xmlreader php7-xmlwriter

- version update to 7.4.33
  * This is security release that fixes an OOB read due to insufficient
    input validation in imageloadfont(), and a buffer overflow in
    hash_update() on long parameter.
  * CVE-2022-37454 [bsc#1204577], CVE-2022-31630 [bsc#1204979]

==== pim-data-exporter ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== pim-sieve-editor ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== pimcommon ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)
Subpackages: libKF5PimCommon5 libKF5PimCommonAkonadi5

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== pipewire ====
Subpackages: gstreamer-plugin-pipewire libpipewire-0_3-0 pipewire-alsa pipewire-modules-0_3 pipewire-pulseaudio pipewire-spa-plugins-0_2 pipewire-spa-tools pipewire-tools

- Fix regression with Dell WD15 Dock and others (bsc#1204719):

==== pkcs11-helper ====
Version update (1.28.0 -> 1.29.0)
Subpackages: libpkcs11-helper1

- Update to 1.29.0:
  * build: do not fail if slot evnets are disabled, thanks to Fabrice Fontaine.
  * core: do not assume standard objects supported by provider.
  * openssl: set back key into EVP for openssl-3 to work, thanks to apollo13.

==== plasma-browser-integration ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: plasma-browser-integration-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== plasma-nm5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: plasma-nm5-lang plasma-nm5-openconnect plasma-nm5-openvpn plasma-nm5-pptp plasma-nm5-vpnc

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== plasma5-addons ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: plasma5-addons-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.1:
  * runners/spellchecker: Fix config group name mismatch (kde#460899)

==== plasma5-desktop ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: plasma5-desktop-emojier

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.1:
  * kcms/tablet: Fix dragging components (kde#460376)
  * Revert "applets/taskmanager: make it harder to accidentally start a drag" (kde#460809)
  * [applets/digitalclock] Fix font size change when migrating from 5.25 (kde#460415)
  * kcms/mouse: Set preventStealing on the button capture
  * Use KeySequenceItem.captureFinished to notify a binding has been entered

==== plasma5-disks ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== plasma5-integration ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: plasma5-integration-plugin plasma5-integration-plugin-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== plasma5-openSUSE ====
Subpackages: plasma5-defaults-openSUSE plasma5-theme-openSUSE plasma5-workspace-branding-openSUSE sddm-theme-openSUSE

- Update to 5.26.2

==== plasma5-pa ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: plasma5-pa-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== plasma5-systemmonitor ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== plasma5-thunderbolt ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== plasma5-workspace ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: gmenudbusmenuproxy plasma5-session plasma5-session-wayland plasma5-workspace-lang plasma5-workspace-libs xembedsniproxy

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.1:
  * Revert "applets/notifications: allow screen reader to read notification body in FullRepresentation" (kde#460895)
  * runners/kill: Fix config group name mismatch (kde#460899)
  * [kcms/kcm_regionandlanguage] fix config not saved after clicking 'defaults' and 'save' (kde#460842)
  * disable automatic portal launching early on (kde#458865)
  * wallpapers/image: disable animated wallpaper on X11
  * wallpapers/image: fall back to default wallpaper when url is empty (kde#460692)
  * systemtray: Avoid dbus calls after exit (kde#460814)
  * Save layout immediately after a resolution change triggered relayout
  * Remove unnecessary heuristic relayout function call
  * Use KeySequenceItem.captureFinished to notify a binding has been entered (kde#459322)

==== plymouth ====
Version update (22.02.122+77.c09c651 -> 22.02.122+94.4bd41a3)
Subpackages: libply-splash-core5 libply-splash-graphics5 libply5 plymouth-dracut plymouth-lang plymouth-plugin-label plymouth-plugin-two-step plymouth-scripts plymouth-theme-bgrt plymouth-theme-spinner

- Update to version 22.02.122+94.4bd41a3:
  * plugins: label-freetype: Fixes calculation of line width.
  * plugins: label-freetype: Fix font alignment.
  * populate-initrd: Install label-freetype plugin into initrd if
  * plugins: Add FreeType-based label plugin.
  * ply-label: Don't crash if label plugin fails.
  * details: Don't replay boot buffer on serial consoles.
  * main: Add "reload" command.
  * ply-device-manager: Add plymouth.force-frame-buffer-on-boot
    parameter, allow to choose force framebuffer mode.
  * systemd: Add mkinitcpio support to
  * Rebase plymouth-only_use_fb_for_cirrus_bochs.patch;
    for build success.
  * Rebase plymouth-watermark-config.patch;
    for build success.
  * Drop 0001-Add-label-ft-plugin.patch;
    for already merged by upstream.
  * Drop 0002-Install-label-ft-plugin-into-initrd-if-available.patch
    for already merged by upstream.
  * Drop 0003-fix_null_deref.patch
    for already merged by upstream.
  * Drop 0004-label-ft-fix-alignment.patch
    for already merged by upstream.

==== polkit-default-privs ====
Version update (1550+20221018.7616c25 -> 1550+20221102.9f111fa)

- Update to version 1550+20221102.9f111fa:
  * allow local logged in users to change NetworkManager configuration,
    keyboard layout and locale settings without entering a password (in the
    easy profile).

==== polkit-kde-agent-5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: polkit-kde-agent-5-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== postgresql15 ====
Version update (15~rc2 -> 15.0)
Subpackages: libpq5 postgresql15-contrib postgresql15-llvmjit postgresql15-server

- Update to 15.0:
- Move pg_upgrade from *-contrib to *-server.
- Drop support for the 9.x versioning scheme.

==== powerdevil5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: powerdevil5-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== purple-plugin-pack ====
Version update (2.7.0 -> 2.8.0)
Subpackages: libpurple-plugin-pack libpurple-plugin-pack-lang pidgin-plugin-pack

- Update to 2.8.0:
  * Switched the build system from autotools to meson which also removed
    the need for
  * Set the glib dependency to versions >= 2.32.0.
  * Set the gtk dependency to versions >= 2.10.0.
  * Removed the irssi happy new year easter egg.
  * Removed xmms-remote as XMMS 1.x has been dead for quite some time.
  * Removed the autoprofile plugin as it was incomplete and unlikely to be
  * Removed the infopane plugin as it wasn't very useful.
  * Removed the talkfilters plugin as its dependencies are not typically
    packaged by distributions anymore.
  * Removed the Napster plugin as opennap hasn't been updated in 20 years.
  * Removed the xchat-chats plugin as it's kind of hacky and bundles a very
    old version of the xchat widget.
  * Removed the awaynotify plugin as it was incomplete and unlikely to be
  * Removed the buddy icon tools plugin as it was incomplete and unlikely to be completed.
  * Removed the buddytime plugin as it was incomplete and unlikely to be
  * Removed the chronic plugin as it was incomplete and unlikely to be
  * Removed the stocker plugin as the AOL servers it talked to have long since
    been shutdown.
  * Removed the smartear plugin as it was incomplete and unlikely to be
  * Removed the nomobility plugin as it was incomplete and unlikely to be
  * Removed the msglen plugin as it was incomplete and unlikely to be completed.
  * Removed the ignorance plugin as it was incomplete and unlikely to be
  * Removed the hideconv plugin as its functionality is in pidgin 2.3.0 and
  * Removed the findip plugin as it never really worked in the first place.
  * Removed the stress plugin as it didn't build by default.
- Remove patches:
  * purple-plugin-pack-fix-autoprofile-crash.patch
  * purple-plugin_pack-fix-warning.patch
- Update BuildRequires.
- Update URL and Source location.

==== python-Pillow ====
Version update (9.2.0 -> 9.3.0)

- update to 9.3.0
  * Limit SAMPLESPERPIXEL to avoid runtime DOS #6700
  * Initialize libtiff buffer when saving #6699
  * Inline fname2char to fix memory leak #6329
  * Fix memory leaks related to text features #6330
  * Use double quotes for version check on old CPython on Windows #6695
  * Remove backup implementation of Round for Windows platforms #6693
  * Fixed set_variation_by_name offset #6445
  * Fix malloc in _imagingft.c:font_setvaraxes #6690
  * Release Python GIL when converting images using matrix operations #6418
  * Added ExifTags enums #6630
  * Do not modify previous frame when calculating delta in PNG #6683
  * Added support for reading BMP images with RLE4 compression #6674
  * Decode JPEG compressed BLP1 data in original mode #6678
  * Added GPS TIFF tag info #6661
  * Added conversion between RGB/RGBA/RGBX and LAB #6647
  * Do not attempt normalization if mode is already normal #6644
  * Fixed seeking to an L frame in a GIF #6576
  * Consider all frames when selecting mode for PNG save_all #6610
  * Don't reassign crc on ChunkStream close #6627
  * Raise a warning if NumPy failed to raise an error during conversion #6594
  * Show all frames in ImageShow #6611
  * Allow FLI palette chunk to not be first #6626
  * If first GIF frame has transparency for RGB_ALWAYS loading strategy, use RGBA mode #6592
  * Round box position to integer when pasting embedded color #6517
  * Removed EXIF prefix when saving WebP #6582
  * Pad IM palette to 768 bytes when saving #6579
  * Added DDS BC6H reading #6449
  * Added support for opening WhiteIsZero 16-bit integer TIFF images #6642
  * Raise an error when allocating translucent color to RGB palette #6654
  * Added reading of TIFF child images #6569
  * Improved ImageOps palette handling #6596
  * Defer parsing of palette into colors #6567
  * Apply transparency to P images in ImageTk.PhotoImage #6559
  * Use rounding in ImageOps contain() and pad() #6522
  * Fixed GIF remapping to palette with duplicate entries #6548
  * Allow remap_palette() to return an image with less than 256 palette entries #6543
  * Corrected BMP and TGA palette size when saving #6500
  * Do not call load() before draft() in Image.thumbnail #6539
  * Copy palette when converting from P to PA #6497
  * Allow RGB and RGBA values for PA image putpixel #6504
  * Removed support for tkinter in PyPy before Python 3.6 #6551
  * Do not use CCITTFaxDecode filter if libtiff is not available #6518
  * Fallback to not using mmap if buffer is not large enough #6510
  * Fixed writing bytes as ASCII tag #6493
  * Open 1 bit EPS in mode 1 #6499
  * Removed support for tkinter before Python 1.5.2 #6549
  * Allow default ImageDraw font to be set #6484
  * Save 1 mode PDF using CCITTFaxDecode filter #6470
  * Added support for RGBA PSD images #6481
  * Parse orientation from XMP tag contents #6463
  * Added support for reading ATI1/ATI2 (BC4/BC5) DDS images #6457
  * Do not clear GIF tile when checking number of frames #6455
  * Support saving multiple MPO frames #6444
  * Do not double quote Pillow version for setuptools >= 60 #6450
  * Added ABGR BMP mask mode #6436
  * Fixed PSDraw rectangle #6429
  * Raise ValueError if PNG sRGB chunk is truncated #6431
  * Handle missing Python executable in ImageShow on macOS #6416

==== python-Twisted ====
Version update (22.4.0 -> 22.10.0)
Subpackages: python310-Twisted python310-Twisted-tls

- Update to 22.10.0:
  * Features
    + twisted.internet.defer.maybeDeferred will now schedule a coroutine
    result as asynchronous operation and return a Deferred that fires with
    the result of the coroutine.
    + Twisted now works with Cryptography versions 37 and above, and as a
    result, its minimum TLS protocol version has been upgraded to TLSv1.2.
    + The systemd: endpoint parser now supports "named" file descriptors. This
    is a more reliable mechanism for choosing among several inherited
  * Bugfixes
    + twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall.__repr__ will no longer raise
    AttributeError if the DelayedCall was created before debug mode was
    enabled. As a side-effect, twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall.creator is
    now defined as None in cases where previously it was undefined.
    + twisted.internet.iocpreactor.udp now properly re-queues its listener
    when there is a failure condition on the read from the socket.
    + twisted.internet.defer.inlineCallbacks no longer causes confusing
    StopIteration tracebacks to be added to the top of tracebacks
    originating in triggered callbacks.
    + The typing of twisted.internet.task.react no longer constrains the
    type of argv.
    + ContextVar.reset() now works correctly inside inlineCallbacks functions
    and coroutines.
    + Implement twisted.python.failure._Code.co_positions for compatibility
    with Python 3.11.
    + twisted.pair.tuntap._TUNSETIFF and ._TUNGETIFF values are now correct
    parisc, powerpc and sparc architectures.
    + twisted.web.vhost.NameVirtualHost will no longerreturn a NoResource
    error. (bsc#1204781, CVE-2022-39348)
  * Deprecations and Removals
    + Python 3.6 is no longer supported.
    + Twisted 22.4.0 was the last version with support for Python 3.6.
    + twisted.protocols.dict, which was deprecated in 17.9, has been removed.
- Remove Python 3.6 Requires.
- Drop patch skip-namespacewithwhitespace.patch, no longer required.
- Refresh all patches.

==== python-charset-normalizer ====
Version update (2.1.1 -> 3.0.0)

- Update to 3.0.0
  * Extend the capability of explain=True when cp_isolation contains at most two entries (min one), will log in details of the Mess-detector results
    Support for alternative language frequency set in charset_normalizer.assets.FREQUENCIES
    Add parameter language_threshold in from_bytes, from_path and from_fp to adjust the minimum expected coherence ratio
    normalizer --version now specify if current version provide extra speedup (meaning mypyc compilation whl)
  * Changed
    Build with static metadata using 'build' frontend
    Make the language detection stricter
    Optional: Module can be compiled using Mypyc to provide an extra speedup up to 4x faster than v2.1
  * Fixed
    CLI with opt --normalize fail when using full path for files
    TooManyAccentuatedPlugin induce false positive on the mess detection when too few alpha character have been fed to it
    Sphinx warnings when generating the documentation
  * Removed
    Coherence detector no longer return 'Simple English' instead return 'English'
    Coherence detector no longer return 'Classical Chinese' instead return 'Chinese'
    Breaking: Method first() and best() from CharsetMatch
    UTF-7 will no longer appear as "detected" without a recognized SIG/mark (is unreliable/conflict with ASCII)
    Breaking: Class aliases CharsetDetector, CharsetDoctor, CharsetNormalizerMatch and CharsetNormalizerMatches
    Breaking: Top-level function normalize
    Breaking: Properties chaos_secondary_pass, coherence_non_latin and w_counter from CharsetMatch
    Support for the backport unicodedata2

==== python-colorama ====
Version update (0.4.5 -> 0.4.6)

- update to 0.4.6:
  * Add alternative to 'init()',
    called 'just_fix_windows_console'. This fixes many longstanding problems
    with 'init', such as working incorrectly on modern Windows terminals, and
    wonkiness when init gets called multiple times. The intention is that it
    just makes all Windows terminals treat ANSI the same way as other terminals
    do. Many thanks the njsmith for fixing our messes.
  * Support Windows 10's ANSI/VT
    console. This didn't exist when Colorama was created, and avoiding us
    causing havok there is long overdue. Thanks to segeviner for the initial
    approach, and to njsmith for getting it merged.
  * Internal overhaul of package
    metadata declaration, which abolishes our use of the now heavily
    discouraged setuptools (and hence, setup.cfg and, in
    favor of hatchling (and hence pyproject.toml), generously contributed by
    ofek (author of hatchling). This includes dropping support Python3.5 and
    3.6, which are EOL, and were already dropped from setuptools, so this
    should not affect our users.
  * Attention to detail award to
    LqdBcnAtWork for a spelling fix in demo06

==== python-cryptography ====
Version update (38.0.1 -> 38.0.3)

- update to 38.0.3:
  - Updated Windows, macOS, and Linux wheels to be compiled
    with OpenSSL 3.0.7, which resolves CVE-2022-3602 and

==== python-importlib-metadata ====
Version update (4.12.0 -> 5.0.0)

- Update to version 5.0.0
  * #97, #284, #300: Removed compatibility shims for deprecated entry point interfaces.
- Update to version 4.13.0
  * #396: Added compatibility for PathDistributions originating from Python 3.8 and 3.9.

==== python-importlib-resources ====
Version update (5.9.0 -> 5.10.0)

- Update to v5.10.0
  * #203: Lifted restriction on modules passed to files. Now modules need not be a package and if a non-package module is passed,
    resources will be resolved adjacent to those modules, even for modules not found in any package. For example,
    files(import_module('')) will resolve resources found at the root. The parameter to files was renamed from 'package' to 'anchor',
    with a compatibility shim for those passing by keyword.
  * #259: files no longer requires the anchor to be specified and can infer the anchor from the caller's scope (defaults to the caller's module).

==== python-libvirt-python ====
Version update (8.8.0 -> 8.9.0)

- Update to 8.9.0
  - Add all new APIs and constants in libvirt 8.9.0
  - jsc#PED-620, jsc#PED-1540

==== python-numpy ====
Version update (1.21.6 -> 1.23.4)

- Update to 1.23.4
  * NumPy 1.23.4 is a maintenance release that fixes bugs
    discovered after the 1.23.3 release and keeps the build
    infrastructure current. The main improvements are fixes for
    some annotation corner cases, a fix for a long time
    nested_iters memory leak, and a fix of complex vector dot for
    very large arrays. The Python versions supported for this
    release are 3.8-3.11.
- Revert some spec-cleaner "Verschlimmbesserungen"
- Remove old unused directives for Python <=3.6 from specfile
- specfile:
  * remove patch numpy-fix-cpu_asimdfhm.patch, included upstream
  * update line numbers for other patches
  * require c++ compiler
- update to version 1.23.3:
  * #22136: BLD: Add Python 3.11 wheels to aarch64 build
  * #22148: MAINT: Update for Python 3.11.
  * #22155: CI: Test NumPy build against old versions of GCC(6, 7, 8)
  * #22156: MAINT: support IBM i system
  * #22195: BUG: Fix circleci build
  * #22214: BUG: Expose heapsort algorithms in a shared header
  * #22215: BUG: Support using libunwind for backtrack
  * #22216: MAINT: fix an incorrect pointer type usage in f2py
  * #22220: BUG: change overloads to play nice with pyright.
  * #22221: TST,BUG: Use fork context to fix MacOS savez test
  * #22222: TYP,BUG: Reduce argument validation in C-based
  * #22223: TST: ensure np.equal.reduce raises a TypeError
  * #22224: BUG: Fix the implementation of numpy.array_api.vecdot
  * #22230: BUG: Better report integer division overflow (backport)
- changes from version 1.23.2:
  * #22030: ENH: Add __array_ufunc__ typing support to the nin=1
  * #22031: MAINT, TYP: Fix np.angle dtype-overloads
  * #22032: MAINT: Do not let _GenericAlias wrap the underlying
  * #22033: TYP,MAINT: Allow einsum subscripts to be passed via
  * #22034: MAINT,TYP: Add object-overloads for the np.generic rich
  * #22035: MAINT,TYP: Allow the squeeze and transpose method to...
  * #22036: BUG: Fix subarray to object cast ownership details
  * #22037: BUG: Use Popen to silently invoke f77 -v
  * #22038: BUG: Avoid errors on NULL during deepcopy
  * #22039: DOC: Add versionchanged for converter callable behavior.
  * #22057: MAINT: Quiet the anaconda uploads.
  * #22078: ENH: reorder includes for testing on top of system
  * #22106: TST: fix test_linear_interpolation_formula_symmetric
  * #22107: BUG: Fix skip condition for
  * #22115: BLD: Build python3.11.0rc1 wheels.
- changes from version 1.23.1:
  * #21866: BUG: Fix discovered MachAr (still used within valgrind)
  * #21867: BUG: Handle NaNs correctly for float16 during sorting
  * #21868: BUG: Use keepdims during normalization in np.average
  * #21869: DOC: mention changes to max_rows behaviour in np.loadtxt
  * #21870: BUG: Reject non integer array-likes with size 1 in delete
  * #21949: BLD: Make can_link_svml return False for 32bit builds on
  * #21951: BUG: Reorder extern "C" to only apply to function
  * #21952: BUG: Fix KeyError in crackfortran operator support
- changes from version 1.23.0:
  * long changelog
- changes from version 1.22.4:
  * #21191: TYP, BUG: Fix np.lib.stride_tricks re-exported under
  * #21192: TST: Bump mypy from 0.931 to 0.940
  * #21243: MAINT: Explicitly re-export the types in numpy._typing
  * #21245: MAINT: Specify sphinx, numpydoc versions for CI doc builds
  * #21275: BUG: Fix typos
  * #21277: ENH, BLD: Fix math feature detection for wasm
  * #21350: MAINT: Fix failing simd and cygwin tests.
  * #21438: MAINT: Fix failing Python 3.8 32-bit Windows test.
  * #21444: BUG: add linux guard per #21386
  * #21445: BUG: Allow legacy dtypes to cast to datetime again
  * #21446: BUG: Make mmap handling safer in frombuffer
  * #21447: BUG: Stop using PyBytesObject.ob_shash deprecated in
    Python 3.11.
  * #21448: ENH: Introduce numpy.core.setup_common.NPY_CXX_FLAGS
  * #21472: BUG: Ensure compile errors are raised correclty
  * #21473: BUG: Fix segmentation fault
  * #21474: MAINT: Update doc requirements
  * #21475: MAINT: Mark npy_memchr with no_sanitize("alignment") on
  * #21512: DOC: Proposal - make the doc landing page cards more
  * #21525: MAINT: Update Cython version to 0.29.30.
  * #21536: BUG: Fix GCC error during build configuration
  * #21541: REL: Prepare for the NumPy 1.22.4 release.
  * #21547: MAINT: Skip tests that fail on PyPy.
- changes from version 1.22.3:
  * #21048: MAINT: Use "3.10" instead of "3.10-dev" on travis.
  * #21106: TYP,MAINT: Explicitly allow sequences of array-likes in
  * #21137: BLD,DOC: skip broken ipython 8.1.0
    ... changelog too long, skipping 70 lines ...

==== python-pbr ====
Version update (5.10.0 -> 5.11.0)

- Update to 5.11.0
  * Fix symbol identification in multiline message
  * Replace deprecated readfp method with read_file

==== python-psutil ====
Version update (5.9.2 -> 5.9.3)

- update to version 5.9.3:
  * Enhancements
    + 2040, [macOS]: provide wheels for arm64 architecture. (patch by
    Matthieu Darbois)
  * Bug fixes
    + 2116, [macOS], [critical]: `psutil.net_connections`_ fails with
    + 2135, [macOS]: Process.environ() may contain garbage data. Fix
    out-of-bounds read around sysctl_procargs. (patch by Bernhard
    + 2138, [Linux], [critical]: can't compile psutil on Android due
    to undefined ethtool_cmd_speed symbol.
    + 2142, [POSIX]: net_if_stats() 's flags on Python 2 returned
    unicode instead of str. (patch by Matthieu Darbois)
    + 2147, [macOS] Fix disk usage report on macOS 12+. (patch by
    Matthieu Darbois)
    + 2150, [Linux] Process.threads() may raise NoSuchProcess. Fix
    race condition. (patch by Daniel Li)
    + 2153, [macOS] Fix race condition in
    test_posix.TestProcess.test_cmdline. (patch by Matthieu Darbois)

==== python-pyOpenSSL ====
Version update (22.0.0 -> 22.1.0)

- Upstream post-release doc fix (gh#pyca/pyopenssl#1150)
  * The minimum cryptography version is now 38.0.x (and we now pin
    releases  against cryptography major versions to prevent future
- Add pyOpenSSL-pr1158-conditional-__all__.patch
- update to 22.1.0:
  * Remove support for SSLv2 and SSLv3.
  * The minimum ``cryptography`` version is now 37.0.2.
  * The ``OpenSSL.crypto.X509StoreContextError`` exception has been refactored,
    changing its internal attributes.
  * Add ``OpenSSL.SSL.Connection.set_verify`` and ``OpenSSL.SSL.Connection.get_verify_mode``
    to override the context object's verification flags.
  * Add ``OpenSSL.SSL.Connection.use_certificate`` and
    to set a certificate per connection (and not just per context)

==== python-pytz ====
Version update (2022.4 -> 2022.5)

- Update to 2022.5
  * IANA 2022e
  Squashed 'tz/' changes from 0fc8f915a..16bd7a384
    c4eb3fcf2 Release 2022e
    842ad565d Add Jordan URL from Brian Inglis
    3aa74b7f7 Jordan to switch from +02/+03 with DST to plain +03
    59aa97e8e Syria to switch from +02/+03 with DST to plain +03
    f29068291 Prefer UT for whole-hour UT transitions
    7f860c0fe Circa-1922 Mexico fixes
    ff2e2a09a Treat 1931 changes in Mexico as DST

==== python-requests ====

- allow using newest version of charset-normalizer (3.0+)
  * requests-allow-charset-normalizer-3.patch

==== python-typing_extensions ====
Version update (4.3.0 -> 4.4.0)

- Clean specfile from old cruft.
- Requires Python 3.7+
- Fix testsuite: Must test as module; don't need multibuild.
- Update Summary and Description
- Update to version 4.4.0
  * Add `typing_extensions.Any` a backport of python 3.11's Any class which is
    subclassable at runtime. (backport from python/cpython#31841, by Shantanu
    and Jelle Zijlstra). Patch by James Hilton-Balfe (@Gobot1234).
  * Add initial support for TypeVarLike `default` parameter, PEP 696.
    Patch by Marc Mueller (@cdce8p).
  * Runtime support for PEP 698, adding `typing_extensions.override`. Patch by
    Jelle Zijlstra.
  * Add the `infer_variance` parameter to `TypeVar`, as specified in PEP 695.
    Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.

==== python-urllib3 ====

- Fix pycache when undbundling six

==== python-zope.interface ====
Version update (5.4.0 -> 5.5.0)

- Update to version 5.5.0
  * Add support for Python 3.10 and 3.11 (as of 3.11.0rc2).
  * Add missing Trove classifier showing support for Python 3.9.
  * Add some more entries to zope.interface.interfaces.__all__.
  * Disable unsafe math optimizations in C code. See pull request 262.

==== python310 ====
Version update (3.10.7 -> 3.10.8)
Subpackages: python310-curses python310-dbm python310-tk

- Add CVE-2022-42919-loc-priv-mulitproc-forksrv.patch to avoid
  CVE-2022-42919 (bsc#1204886) avoiding Linux specific local
  privilege escalation via the multiprocessing forkserver start
- Add 98437-sphinx.locale._-as-gettext-in-pyspecific.patch to
  allow building of documentation with the latest Sphinx 5.3.0
- Update to 3.10.8:
  - Fix multiplying a list by an integer (list *= int): detect
    the integer overflow when the new allocated length is close
    to the maximum size.
  - Fix a shell code injection vulnerability in the example script. The script no
    longer uses a shell to run openssl commands. (originally
    filed as CVE-2022-37460, later withdrawn)
  - Fix command line parsing: reject -X int_max_str_digits option
    with no value (invalid) when the PYTHONINTMAXSTRDIGITS
    environment variable is set to a valid limit.
  - When ValueError is raised if an integer is larger than the
    limit, mention the sys.set_int_max_str_digits() function in
    the error message.
  - The deprecated mailcap module now refuses to inject unsafe
    text (filenames, MIME types, parameters) into shell
    commands. Instead of using such text, it will warn and act
    as if a match was not found (or for test commands, as if the
    test failed).
  - os.sched_yield() now release the GIL while calling
  - Bugfix: PyFunction_GetAnnotations() should return a borrowed
    reference. It was returning a new reference.
  - Fixed a missing incref/decref pair in
  - Fix overly-broad source position information for chained
    comparisons used as branching conditions.
  - Fix undefined behaviour in _testcapimodule.c.
  - At Python exit, sometimes a thread holding the GIL can
    wait forever for a thread (usually a daemon thread) which
    requested to drop the GIL, whereas the thread already
    exited. To fix the race condition, the thread which requested
    the GIL drop now resets its request before exiting.
  - Fix a possible assertion failure, fatal error, or SystemError
    if a line tracing event raises an exception while opcode
    tracing is enabled.
  - Fix undefined behaviour in C code of null pointer arithmetic.
  - Do not expose KeyWrapper in _functools.
  - When loading a file with invalid UTF-8 inside a multi-line
    string, a correct SyntaxError is emitted.
  - Disable incorrect pickling of the C implemented classmethod
  - Fix AttributeError missing name and obj attributes in       .
    object.__getattribute__() bpo-42316: Document some places   .
    where an assignment expression needs parentheses            .
  - Wrap network errors consistently in urllib FTP support, so
    the test suite doesn’t fail when a network is available but
    the public internet is not reachable.
  - Fixes AttributeError when subprocess.check_output() is used
    with argument input=None and either of the arguments encoding
    or errors are used.
  - Avoid spurious tracebacks from asyncio when default executor
    cleanup is delayed until after the event loop is closed (e.g.
    as the result of a keyboard interrupt).
  - Avoid a crash in the C version of
    asyncio.Future.remove_done_callback() when an evil argument
    is passed.
  - Remove tokenize.NL check from tabnanny.
  - Make Semaphore run faster.
  - Fix generation of the default name of
    tkinter.Checkbutton. Previously, checkbuttons in different
    parent widgets could have the same short name and share
    the same state if arguments “name” and “variable” are not
    specified. Now they are globally unique.
  - Update bundled libexpat to 2.4.9
  - Fix race condition in asyncio where process_exited() called
    before the pipe_data_received() leading to inconsistent
  - Fixed check in multiprocessing.resource_tracker that
    guarantees that the length of a write to a pipe is not
    greater than PIPE_BUF.
  - Corrected type annotation for dataclass attribute
    pstats.FunctionProfile.ncalls to be str.
  - Fix the faulthandler implementation of
    faulthandler.register(signal, chain=True) if the sigaction()
    function is not available: don’t call the previous signal
    handler if it’s NULL.
  - In inspect, fix overeager replacement of “typing.” in
    formatting annotations.
  - Fix asyncio.streams.StreamReaderProtocol to keep a strong
    reference to the created task, so that it’s not garbage
  - Fix handling compiler warnings (SyntaxWarning and
    DeprecationWarning) in codeop.compile_command() when checking
    for incomplete input. Previously it emitted warnings and
    raised a SyntaxError. Now it always returns None for
    incomplete input without emitting any warnings.
  - Fixed flickering of the turtle window when the tracer is
    turned off.
  - Allow asyncio.StreamWriter.drain() to be awaited concurrently
    by multiple tasks.
  - Fix broken asyncio.Semaphore when acquire is cancelled.
    ... changelog too long, skipping 14 lines ...
- Remove upstreamed test-int-timing.patch.

==== python310-core ====
Version update (3.10.7 -> 3.10.8)
Subpackages: libpython3_10-1_0 python310-base

- Add CVE-2022-42919-loc-priv-mulitproc-forksrv.patch to avoid
  CVE-2022-42919 (bsc#1204886) avoiding Linux specific local
  privilege escalation via the multiprocessing forkserver start
- Add 98437-sphinx.locale._-as-gettext-in-pyspecific.patch to
  allow building of documentation with the latest Sphinx 5.3.0
- Update to 3.10.8:
  - Fix multiplying a list by an integer (list *= int): detect
    the integer overflow when the new allocated length is close
    to the maximum size.
  - Fix a shell code injection vulnerability in the example script. The script no
    longer uses a shell to run openssl commands. (originally
    filed as CVE-2022-37460, later withdrawn)
  - Fix command line parsing: reject -X int_max_str_digits option
    with no value (invalid) when the PYTHONINTMAXSTRDIGITS
    environment variable is set to a valid limit.
  - When ValueError is raised if an integer is larger than the
    limit, mention the sys.set_int_max_str_digits() function in
    the error message.
  - The deprecated mailcap module now refuses to inject unsafe
    text (filenames, MIME types, parameters) into shell
    commands. Instead of using such text, it will warn and act
    as if a match was not found (or for test commands, as if the
    test failed).
  - os.sched_yield() now release the GIL while calling
  - Bugfix: PyFunction_GetAnnotations() should return a borrowed
    reference. It was returning a new reference.
  - Fixed a missing incref/decref pair in
  - Fix overly-broad source position information for chained
    comparisons used as branching conditions.
  - Fix undefined behaviour in _testcapimodule.c.
  - At Python exit, sometimes a thread holding the GIL can
    wait forever for a thread (usually a daemon thread) which
    requested to drop the GIL, whereas the thread already
    exited. To fix the race condition, the thread which requested
    the GIL drop now resets its request before exiting.
  - Fix a possible assertion failure, fatal error, or SystemError
    if a line tracing event raises an exception while opcode
    tracing is enabled.
  - Fix undefined behaviour in C code of null pointer arithmetic.
  - Do not expose KeyWrapper in _functools.
  - When loading a file with invalid UTF-8 inside a multi-line
    string, a correct SyntaxError is emitted.
  - Disable incorrect pickling of the C implemented classmethod
  - Fix AttributeError missing name and obj attributes in       .
    object.__getattribute__() bpo-42316: Document some places   .
    where an assignment expression needs parentheses            .
  - Wrap network errors consistently in urllib FTP support, so
    the test suite doesn’t fail when a network is available but
    the public internet is not reachable.
  - Fixes AttributeError when subprocess.check_output() is used
    with argument input=None and either of the arguments encoding
    or errors are used.
  - Avoid spurious tracebacks from asyncio when default executor
    cleanup is delayed until after the event loop is closed (e.g.
    as the result of a keyboard interrupt).
  - Avoid a crash in the C version of
    asyncio.Future.remove_done_callback() when an evil argument
    is passed.
  - Remove tokenize.NL check from tabnanny.
  - Make Semaphore run faster.
  - Fix generation of the default name of
    tkinter.Checkbutton. Previously, checkbuttons in different
    parent widgets could have the same short name and share
    the same state if arguments “name” and “variable” are not
    specified. Now they are globally unique.
  - Update bundled libexpat to 2.4.9
  - Fix race condition in asyncio where process_exited() called
    before the pipe_data_received() leading to inconsistent
  - Fixed check in multiprocessing.resource_tracker that
    guarantees that the length of a write to a pipe is not
    greater than PIPE_BUF.
  - Corrected type annotation for dataclass attribute
    pstats.FunctionProfile.ncalls to be str.
  - Fix the faulthandler implementation of
    faulthandler.register(signal, chain=True) if the sigaction()
    function is not available: don’t call the previous signal
    handler if it’s NULL.
  - In inspect, fix overeager replacement of “typing.” in
    formatting annotations.
  - Fix asyncio.streams.StreamReaderProtocol to keep a strong
    reference to the created task, so that it’s not garbage
  - Fix handling compiler warnings (SyntaxWarning and
    DeprecationWarning) in codeop.compile_command() when checking
    for incomplete input. Previously it emitted warnings and
    raised a SyntaxError. Now it always returns None for
    incomplete input without emitting any warnings.
  - Fixed flickering of the turtle window when the tracer is
    turned off.
  - Allow asyncio.StreamWriter.drain() to be awaited concurrently
    by multiple tasks.
  - Fix broken asyncio.Semaphore when acquire is cancelled.
    ... changelog too long, skipping 14 lines ...
- Remove upstreamed test-int-timing.patch.

==== qca-qt5 ====
Version update (2.3.4 -> 2.3.5)
Subpackages: libqca-qt5-2 qca-qt5-plugins

- BR ca-certificates-mozilla for the testsuite
- Have the devel package require the library
- Drop qca-2.3.0-fixDSA.patch, that was fixed in 2014 already by
  just disabling DSA
- Add upstream change:
  * 0001-hashunittest-run-sha384longtest-only-for-providers-t.patch
- Update to 2.3.5
  * find dependencies of Qca when the cmake package is used by a
  * Handle openssl without case5 support
  * Update rootcerts.pem
  * SafeSocketNotifier: fix socket FD type and remove signal
- Drop patch, merged upstream:
  * 0001-Make-filewatchunittest-much-quicker.patch

==== qemu ====
Subpackages: qemu-arm qemu-audio-spice qemu-block-curl qemu-block-rbd qemu-chardev-spice qemu-guest-agent qemu-hw-display-qxl qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci qemu-hw-display-virtio-vga qemu-hw-usb-host qemu-hw-usb-redirect qemu-hw-usb-smartcard qemu-ipxe qemu-ksm qemu-tools qemu-ui-curses qemu-ui-gtk qemu-ui-opengl qemu-ui-spice-app qemu-ui-spice-core qemu-vgabios

- qtests test are not realiable when run inside OBS builders, so
  let's disable that part of the testsuite for now. There is work
  ongoing to run it somewhere else (on dedicated hosts) to avoid
  loosing coverage. (bsc#1204566)
- Improve dependency handling (e.g., what's recommended vs. what's
- Add a subpackage (qemu-headless) that brings in all the packages
  that are needed for creating VMs with tools like virt-install
  or VirtManager, run either locally or from a remote host.
- Build fails due to exceeding 10 GB disk limit (10430 MB):
  raise disk space contraint to 12 GB

==== quagga ====
Subpackages: libospf0 libospfapiclient0 libzebra1

- Migration to /usr/etc: Saving user changed configuration files
  in /etc and restoring them while an RPM update.

==== raspberrypi-firmware ====
Version update (2022.10.18 -> 2022.10.26)

- Update to 13691cee9 (2022-10-26):
  * firmware: arm_loader: Add vcmailbox support for 256bit OTP
    customer device key
    See: raspberrypi/usbboot#163
  * firmware: il: video_encode: MJPEG is not conditional on

==== raspberrypi-firmware-config ====
Version update (2022.10.18 -> 2022.10.26)

- Update to 13691cee9 (2022-10-26):
  * firmware: arm_loader: Add vcmailbox support for 256bit OTP
    customer device key
    See: raspberrypi/usbboot#163
  * firmware: il: video_encode: MJPEG is not conditional on

==== raspberrypi-firmware-dt ====
Version update (2022.10.03 -> 2022.10.26)

- Update to 692039799e78 (2022-10-26)

==== remmina ====
Subpackages: remmina-plugin-rdp remmina-plugin-secret remmina-plugin-vnc

- Add libsoup_2_and_3_support.patch: support libsoup 3.0
- Build against libsoup 3 on Tumbleweed.

==== rgb ====
Version update (1.0.6 -> 1.1.0)

- Update to version 1.1.0
  * This release adds a new configure option --with-rgb-db-library to allow
    builders more control over which dbm or ndbm compatible library is used
    if --with-rgb-db-type is set to one of the non-default database options
    instead of the default of "text".  The --with-rgb-db-library option can
    allow use of libraries that are not normally searched for (gdbm_compat)
    or to bypass libraries we do normally search for (like Berkeley db).

==== rubygem-asciidoctor ====
Version update (2.0.17 -> 2.0.18)

updated to version 2.0.18
  see installed CHANGELOG.adoc
  == 2.0.18 (2022-10-15) - @mojavelinux
  * Propagate `:to_dir` option to document of AsciiDoc table cell (#4297)
  * Force encoding of attribute data passed via CLI to UTF-8 if transcoding fails (#4351) (*@zkaip*)
  * Add include role to link macro that replaces include directive when include is not enabled
  Bug Fixes::
  * Change internal `uriish?` helper to only detect a URI pattern at start of a string; avoids misleading messages (#4357)
  * Prevent highlight.js warning when no language is set on source block; don't call `highlightBlock` if `data-lang` attribute is absent (#4263)
  * Don't raise error if `Asciidoctor::Extensions.unregister` is called before groups are initialized (#4270)
  * If path is included both partially and fully, store it with true value (included fully) in includes table of document catalog
  * Reset registry if activate is called on it again (#4256)
  * Format source location in exception message when extension code is malformed
  * Fix lineno on reader when `skip-front-matter` attribute is set but end of front matter is not found
  * Fix `Asciidoctor::Cli::Invoker` constructor when first argument is a hash
  * Update default stylesheet to honor marker on unordered list when marker is defined on ancestor unordered list (#4361)
  === Details
  {url-repo}/releases/tag/v2.0.18[git tag] | {url-repo}/compare/v2.0.17\...v2.0.18[source diff]
  // end::compact[]

==== rubygem-bindata ====
Version update (2.4.12 -> 2.4.13)

updated to version 2.4.13
  see installed ChangeLog.rdoc
  == Version 2.4.13 (2022-10-16)
  * Relax over-strict parameter naming requirements.  Requested by

==== rubygem-bundler ====
Version update (2.3.23 -> 2.3.24)

updated to version 2.3.24
  see installed
  [#] 2.3.24 (October 17, 2022)
  [#]# Enhancements:
  - Only add extra resolver spec group for Ruby platform when needed [#5698](
  - Fix little UI issue when bundler shows duplicated gems in a list [#5965](
  [#]# Bug fixes:
  - Fix incorrect materialization on Windows [#5975](

==== rubygem-chef-utils ====
Version update (17.10.0 -> 18.0.169)

updated to version 18.0.169
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-dry-configurable ====
Version update (0.16.0 -> 0.16.1)

updated to version 0.16.1
  see installed
  [#]# 0.16.1 2022-10-13
  [#]## Changed
  - Restored performance of config value reads (direct reader methods as well as aggregate methods like `#values` and `#to_h`) to pre-0.16.0 levels (#149 by @timriley)
  [Compare v0.16.0...v0.16.1](

==== rubygem-dry-core ====
Version update (0.8.1 -> 0.9.1)

updated to version 0.9.1
  see installed

==== rubygem-dry-logic ====
Version update (1.2.0 -> 1.3.0)

updated to version 1.3.0
  see installed
  [#]# unreleased
  [#]## Added
  - `uri_rfc3986?` predicate that uses a better regexp than `uri?` (see #94 for more details) (@hieuk09)
  [#]## Changed
  - Deprecate `eql?` in favor of `is_eql?` (issue #92 via #98) (@solnic)
  - Deprecate `respond_to?` in favor of `interface?` (issue #73 closed via #99) (@solnic)
  [Compare v1.3.0...master](
  [#]# 1.3.0 2022-10-15
  [#]## Changed
  - Use zeitwerk for auto-loading (@solnic + @flash-gordon)
  [Compare v1.2.0...v1.3.0](

==== rubygem-dry-types ====
Version update (1.5.1 -> 1.6.1)

updated to version 1.6.1
  see installed
  [#]# 1.6.1 2022-10-15
  [#]## Changed
  - Fix issues with internal const_missing and Inflector/Module constants (@flash-gordon + @solnic)
  [Compare v1.6.0...v1.6.1](
  [#]# 1.6.0 2022-10-15
  [#]## Changed
  - Optimize `PredicateRegistry` for Ruby 2.7+ (see #420 for more details) (@casperisfine)
  - Use zeitwerk for auto-loading (@flash-gordon)
  [Compare v1.5.1...v1.6.0](

==== rubygem-excon ====
Version update (0.93.0 -> 0.93.1)

updated to version 0.93.1
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails ====
Version update (1.8.1 -> 1.9.0)

updated to version 1.9.0
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-google-protobuf ====
Version update (3.21.7 -> 3.21.9)

- cleanup gem2rpm.yml:
  - preamble:
  - this works for 2.5 and up just fine so disabling 2.7 is not
  - post install:
  - we do not need to set +x bit just because the file has a she
    bang line. it is clearly a library.
  - use print0/xargs -r0 to avoid any problems with paths with
- Add do-not-wrap.patch:
  * wrapping memcpy caused loading 'google/protobuf' to hang
updated to version 3.21.9
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-haml ====
Version update (6.0.6 -> 6.0.7)

updated to version 6.0.7
  see installed
  [#]# 6.0.7
  * `Haml::Engine` and `Haml::Template` use StringBuffer instead of ArrayBuffer
  * It seems more performant in many cases with recent Ruby versions.
  * `Haml::RailsTemplate` is not affected.

==== rubygem-hoe ====
Version update (3.25.0 -> 3.26.0)

updated to version 3.26.0
  see installed History.rdoc
  === 3.26.0 / 2022-10-20
  * 2 minor enhancements:
  * Added warning to bundled minitest/test_task.
  * Removed dead rcov plugin and added (simple)cov plugin.
  * 1 bug fix:
  * Fixed test task load path issue, prepend Hoe.include_dirs to ensure they come first.

==== rubygem-json-jwt ====
Version update (1.16.0 -> 1.16.1)

updated to version 1.16.1
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-mocha ====
Version update (1.15.0 -> 1.16.0)

updated to version 1.16.0
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-net-scp ====
Version update (3.0.0 -> 4.0.0)

updated to version 4.0.0
  see installed CHANGES.txt

==== rubygem-net-sftp ====
Version update (3.0.0 -> 4.0.0)

- New upstream release 4.0.0
  see installed CHANGES.txt

==== rubygem-nokogiri ====
Version update (1.13.8 -> 1.13.9)

updated to version 1.13.9
  see installed

==== rubygem-oauth2 ====
Version update (1.4.9 -> 2.0.9)

updated to version 2.0.9
  see installed
updated to version 2.0.7
  see installed
  [#]# [2.0.7] - 2022-08-22
  [#]## Added
  - [#629]( - Allow POST of JSON to get token (@pboling, @terracatta)
  [#]## Fixed
  - [#626]( - Fixes a regression in 2.0.6. Will now prefer the key order from the lookup, not the hash keys (@rickselby)
  - Note: This fixes compatibility with `omniauth-oauth2` and AWS
  - [#625]( - Fixes the printed version in the post install message (@hasghari)
updated to version 2.0.6
  see installed

==== rubygem-openid_connect ====
Version update (2.1.0 -> 2.2.0)

updated to version 2.2.0
  see installed
  [#]# [2.1.0] - 2022-10-10
  [#]## Changed
  - mTLS access token by @nov in

==== rubygem-pdf-reader ====
Version update (2.10.0 -> 2.11.0)

updated to version 2.11.0
  see installed CHANGELOG
  v2.11.0 (26th October 2022)
  - Various bug fixes
  - Expanded sorbet type annotations

==== rubygem-pg ====
Version update (1.4.3 -> 1.4.4)

updated to version 1.4.4
  see installed History.rdoc
  == v1.4.4 [2022-10-11] Lars Kanis <>
  - Revert to let libpq do the host iteration while connecting. #485
    Ensure that parameter `connect_timeout` is still respected.
  - Handle multiple hosts in the connection string, where only one host has writable session. #476
  - Add some useful information to PG::Connection#inspect. #487
  - Support new pgresult_stream_any API in sequel_pg-1.17.0. #481
  - Update Windows fat binary gem to PostgreSQL-14.5.

==== rubygem-rack-oauth2 ====
Version update (2.1.0 -> 2.2.0)

updated to version 2.2.0
  see installed
  [#]# [2.1.0] - 2022-10-10
  [#]## Added
  - accept local_http_config on Rack::OAuth2::Client#access_token! & revoke!  to support custom headers etc. by @nov in

==== rubygem-rdiscount ====
Version update ( -> 2.2.7)

updated to version 2.2.7
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-rspec-rails ====
Version update (5.1.2 -> 6.0.1)

updated to version 6.0.1
  see installed

==== rubygem-rubocop ====
Version update (1.36.0 -> 1.37.1)

updated to version 1.37.1
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-rubocop-ast ====
Version update (1.21.0 -> 1.23.0)

updated to version 1.23.0
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-temple ====
Version update (0.8.2 -> 0.9.1)

updated to version 0.9.1
  see installed CHANGES
  * Fix Slim's error in AttributeMerger due to 0.9.0's :capture_generator (#137)
  * Fix Temple::ERB::Engine's <%= to not escape and <%== to escape expressions
  * Require Ruby 2.5+ (#131)
  * Change default :capture_generator to self (#113)
  * Improve compatibility with Rails 7.1 (#135)
  * Support Rails 6.1's annotate_rendered_view_with_filenames
    with Temple::Filters::Ambles (#134)
  * Fix a crash in StringSplitter filter (#138)
  * Fix a warning by Object#=~ since Ruby 2.6 (#129)
  * Fix deprecated Tilt template mime type (#108)
  * Stop using deprecated EscapeUtils from Temple::Utils (#136)

==== rubygem-timers ====
Version update (4.3.4 -> 4.3.5)

updated to version 4.3.5
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-turbo-rails ====
Version update (1.3.0 -> 1.3.2)

updated to version 1.3.2
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-tzinfo-data ====
Version update (1.2022.4 -> 1.2022.5)

updated to version 1.2022.5
  no changelog found

==== rubygem-xdg ====
Version update (6.6.0 -> 6.6.2)

updated to version 6.6.2
  no changelog found

==== samba ====
Version update (4.17.1+git.270.17afe7cb6b -> 4.17.2+git.273.a55a83528b9)
Subpackages: libsamba-policy0-python3 samba-ad-dc-libs samba-client samba-client-libs samba-gpupdate samba-ldb-ldap samba-libs samba-libs-python3 samba-python3 samba-winbind samba-winbind-libs

- Update to 4.17.2
  * CVE-2022-3592 [SECURITY] samba: Wide links protection broken;
    (bso#15207); (bsc#1204499).
  * CVE-2022-3437 [SECURITY] samba: Buffer overflow in Heimdal
    unwrap_des3();(bso#15134); (bsc#1204254).

==== sddm ====
Subpackages: sddm-branding-openSUSE

- Add patch to avoid launching xdg-desktop-portal by accident:
  * 0001-disable-automatic-portal-launching.patch

==== sendmail ====
Subpackages: libmilter1_0

- Remove maybe perilous shell script code from sm-client.pre (boo#1202937)

==== sessreg ====
Version update (1.1.2 -> 1.1.3)

- Update to version 1.1.3
  * Fix spelling/wording issues
  * gitlab CI: add a basic build test
  * gitlab CI: stop requiring Signed-off-by in commits
  * Fix -Wstringop-truncation warnings in safe_strncpy()

==== sg3_utils ====
Version update (1.47+5.d13bc56 -> 1.48~20221101.6d3bd26)

- Update to new upstream version 1.48~20221101.6d3bd26:
  (pre-release sg3_utils-1.48 [20221101] [svn: r978])
  * sg_read_block_limits: fix granularity value, add --mloi option; sg_lib: add sg_ll_read_block_limits_v2(); sg_logs: json work
  * sg_stream_ctl: --get fix better; sg_rem_rest_elem: cleanup
  * sg_stream_ctl: fix --get indexing; fix some './configure --enable-debug' issues
  * sg_inq+sg_vpd: JSON updates
  * rescan-scsi-bus: speed large multipath scans
  * speed testonline()
  * add option --no-lip-scan
  * rescan-scsi-bus: sgdevice26: do not traverse sg class if scsi_device isnot added
  * fix handling of '-I <secs>' option
  * Prepare for removing /proc/scsi from the Linux kernel
  * sg_inq+sg_vpd: merge VPD page processing
  * sg_get_elem_status: change '--maxlen=' option default to 1056 (was 32), other cleanups
  * sg_rep_zones: add experimental --json[=JO] option and generation
  * sg_logs: add --exclude and --undefined options
  * zoned disk man page improvements
  * sg_rep_zones: add --statistics option
  * sg_read_buffer: add --eh_code= and --no_output options
  * sg_format: allow disk formats on ZBC (zoned) disks
  * sg_rep_zones: add --brief option and --find ZT option
  * sg_rep_density: new utility for decoding the response of Report density support command [ssc (tape)]
  * Zoned block device characteristics VPD page support

==== shaderc ====
Version update (2022.2 -> 2022.3)

- Update to release 2022.3
  * Implement default builtin constants needed for GL_EXT_mesh_shader.

==== shadow ====
Subpackages: libsubid4 login_defs

- bsc#1204811: Fix chage date format string regression
  * Add shadow-chage-format.patch
- Add shadow-prefix-overflow.patch:
  Fix buffer overflow when calling useradd with --prefix

==== signon-kwallet-extension ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== skanlite ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== spectacle ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== spice-gtk ====
Subpackages: libspice-client-glib-2_0-8 libspice-client-glib-helper libspice-client-gtk-3_0-5 typelib-1_0-SpiceClientGlib-2_0 typelib-1_0-SpiceClientGtk-3_0

- jsc#PED-2113 [Virt Tools] Refresh Virtualization Tools for Xen
  and KVM Management

==== sqlite3 ====
Version update (3.39.3 -> 3.39.4)
Subpackages: libsqlite3-0 sqlite3-tcl

- update to 3.39.4:
  * Fix a long-standing problem in the btree balancer that might,
    in rare cases, cause database corruption if the application
    uses an application-defined page cache
  * Enhance SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE so that it disallows
    CREATE TRIGGER statements if one or more of the statements in
    the body of the trigger write into shadow tables
  * Fix a possible integer overflow in the size computation for a
    memory allocation in FTS3.
  * Fix a misuse of the sqlite3_set_auxdata() interface in the ICU

==== step ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== strace ====
Version update (5.19 -> 6.0)

- Update to strace 6.0
  * Enhanced decoding of PTP_* ioctl commands.
  * Updated decoding of setns syscall.
  * Updated lists of BPF_*, BTRFS_*, FAN_*, ETH_P_*, KVM_*, NDTPA_*,
    NT_*, PERF_*, and TLS_INFO_* constants.
  * Updated lists of ioctl commands from Linux 6.0.

==== sudo ====
Version update (1.9.11p3 -> 1.9.12)
Subpackages: sudo-plugin-python

- Added sudo-CVE-2022-43995.patch
  * CVE-2022-43995
  * bsc#1204986
  * Fixed a potential heap-based buffer over-read when entering a password
    of seven characters or fewer and using the crypt() password backend.
- Update to 1.9.12:
  * Dropped sudo-1.9.10-update_sudouser_to_utf8.patch
  * Changes in Sudo 1.9.12:
  * Fixed a bug when logging the command’s exit status in intercept mode.
    The wrong command could be logged with the exit status.
  * For ptrace-based intercept mode, sudo will now attempt to verify that
    the command path name, arguments and environment have not changed from
    the time when they were authorized by the security policy. The new
    intercept_verify sudoers setting can be used to control this behavior.
  * Fixed running commands with a relative path (e.g. ./foo) in intercept
    mode. Previously, this would fail if sudo’s current working directory
    was different from that of the command.
  * Sudo now supports passing the execve(2) system call the NULL pointer
    for the argv and/or envp arguments when in intercept mode. Linux treats
    a NULL pointer like an empty array.
  * The sudoers LDAP schema now allows sudoUser, sudoRunasUser and
    sudoRunasGroup to include UTF-8 characters, not just 7-bit ASCII.
  * Fixed a problem with sudo -i on SELinux when the target user’s home
    directory is not searchable by sudo. GitHub issue #160.
  * Neovim has been added to the list of visudo editors that support passing
    the line number on the command line.
  * Fixed a bug in sudo’s SHA384 and SHA512 message digest padding.
  * Added a new -N (no-update) command line option to sudo which can be used
    to prevent sudo from updating the user’s cached credentials. It is now
    possible to determine whether or not a user’s cached credentials are
    currently valid by running:
    $ sudo -Nnv
    and checking the exit value. One use case for this is to indicate in a
    shell prompt that sudo is “active” for the user.
  * PAM approval modules are no longer invoked when running sub-commands in
    intercept mode unless the intercept_authenticate option is set. There is
    a substantial performance penalty for calling into PAM for each command
    run. PAM approval modules are still called for the initial command.
  * Intercept mode on Linux now uses process_vm_readv(2) and process_vm_writev(2)
    if available.
  * The XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP environment variable is now preserved by default.
    This makes it possible for graphical applications to choose the correct
    theme when run via sudo.
  * On 64-bit systems, if sudo fails to load a sudoers group plugin, it will
    use system-specific heuristics to try to locate a 64-bit version of the plugin.
  * The cvtsudoers manual now documents the JSON and CSV output formats.
    GitHub issue #172.
  * Fixed a bug where sub-commands were not being logged to a remote log server
    when log_subcmds was enabled. GitHub issue #174.
  * The new log_stdin, log_stdout, log_stderr, log_ttyin, and log_ttyout
    sudoers settings can be used to support more fine-grained I/O logging.
    The sudo front-end no longer allocates a pseudo-terminal when running a
    command if the I/O logging plugin requests logging of stdin, stdout, or
    stderr but not terminal input/output.
  * Quieted a libgcrypt run-time initialization warning. This fixes Debian
    bug #1019428 and Ubuntu bug #1397663.
  * Fixed a bug in visudo that caused literal backslashes to be removed from
    the EDITOR environment variable. GitHub issue #179.
  * The sudo Python plugin now implements the find_spec method instead of the
    the deprecated find_module. This fixes a test failure when a newer version
    of setuptools that doesn’t include find_module is found on the system.
  * Fixed a bug introduced in sudo 1.9.9 where sudo_logsrvd created the process
    ID file, usually /var/run/sudo/, as a directory instead of a
    plain file. The same bug could result in I/O log directories that end in six
    or more X’s being created literally in addition to the name being used as a
    template for the mkdtemp(3) function.
  * Fixed a long-standing bug where a sudoers rule with a command line argument
    of “”, which indicates the command may be run with no arguments, would also
    match a literal "" on the command line. GitHub issue #182.
  * Added the -I option to visudo which only edits the main sudoers file. Include
    files are not edited unless a syntax error is found.
  * Fixed sudo -l -U otheruser output when the runas list is empty. Previously,
    sudo would list the invoking user instead of the list user. GitHub issue #183.
  * Fixed the display of command tags and options in sudo -l output when the RunAs
    user or group changes. A new line is started for RunAs changes which means we
    need to display the command tags and options again. GitHub issue #184.
  * The sesh helper program now uses getopt_long(3) to parse the command line options.
  * The embedded copy of zlib has been updated to version 1.2.13.
  * Fixed a bug that prevented event log data from being sent to the log server when
    I/O logging was not enabled. This only affected systems without PAM or
    configurations where the pam_session and pam_setcred options were disabled in
    the sudoers file.
  * Fixed a bug where sudo -l output included a carriage return after the newline.
    This is only needed when displaying to a terminal in raw mode. Bug #1042.

==== supermin ====

- jsc#PED-2113 [Virt Tools] Refresh Virtualization Tools for Xen
  and KVM Management

==== suse-module-tools ====
Version update (16.0.23 -> 16.0.26)

* Revert "Split kernel scriptlets into separate sub-package"
  (that change broke some package builds on OBS)
- Update to version 16.0.25:
  * 80-hotplug-cpu-mem.rules: restrict cpu rule to x86_64 (bsc#1204423)
- Update to version 16.0.24:
  * Split kernel scriptlets into separate sub-package
    "suse-module-tools-scriptlets" on Tumbleweed

==== sweeper ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== syslogd ====
Version update (1.4.1 -> 1.5.1)
Subpackages: klogd syslog-service

- Update ot version 1.5.1
  ChangeLog for version 1.5.1
    Many thanks to Rainer Gerhards, rsyslog project lead, for
    identifying a problem with how rsyslog's rsyslogd and sysklogd's
    syslogd check for invalid priority values (CVE-2014-3634).
  ChangeLog for version 1.5
  * Fix file descriptor leak in klogd
  * Improve argument list processing
  * Prevent potential buffer overflow in reading messages from the
    kernel log ringbuffer
  * Ensure that "len" is not placed in a register, and that the endtty()
    signal handler is not installed too early which could cause a
    segmentation fault or worse
  * klogd will reconnect to the logger (mostly syslogd) after it went
    away during operation
  * On heavily loaded system syslog will not spit out error messages
    anymore when recvfrom() results in EAGAIN
  * Makefile improvements
  * Local copy of module.h
  * Improved manpage
  * Always log with syslogd's timezone and locale
  * Remove trailing newline when forwarding messages
  * Continue working properly if /etc/service is missing and ignore
    network activity
  * Continue writing to log files as soon as space becomes available
    again after a filled up disk
  * Removed test to detect control characters> 0x20 as this prevented
    characters encoded in UTF-8 to be properly passed through
  * Only resolve the local domain when accepting messages from remote
  * Properly accompany the MARK message with the facility
  * Improved daemonise routine in klogd to stabilise startup
  * klogd will not change the console log level anymore unless -c is given
  * Added back /usr/src/linux/ as fall-back location
  * Rewrite the module symbol parser to read from /proc/kallsyms
  * Notify the waiting parent process if the client dies
  * Complete rewrite of the oops kernel module for Linux 2.6
  * Only read kernel symbols from /proc/kallsyms if no
    has been read
  * Improved symbol lookup
  * Prevent named pipes from becoming the controlling tty
  * Fixing a race condition in syslogd discovered in UML
  * Improved README.linux
  * Added boundary checks in klogd
  * Don't block on the network socket in case of packet loss
  * Don't crash when filesize limit is reached (e.g. without LFS)
  * Fix spurious hanging syslogd in connection with futex and NPTL
    introduced in recent glibc versions and Linux 2.6 (details)
  * Improved syslog.conf(5) manpage
  * Use socklen_t where appropriate
  * Use newer query_module function rather than stepping through /dev/kmem.
  * Remove special treatment of the percent sign in klogd
- Remove patches now upstream solved
  * klogd-obsolete.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-fileleak.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-ksym.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-no_SO_BSDCOMPAT.diff
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-owl-crunch_list.diff
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-preserve_percents.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-utf8.patch
- Port patches
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-CVE-2014-3634.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-clearing.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-dgram.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-dns.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-dontsleep.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-forw.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-klogd24.dif
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-ksyslogsize.diff
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-large.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-nofortify.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-reload.dif
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-reopen.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-showpri.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-signal.dif
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-sparc.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-sysmap-prior-to-2.5.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-systemd-multi.dif
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-systemd-sock-name.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-systemd.dif
  * sysklogd-1.4.1-unix_sockets.patch
  * sysklogd-1.4.1.dif
  * sysklogd-ipv6.diff

==== systemd ====
Version update (251.6 -> 251.7)
Subpackages: libsystemd0 libudev1 systemd-container systemd-devel udev

- Import commit c212388f7de8d22a3f7c22b19553548ccc0cdd15 (merge of v251.7)
  For a complete list of changes, visit:
- specfile: reindent comments

==== systemsettings5 ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: systemsettings5-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.1:
  * Recognize SystemSettingsExternalApp again
- Drop patches, now upstream:
  * 0001-Recognize-SystemSettingsExternalApp-again.patch

==== tar ====
Subpackages: tar-rmt

- Fix unexpected inconsistency when making directory, bsc#1203600
  * tar-avoid-overflow-in-symlinks-tests.patch
  * tar-fix-extract-unlink.patch
- Update race condition fix, bsc#1200657
  * tar-fix-race-condition.patch
- Refresh bsc1200657.patch

==== tigervnc ====
Subpackages: libXvnc1 xorg-x11-Xvnc xorg-x11-Xvnc-module

- Release 1.12.0 supersedes the following patches still used with
  tigervnc 1.10.1 on sle15-sp4/Leap 15.4:
  * U_0003-Update-Surface_X11.cxx.patch
  * U_Handle-pending-data-in-TLS-buffers.patch

==== timezone ====
Version update (2022e -> 2022f)

- timezone update 2022f:
  * Mexico will no longer observe DST except near the US border
  * Chihuahua moves to year-round -06 on 2022-10-30
  * Fiji no longer observes DST
  * Move links to 'backward'
  * In vanguard form, GMT is now a Zone and Etc/GMT a link
  * zic now supports links to links, and vanguard form uses this
  * Simplify four Ontario zones
  * Fix a Y2438 bug when reading TZif data
  * Enable 64-bit time_t on 32-bit glibc platforms
  * Omit large-file support when no longer needed
  * In C code, use some C23 features if available
  * Remove no-longer-needed workaround for Qt bug 53071

==== timezone-java ====
Version update (2022e -> 2022f)

- timezone update 2022f:
  * Mexico will no longer observe DST except near the US border
  * Chihuahua moves to year-round -06 on 2022-10-30
  * Fiji no longer observes DST
  * Move links to 'backward'
  * In vanguard form, GMT is now a Zone and Etc/GMT a link
  * zic now supports links to links, and vanguard form uses this
  * Simplify four Ontario zones
  * Fix a Y2438 bug when reading TZif data
  * Enable 64-bit time_t on 32-bit glibc platforms
  * Omit large-file support when no longer needed
  * In C code, use some C23 features if available
  * Remove no-longer-needed workaround for Qt bug 53071

==== tracker ====
Version update (3.4.0 -> 3.4.1)
Subpackages: libtracker-sparql-3_0-0 tracker-data-files typelib-1_0-Tracker-3_0

- Update to version 3.4.1:
  + Fixes to VAPI file.
  + Fixes to IRI escaping checks in TrackerResource.
  + Move fts: prefix definition to base ontology.
  + Improve memory usage of already executed TrackerBatch objects
    for GC languages.
  + Replace deprecated egrep tool usage in bash completion script.
  + Fixes for memory leaks and invalid memory access.
  + Fix endpoint-side cancellation of client-side D-Bus cancelled
  + Updated translations.
- Drop tracker-no-egrep.patch: Fixed upstream.

==== tracker-miners ====
Version update (3.4.0 -> 3.4.1)
Subpackages: tracker-miner-files

- Update to version 3.4.1:
  + Warning fixes to gstreamer extractor.
  + Silence EXDEV warnings on FANotify monitor failures, likely in
    some systems.
  + New handled syscalls in seccomp: set_mempolicy, get_mempolicy,
  + Improve performance of lookups of related CUE files for
    gstreamer media.
  + Fix memory leaks.
  + Updated translations.

==== transactional-update ====
Version update (4.0.1 -> 4.1.0)
Subpackages: dracut-transactional-update libtukit4 transactional-update-zypp-config tukit tukitd

- Version 4.1.0
  - t-u: Add a "setup-kdump" command; implements [jsc#PED-1441]
  - Export TRANSACTIONAL_UPDATE_ROOT (the path to the snapshot) in
    the update environment; implements [jsc#PED-1078]
  - Add support for "notify" reboot method for desktop use
  - Fix kdump initrd recreation detection; the check was performed in the
    active snapshot instead of the target snapshot
  - Document register command [bsc#1202900]
  - Avoid unnecessary snapshots for register command [bsc#1202901]
  - Various optimizations for register command
  - Remove bogus error message when triggering reboot
  - Rework /etc overlay documentation in "The Transactional Update Guide"
  - Fix incorrect manpage formatting
  - Remove leftover "salt" reboot method in configuration example file
  - Replace deprecated std::mem_fn with lambdas

==== tumbler ====
Subpackages: libtumbler-1-0 tumbler-folder-thumbnailer tumbler-lang tumbler-webp-thumbnailer

- Exclude RAW thumbnailer on Leap 15.5+ as well

==== umbrello ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== unbound ====
Version update (1.16.3 -> 1.17.0)
Subpackages: libunbound8 unbound-anchor

- update to 1.17.0
  * Features
  - Merge #753: ACL per interface. (New interface-* configuration
  - Merge #760: PROXYv2 downstream support. (New proxy-protocol-port
    configuration option).
  * Bug Fixes
  - Fix #728: alloc_reg_obtain() core dump. Stop double
    alloc_reg_release when serviced_create fails.
  - Fix edns subnet so that scope 0 answers only match sourcemask 0
    queries for answers from cache if from a query with sourcemask 0.
  - Fix unittest for edns subnet change.
  - Merge #730 from luisdallos: Fix startup failure on Windows 8.1 due
    to unsupported IPV6_USER_MTU socket option being set.
  - Fix ratelimit inconsistency, for ip-ratelimits the value is the
    amount allowed, like for ratelimits.
  - Fix #734 [FR] enable unbound-checkconf to detect more (basic)
  - Fix to log accept error ENFILE and EMFILE errno, but slowly, once
    per 10 seconds. Also log accept failures when no slow down is used.
  - Fix to avoid process wide fcntl calls mixed with nonblocking
    operations after a blocked write.
  - Patch from Vadim Fedorenko that adds MSG_DONTWAIT to receive
    operations, so that instruction reordering does not cause mistakenly
    blocking socket operations.
  - Fix to wait for blocked write on UDP sockets, with a timeout if it
    takes too long the packet is dropped.
  - Fix for wait for udp send to stop when packet is successfully sent.
  - Fix #741: systemd socket activation fails on IPv6.
  - Fix to update config tests to fix checking if nonblocking sockets
    work on OpenBSD.
  - Slow down log frequency of write wait failures.
  - Fix to set out of file descriptor warning to operational verbosity.
  - Fix to log a verbose message at operational notice level if a
    thread is not responding, to stats requests. It is logged with
    thread identifiers.
  - Remove include that was there for debug purposes.
  - Fix to check pthread_t size after pthread has been detected.
  - Convert tdir tests to use the new skip_test functionality.
  - Remove unused testcode/ file.
  - Better output for skipped tdir tests.
  - Fix doxygen warning in respip.h.
  - Fix to remove erroneous TC flag from TCP upstream.
  - Fix test tdir skip report printout.
  - Fix windows compile, the identifier interface is defined in headers.
  - Fix to close errno block in comm_point_tcp_handle_read outside of
  - Fix static analysis report to remove dead code from the
    rpz_callback_from_iterator_module function.
  - Fix to clean up after the acl_interface unit test.
  - Merge #764: Leniency for target discovery when under load (for
    NRDelegation changes).
  - Use DEBUG_TDIR from environment in for debugging.
  - Fix string comparison in
  - Make ede.tdir test more predictable by using static data.
  - Fix checkconf test for dnscrypt and proxy port.
  - Fix dnscrypt compile for proxy protocol code changes.
  - Fix to stop responses with TC flag from resulting in partial
    responses. It retries to fetch the data elsewhere, or fails the
    query and in depth fix removes the TC flag from the cached item.
  - Fix proxy length debug output printout typecasts.
  - Fix to stop possible loops in the tcp reuse code (write_wait list
    and tcp_wait list). Based on analysis and patch from Prad Seniappan
    and Karthik Umashankar.
  - Fix PROXYv2 header read for TCP connections when no proxied addresses
    are provided.

==== usbutils ====
Version update (014 -> 015)

- update to 015:
  * usb-devices: list the root devices in numerical order
  * usb-devices: use 'local' variable type to handle recursion
  * lsusb: remove unused wireless check
  * lsusb: remove wireless descriptor information
  * usb-devices: fix field width on device speed field
  * lsusb: fix up Midi Device specification devices
  * Fix an runtime error reported by undefind sanitizer
  * lsusb: Improve status display for SuperSpeedPlus hubs
  * lsusb-t: Fix recursive sorting on child devices.

==== vim ====
Version update (9.0.0709 -> 9.0.0814)
Subpackages: gvim vim-data vim-data-common

- Updated to version 9.0.0814, fixes the following problems
  * Kitty terminal is not recognized.
  * GUI mouse scrollwheel mappings don't work.
  * Error if :echowin is preceded by a command modifier
  * readblob() returns empty when trying to read too much
  * Test for job writing to buffer fails
  * sonnet filetype detection has a typo
  * With 'smoothscroll' typing "0" may not go to the first column
  * 'langmap' works differently when there are modifiers
  * Filetype autocmd may cause freed memory access
  * Crash when trying to divice the largest negative number by -1
  * readblob() cannot read from character device.
  * The modifyOtherKeys flag is set when it should not.
  * In compiled function ->() on next line not recognized
  * Clang format configuration files are not recognized.
  * Order of assert function arguments is reverted.
  * readblob() always reads the whole file.
  * At the hit-Enter prompt the End and Home keys may not work.
  * Dummy buffer ends up in a window
  * User command does not get number from :tab modifier
  * Memory leak with empty shell command
  * ":!" doesn't do anything but does update the previous command.
  * OpenVPN files are not recognized.
  * 'scroll' value computed in unexpected location
  * The libvterm code is outdated.
  * Quickfix commands may keep memory allocated.
  * With a Visual block a put command column may go negative.
  * Indent and option tests fail.
  * Cannot use 'indentexpr' for Lisp indenting.
  * Display test for 'listchars' "precedes" fails
  * Line number not visisble with smoothscroll'', 'nu' and 'rnu'
  * No autocmd event for changing text in a terminal window
  * 'scrolloff' does not work well with 'smoothscroll'.
  * Crash when popup closed in callback
  * Alloc/free of buffer for each quickfix entry is inefficient
  * Wrong cursor position when using "gj" and "gk" in a long line.
  * In script in autoload dir exported variable is not found.
- Updated to version 9.0.0743, fixes the following problems
  * Virtual text "after" not correct with 'nowrap'.
  * Quitting/unloading/hiding a terminal buffer does not always work properly.
  * SubStation Alpha files are not recognized.
  * Wrong column when calling setcursorcharpos() with zero lnum.
  * <amatch> of MenuPopup event is expanded like a file name.
  * With 'nowrap' two virtual text below not displayed correctly.
  * Wrong argument for append() gives two error messages.
  * With 'nowrap' virtual text "after" does not scroll left.
  * Compiler warning for unused variable in tiny build.
  * Extra empty line between two virtual text "below" when 'wrap' and 'number'
  are set.
  * Too many delete() calls in tests.
  * Virtual text "above" with padding not displayed correctly.
  * Virtual text "after" does not show with 'list' set.
  * Extra empty line below virtual text when 'list' is set.
  * Closure in compiled function gets same variable in block.
  * Virtual text "after" wraps to next line even when 'wrap' is off and
  'list' is set.
  * Looping over list of lists and changing the list contents works in Vim9
  script, not in a compiled function.
  * Help in the repository differs from patched version too much.
  * extend() test fails.
  * The rightleft and arabic features are disabled.
  * Startup test fails with right-left feature.
  * clang-tidy configuration files are not recognized.
  * No check for white space before and after "=<<". (Doug Kearns)
  * Use of strftime() is not safe.
  * Cursor position invalid when scrolling with 'smoothscroll' set. (Ernie
  * Breakindent and scrolloff tests fail.
  * Quickfix listing does not handle very long messages.
  * Lisp word only recognized when a space follows.
  * Cannot suppress completion "scanning" messages.
  * Mouse column not correctly used for popup_setpos.
  * prop_add_list() gives multiple errors for invalid argument.
  * Cannot specify an ID for each item with prop_add_list(). (Sergey Vlasov)
  * Starting cscope on Unix does not quote the arguments correctly. (Gary

==== virt-manager ====
Subpackages: virt-install virt-manager-common

- jsc#PED-2113 [Virt Tools] Refresh Virtualization Tools for Xen
  and KVM Management

==== virt-v2v ====
Subpackages: virt-v2v-bash-completion

- jsc#PED-2113 [Virt Tools] Refresh Virtualization Tools for Xen
  and KVM Management

==== vte ====
Version update (0.70.0 -> 0.70.1)
Subpackages: libvte-2_91-0 typelib-1_0-Vte-2_91

- Update to version 0.70.1:
  + app:
  - Disconnect signal handlers on dispose.
  - Filter unwanted environment variables.
  + build:
  - Add define for darwin.
  - Fix netbsd define.
  + widget:
  - Don't consume right clicks on gtk4.
  - Implement clipboard for gtk4.
  * Updated translations.

==== vulkan-loader ====
Version update ( ->

- Update to release SDK-
  * Don't pass portability bit to ICDs that dont expect it.
  * Allow implicit layers for all API versions.

==== vulkan-tools ====
Version update ( -> 1.3.231)

- Update to release
  * Adapt to Vulkan 231 API, but otherwise no interesting changes
- Add 0001-cubepp-Fix-presentKHR-assert.patch

==== webkit2gtk3 ====
Version update (2.38.0 -> 2.38.1)
Subpackages: libjavascriptcoregtk-4_1-0 libwebkit2gtk-4_1-0 typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-4_1 typelib-1_0-WebKit2-4_1 webkit2gtk-4_1-injected-bundles

- Update to version 2.38.1:
  + Make xdg-dbus-proxy work if host session bus address is an
    abstract socket.
  + Use a single xdg-dbus-proxy process when sandbox is enabled.
  + Fix high resolution video playback due to unimplemented
    changeType operation.
  + Ensure GSubprocess uses posix_spawn() again and inherit file
  + Fix player stucking in buffering (paused) state for progressive
  + Do not try to preconnect on link click when link preconnect
    setting is disabled.
  + Fix close status code returned when the client closes a
    WebSocket in some cases.
  + Fix media player duration calculation.
  + Fix several crashes and rendering issues.

==== webkit2gtk3-soup2 ====
Version update (2.38.0 -> 2.38.1)
Subpackages: libjavascriptcoregtk-4_0-18 libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37 webkit2gtk-4_0-injected-bundles

- Update to version 2.38.1:
  + Make xdg-dbus-proxy work if host session bus address is an
    abstract socket.
  + Use a single xdg-dbus-proxy process when sandbox is enabled.
  + Fix high resolution video playback due to unimplemented
    changeType operation.
  + Ensure GSubprocess uses posix_spawn() again and inherit file
  + Fix player stucking in buffering (paused) state for progressive
  + Do not try to preconnect on link click when link preconnect
    setting is disabled.
  + Fix close status code returned when the client closes a
    WebSocket in some cases.
  + Fix media player duration calculation.
  + Fix several crashes and rendering issues.

==== xcb-util-cursor ====
Version update (0.1.3 -> 0.1.4)

- Update to version 0.1.4
  * Update README for gitlab migration
  * Add to EXTRA_DIST
  * Use AC_CONFIG_FILES to replace the deprecated AC_OUTPUT with parameters
  * Update m4 to xorg/util/xcb-util-m4@c617eee22ae5c285e79e81
  * gitlab CI: add a basic build test
  * configure: Drop AM_MAINTAINER_MODE
  * use quoted string variables
  * autogen: add default patch prefix
  * use exec instead of waiting for configure to finish
  * documentation: Call xcb_free_cursor() when done
  * Fix out-of-source builds

==== xdg-desktop-portal-kde ====
Version update (5.26.1 -> 5.26.2)
Subpackages: xdg-desktop-portal-kde-lang

- Update to 5.26.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.1

==== xdg-user-dirs ====
Version update (0.17 -> 0.18)

- update to 0.18:
  + Fixed minor leak
  + Updated translations
  + Documentation fixes

==== xerces-c ====
Version update (3.2.3 -> 3.2.4)

- update to 3.2.4:
  * [XERCESC-2195] - Invalid attribute in .gitattributes file
  * [XERCESC-2196] - cross-compiling issue
  * [XERCESC-2214] - Wrong delete[] in MemBufInputSource dtor
  * [XERCESC-2217] - ICUTranscoder::transcodeFrom buffer overflow
  * [XERCESC-2218] - CurlURLInputStream constructor memory leak
  * [XERCESC-2219] - XMLReader constructor: memory leak when refreshRawBuffer() throws
  * [XERCESC-2221] - InMemMsgLoader::loadMsg(): fix memory leak when transcoding fails
  * [XERCESC-2222] - DFAContentModel::checkUniqueParticleAttribution(): fix memory leak
  * [XERCESC-2223] - SAX2XMLReaderImpl::error(): potential memory leak
  * [XERCESC-2225] - Link to installed CMake targets of CURL
  * [XERCESC-2227] - Memleak fixes in ContentSpecNode and ComplexTypeInfo classes
  * [XERCESC-2228] - DFAContentModel: fix memory leaks when OutOfMemoryException occurs
  * [XERCESC-2229] - IGXMLScanner::scanDocTypeDecl(): fix memory leak on exception
  * [XERCESC-2230] - DFAContentModel::buildSyntaxTree(): fix memory leaks when OutOfMemoryException occurs
  * [XERCESC-2235] - DFAContentModel::buildDFA(): correctly zero-initialize fFollowList
  * [XERCESC-2236] - Dependencies aren't loaded when using provided CMake config package
  * [XERCESC-2241] - Integer overflows in DFAContentModel class
  * [XERCESC-2242] - Non-default curl location breaks autoconf link detection

==== xf86-input-mouse ====
Version update (1.9.3 -> 1.9.4)

- Update to version 1.9.4
  * Update bug URL for gitlab migration
  * Fix spelling/wording issues
  * gitlab CI: add a basic build test
  * gitlab CI: stop requiring Signed-off-by in commits
  * sun_mouse: Fix -Wsign-compare warnings
  * sun_mouse: Fix -Wnull-dereference warning
  * checkForErraticMovements: Fix -Wempty-body warnings
  * SetupMouse: fix -Wsign-compare warning
  * InputDriverRec: Fix -Wmissing-field-initializers warning
  * autoGood: quiet -Wimplicit-fallthrough warning
  * configure: check for timingsafe_memcmp
  * sun_mouse.c: #include "config.h"

==== xmlsec1 ====
Version update (1.2.34 -> 1.2.36)
Subpackages: libxmlsec1-1 libxmlsec1-nss1 libxmlsec1-openssl1

- Update to 1.2.36:
  * Retired the XMLSec mailing list "" and the
    XMLSec Online Signature Verifier.
- Update to 1.2.35:
  * Migration to OpenSSL 3.0 API (based on PR by @snargit). Note
    that OpenSSL engines are disabled by default when XMLSec
    library is compiled against OpenSSL 3.0. To re-enable OpenSSL
    engines, use "--enable-openssl3-engines" configure flag (there
    will be a lot of deprecation warnings).
  * The OpenSSL before 1.1.0 and LibreSSL before 2.7.0 are now
    deprecated and will be removed in the future versions of
    XMLSec Library.
  * Refactored all the integer casts to ensure cast-safety. Fixed
    all warnings and enabled "-Werror" and "-pedantic" flags on
    CI builds.
  * Added configure flag to use size_t for xmlSecSize (currently
    disabled by default for backward compatibility).
  * Moved all CI builds to GitHub actions.

==== xorg-x11-server ====
Subpackages: xorg-x11-server-Xvfb xorg-x11-server-extra xorg-x11-server-sdk

- Release 21.1 supersedes the following patches still used with
  xorg-x11-server 1.20.3 on sle15-sp4/Leap 15.4:
  * U_0002-DRI2-Add-another-Coffeelake-PCI-ID.patch
  * U_0002-Fix-crash-on-XkbSetMap.patch
  * U_0003-Fix-crash-on-XkbSetMap.patch
  * U_0003-dri2-Sync-i965_pci_ids.h-from-mesa.patch
  * U_0004-dri2-Set-fallback-driver-names-for-Intel-and-AMD-chi.patch
  * U_0005-dri2-Sync-i965_pci_ids.h-from-mesa-iris_pci_ids.h.patch
  * U_build-glx-Lower-gl-version-to-work-with-libglvnd.patch
  * U_glamor-Make-pixmap-exportable-from-gbm_bo_from_pixma.patch
  * U_hw_do-not-include-sys-io-with-glibc.patch
  * U_meson-Fix-another-reference-to-gl-9.2.0.patch
  * U_modesetting-Fix-broken-manpage-in-autoconf-build.patch
  * U_present-wnmd-Fix-use-after-free-on-CRTC-removal.patch
  * U_present-wnmd-Relax-assertion-on-CRTC-on-abort_vblank.patch
  * U_xfree86-Change-displays-array-to-pointers-array-to-f.patch
  * U_xfree86-Fix-NULL-pointer-dereference-crash.patch
  * U_xkbsetdeviceinfo.patch
  * u_sync-pci-ids-with-Mesa-21.2.4.patch
  * u_xf86-Accept-devices-with-the-simpledrm-driver.patch
  * u_xichangehierarchy-CVE-2020-14346.patch
  * u_xkb-CVE-2020-14345.patch
  * u_xkb-CVE-2020-14360.patch
- removed N_Disable-HW-Cursor-for-cirrus-and-mgag200-kernel-modules.patch
  * meanwhile cirrus and mgag200 Kernel drivers have been rewritten
    multiple times and no longer have (broken) hardware cursor
- u_xf86-Accept-devices-with-the-kernels-ofdrm-driver.patch
  * Add workaround to support ofdrm

==== xsetroot ====
Version update (1.1.2 -> 1.1.3)

- Update to version 1.1.3
  * Update README for gitlab migration
  * Update bug URL for gitlab migration
  * gitlab CI: add a basic build test
  * Variable scope reductions as recommended by cppcheck
  * Handle -Wsign-compare warnings
  * gitlab CI: stop requiring Signed-off-by in commits

==== xtables-addons ====
Version update (3.21_k6.0.3_1 -> 3.22_k6.0.7_1)

- Update to release 3.22
  * Support for up to Linux 6.1

==== xterm ====
Version update (373 -> 375)
Subpackages: xterm-bin xterm-resize

- update to 375:
  * improve error-recovery when setting a bitmap font for the VT100
    window, e.g., in case OSC 50 failed, restoring the most recent
    valid font so that a subsequent OSC 50 reports this correctly
  * exclude MC_XDG_OPEN from environment variables trimmed on
  * check for null pointer in isSelect()
- includes changes from 374:
  * change default for sixelScrolling resource to better match
    VT330/VT340 DECSDM setting
  * fix some gcc and coverity warnings.
  * improve memory usage for OSC 52
  * fix regression in xterm-373 change adding resources
    xftTrackMemUsage to xftMaxGlyphMemory, which did not first
    cache the server's resource-settings
  * fix regression in xterm-373 change for status-line vs
    alternate screen
  * modify configure checks for egrep/fgrep aliases to work around
    warning messages from GNU grep 3.8 boo#1203092

==== xwayland ====
Version update (22.1.3 -> 22.1.5)

- Update to version 22.1.5
  * This is a follow-up release to address a couple of regressions
    which found their way into the recent xwayland-22.1.4 release,
    + Double scroll wheel events with some Wayland compositors
    + Key keeps repeating when a window is closed while a key is pressed
- supersedes U_Do-not-ignore-leave-events.patch
- U_Do-not-ignore-leave-events.patch
  * fixes xwayland issue#1397, issue#1395
- Update to version 22.1.4
  * xwayland: Aggregate scroll axis events to fix kinetic scrolling
  * Forbid server grabs by non-WM on *rootless* XWayland
  * xkb: Avoid length-check failure on empty strings.
  * ci: remove redundant slash in libxcvt repository url
  * dix: Skip more code in SetRootClip for ROOT_CLIP_INPUT_ONLY
  * dix: Fix overzealous caching of ResourceClientBits()
  * xwayland: Prevent Xserver grabs with rootless
  * xwayland: Delay wl_surface destruction
  * build: Bump wayland requirement to 1.18
  * xwayland: set tag on our surfaces
  * xwayland: Clear the "xwl-window" tag on unrealize
  * xwayland: correct the type for the discrete scroll events
  * xkb: fix some possible memleaks in XkbGetKbdByName
  * xkb: length-check XkbGetKbdByName before accessing the fields
  * xkb: length-check XkbListComponents before accessing the fields
  * xkb: proof GetCountedString against request length attacks
- supersedes security patches:
  * U_xkb-fix-some-possible-memleaks-in-XkbGetKbdByName.patch
  * U_xkb-proof-GetCountedString-against-request-length-at.patch

==== yakuake ====
Version update (22.08.2 -> 22.08.3)

- Update to 22.08.3
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== yast2 ====
Version update (4.5.17 -> 4.5.18)
Subpackages: yast2-logs

- Improve logging in the ProductControl module, use the new
  "" call to group logs for each workflow step
- 4.5.18

==== yast2-add-on ====
Version update (4.5.1 -> 4.5.2)

- support 'repo' scheme for add-ons (jsc#SLE-22578, jsc#SLE-24584)
- 4.5.2

==== yast2-firstboot ====
Version update (4.5.4 -> 4.5.5)

- Compute properly dependencies of WSL GUI pattern (jsc#PM-3439)
- 4.5.5

==== yast2-iscsi-client ====
Version update (4.5.5 -> 4.5.6)

- Call external commands without path (bsc#1204959)
- 4.5.6

==== yast2-packager ====
Version update (4.5.5 -> 4.5.6)

- support 'repo' scheme for add-ons (jsc#SLE-22578, jsc#SLE-24584)
- 4.5.6

==== yast2-ruby-bindings ====
Version update (4.5.3 -> 4.5.4)

- Added "" method for grouping the log messages
- Update Rakefile to allow installing the Ruby files in inst-sys
  using the "yupdate" command
- 4.5.4

==== yast2-trans ====
Version update (84.87.20221016.284cfa770d -> 84.87.20221029.429a275094)
Subpackages: yast2-trans-af yast2-trans-ar yast2-trans-bg yast2-trans-bn yast2-trans-bs yast2-trans-ca yast2-trans-cs yast2-trans-cy yast2-trans-da yast2-trans-de yast2-trans-el yast2-trans-en_GB yast2-trans-es yast2-trans-et yast2-trans-fa yast2-trans-fi yast2-trans-fr yast2-trans-gl yast2-trans-gu yast2-trans-hi yast2-trans-hr yast2-trans-hu yast2-trans-id yast2-trans-it yast2-trans-ja yast2-trans-jv yast2-trans-ka yast2-trans-km yast2-trans-ko yast2-trans-lo yast2-trans-lt yast2-trans-mk yast2-trans-mr yast2-trans-nb yast2-trans-nl yast2-trans-pa yast2-trans-pl yast2-trans-pt yast2-trans-pt_BR yast2-trans-ro yast2-trans-ru yast2-trans-si yast2-trans-sk yast2-trans-sl yast2-trans-sr yast2-trans-sv yast2-trans-ta yast2-trans-th yast2-trans-tr yast2-trans-uk yast2-trans-vi yast2-trans-wa yast2-trans-xh yast2-trans-zh_CN yast2-trans-zh_TW yast2-trans-zu

- Update to version 84.87.20221029.429a275094:
  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)
  * New POT for text domain 'packager'.
  * New POT for text domain 'firstboot'.
  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)
  * New POT for text domain 'registration'.
  * New POT for text domain 'base'.
  * New POT for text domain 'add-on'.
- Update to version 84.87.20221023.365770fb5e:
  * Translated using Weblate (Czech)
  * Translated using Weblate (Czech)
  * Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
  * Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
  * Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
  * Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
  * Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
  * Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
  * Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
  * Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
  * New POT for text domain 'registration'.
  * New POT for text domain 'installation'.
  * New POT for text domain 'firstboot'.
  * New POT for text domain 'country'.
  * New POT for text domain 'network'.
  * New POT for text domain 'autoinst'.

==== zchunk ====
Version update (1.2.2 -> 1.2.3)

- update to 1.2.3:
  * Remove meson deprecation warning
  * Add license scan report and status
  * test/zck_cmp_uncomp: fix printf format types
  * meson: add option to build without docs
  * zck: declare write_data as static

==== zsh ====

- Add zsh-sh subpackage to offer Zsh users a "native" way to handle
  /bin/sh scripts and use an SH shell with the capabilities of Zsh
  itself to emulate a Bourne shell. An 'sh' symlink pointing to the
  Zsh binary is all that is needed for it to emulate the Bourne
  shell, it is similar to the use of `emulate sh` Zsh's built-in
  command or the `zsh --emulate sh` shell command.
- Drop deprecated use of install_info(_delete) post(un) macros. RPM
  file triggers have replaced their functionality since 2019.